Term 1 Week 6 | 5 March 2025
College News

Future-Ready Learning at Prince of Peace Lutheran College

At Prince of Peace Lutheran College, we believe that every student should learn, every day—and in 2025, we’re taking education to the next level.

We’re breaking new ground by reimagining what students learn and how they learn it. Our Middle and Senior campus have pivoted to equip students with the skills and knowledge they need for the future—because research shows that the next decade demands a different kind of education. The World Economic Forum’s insights into the Fourth Industrial Revolution (2025) reinforce this shift, and we’re using that research to stay ahead.

What Makes Us Different?

We are more than just a school—we are a launchpad for students to thrive in an evolving world. Our approach is shaped by student and parent voices, ensuring that every learner’s pathway is as unique as their potential. A special thank you to our PoP Connect Parent Liaisons, who recently helped shape the direction of our College—because strength comes through unity.

Real-World Pathways and Opportunities

We know that students thrive when they see a future they believe in. That’s why we empower them as active agents in their learning—giving them access to:
✅ Industry partnerships—Careers Expo showcasing pathways in media, drones, Defence Force careers, and more
✅ VET courses & micro-credentials to boost employability
✅ Apprenticeship scaffolding for hands-on learners
✅ Early & direct university entry for academic high-flyers
✅ Community connections that open doors to real-world experiences

Our Mission in Action

We will keep you informed about how we are shaping educational futures.  Join us for our Pathways Expo on 3 June on the Middle & Senior Campus.

Guided by our mission, Nurturing God-given potential through excellence in Christian co-education, we are weaving innovation, agility, and personalisation into every student’s journey. With contemporary learning pathways, we ensure that every learner is future-ready.

Join us as we shape the next generation of leaders, thinkers, and changemakers. Discover what’s possible at Prince of Peace Lutheran College in 2025!

Yours in Christ,

Dr Susan Carter
Head of College

PoP Run Club

Our Run Club is full steam ahead! Last run we had 48 participants which was a pretty great start!

We get together each Wednesday, 7am – 7:45am and run at the Middle & Senior Campus.

If you would like your Years 3-12 child/children to attend, please register your interest with Mrs Schneider or Miss Collman via SEQTA.


Middle & Senior Campus Open Morning — New Date

For the safety of our Prince of Peace Community and future families, we have made the decision to postpone our Year 7-12 Open Morning that was to be held this Friday 7 March 2025 to Friday 28 March 2025, due to the poor weather forecast for the end of the week.

We apologise for any inconvenience this may cause you. If you are unable to attend at the end of the month, I am happy to provide a personal tour of the Middle & Senior Campus once this storm event has passed. In the meantime, please feel free to contact Donna Cook if you have any questions: DCook@princeofpeace.qld.edu.au | Ph 07 3872 5710

Our PoP Picnic is back!

Enjoy some special time with your family and friends at our PoP Picnic on Friday 21 March 2025 from 3:30pm – 6:00pm. This fun-filled event will take place on the Junior Campus Oval (20 Rogers Parade West, Everton Park) and promises a great time for everyone. Enjoy food, games, and an inflatable slide, with plenty of delicious food options available for purchase, including Bunnings-style sausages, tasty cheese boxes for parents, and a Make Your Own Ice Cream/Sundae Bar for big kids and small kids alike!

If you would be willing to volunteer to help at this event for an hour or two, please sign up here »

A big thank you to our wonderful P&F for coordinating this event!

All Cheese Boxes need to be pre-ordered by Friday 14 March 2025

Each Cheese Box includes four varieties of seasonal fruit, 60g each of salami and kabana, 50g each of smoked cheese and brie, two assorted dips (50g each) and three types of crackers.

A link to make preorders will be provided to families shortly.


Congratulations Dr Carter

A huge congratulations to Dr Susan Carter on receiving the 2024 Citation for Outstanding Contributions to Student Learning! Throughout her time at the University of Southern Queensland, Dr Carter has used her research to inform best practices in education, including the creation of two Open Textbooks that provide students with free access to valuable knowledge.

Her work has not only made a lasting impact on learning and teaching locally but also on a global scale. This prestigious recognition, part of the Australian Awards for University Teaching, honors her significant, research-driven contributions to enhancing student learning. Well done, Dr Carter.

2025 Next Step Year 12 Completers Survey

All Year 12 completers from last year will soon receive an invitation to participate in the Next Step survey. This is their chance to help our school to understand the different pathways of the 2024 Year 12 students and to improve our senior programs and supports for future students.

The survey only takes five minutes and asks graduates about their study and work activities since finishing school.

As a thank you for participating, Year 12 completers who participate in the survey will be entered into a draw to win a MacBook Air.

We ask parents, siblings and friends to encourage our graduates to complete the survey. If their contact details have changed, please assist survey interviewers by providing their updated details or forward the survey to their new address so they can participate.

Graduates may receive an invitation by mail, email or phone. The survey can be completed online or by phone.

For more information about Next Step, including previous results, visit http://www.qld.gov.au/nextstep.

What Parents Want Survey

We want to find out what’s important to Prince of Peace Lutheran College parents. Why did you send your child to an independent school and how is Prince of Peace Lutheran College different from the others?

What Parents Want – an Independent Schools Queensland (ISQ) Survey examines the decision-making process parents undertake when choosing a school. The anonymous data will provide a framework for Prince of Peace Lutheran College to continue to meet the needs of our parents, while giving a strong basis on which to formulate strategy and decision-making in the future.

If you are a parent of a Prep, Year 7 or a new student, please complete this survey (approx. 15-20 minutes).

Survey closes 24 March 2025.

You’re Invited to the P&F Annual General Meeting

Join us for the 2025 P&F Annual General Meeting (AGM) and be part of shaping our College community! This is a great opportunity to hear about our achievements, share ideas, and get involved in making a difference for our students.

Date: 12 March 2025
Time: 7pm
Location: Prince of Peace Lutheran College, Middle & Senior Campus (Auditorium)

Come along to:

  • Hear updates on school projects and P&F initiatives
  • Have your say in future plans
  • Nominate for a role or vote for the new committee
  • Meet other parents and staff

Your voice matters, and we’d love to see as many parents as possible! Whether you’re a regular or new to the P&F, your input and support make a real difference.

For more details or to RSVP, please contact pandfsecretary@princeofpeace.qld.edu.au.

P&F Meeting Dates for 2025

All meeting dates are Wednesdays, commencing 7.00pm.

Term 1

March 12 (Middle & Senior Campus)

April 23 on fourth week of the month due to holidays (Junior Campus)

Term 2

May 14 (Middle & Senior Campus)

June 11 (Junior Campus)

Term 3

FYI:  State of Origin Dates: (G1 28 May | G2 18 Jun | G3 09 Jul)

July 16 on third week of the month due to holidays (Middle & Senior Campus)

August 20 on third week of the month due to Ekka public holiday (Junior Campus)

September 17 (Middle & Senior Campus)

Term 4

October 08 (Junior Campus)

November 12 (Middle & Senior Campus)

Ash Wednesday Service

Today, we explored the meaning of Ash Wednesday across the College. This morning, the Junior Campus gathered in The Shed, and each class brought with them their classroom cross to place on the altar.  During Pastoral Care time today, our Middle & Senior Campus gathered and our Chapel Band led us in song. Pastor Nick and Chappy Reilly reminded us of the meaning of Lent, and the freedom and goodness found in our Heavenly Father.

Ash Wednesday marks the beginning of Lent. Lent is the 40 Day season that represents Jesus’ time of temptation in the wilderness, where Jesus fasted and prayed. This morning, we looked at how the season of Lent invites us to participate in this part of Jesus’ story- making an intentional season of focus on Jesus’ life, ministry, sacrifice, and resurrection. There are many ways you might be intentional during this season of Lent.

Maybe you will give something up? Or maybe you will look to embrace something? This Lent, you might choose to take on 40 Days of Gratitude—taking time each day to appreciate the blessings in our lives, express thanks to others, and look for ways to serve our community with love, mercy and generosity. Or perhaps you will embrace 40 Days of Prayer- taking time each day to focus on talking with God and praying for people. Our God desires our heart’s attention, and we can always talk to Him. You may like to join in prayer with our friends at Australian Lutheran World Service (ALWS) by following their Lent prayer calendar; a guide for 40 days of prayer for justice, peace and reconciliation for those in broken countries in our world.

Even on our messiest days, our Heavenly Father loves us. His grace is good. And because of what Jesus has done for us, we have the opportunity to lead, live and embrace a forgiven life. And so, how will you embrace Jesus this Lent?

Reilly Brown
College Chaplain

Pre-Prep Connections – getting ready for Prep 2026

We are excited to introduce our Pre-Prep Connections Program—a nurturing and connections program designed to help you and your child build meaningful connections long before their first day of Prep. Through regular play-based activities, your family will enjoy fun, discovery-filled events that allow your child to meet new friends, explore their new environment, and connect with our College community. With 15 events throughout the year, there are plenty of opportunities to make connections long before Day 1 of Prep! Families interested in joining the College for Prep 2026 are invited to take part in one or more connection building activities being held in 2025. Activities include:

Super Saturday Interview Day

  • Saturday 15 March from 8:00am – 2:30pm.

Under 8s Day

  • Tuesday 20 May – This day is for our Kindy to Year 2 students and our Prep 2026 families.

Pre-Prep Connections Mornings

In the Library from 9am – 10am:

  • Monday 28 July
  • Tuesday 12 August
  • Wednesday 27 August
  • Thursday 11 September
  • Thursday 9 October
  • Monday 20 October
  • Wednesday 19 November

Discover Prep Afternoon

  • Wednesday 29 October from 3:30pm – 5:30pm

Prep Orientation Mornings

In Prep from 9am – midday

  • Friday 31 October
  • Thursday 6 November
  • Friday 7 November
  • Thursday 13 November
  • Friday 14 November

Pre-Prep Connections isn’t only about your child. It is also about you! Prep Connection Play Dates offer a great opportunity for you to meet other families and form lasting friendships.

2026 & 2027 Kindy Applications Filling Fast

Junior Campus News

Year 6 Leaders Installation

Congratulations Year 6 Student Leaders

Last Friday, our Year 6 Student Leaders were officially installed during chapel. The pinning of leadership badges by proud parents is always a highlight and as is the encouragement for these wonderful young people.

We were honored to have the State Member for Everton, the Honourable Tim Mander, join us and share an inspiring message about the importance of servant leadership with our Year 6 students and the PoP community.

As our Year 6 students begin their leadership journey, we asked our community to pray for them—granting them strength, wisdom, courage, and compassion.

Learning from Leaders – Councillor Tracy Davis Inspires Year 6

As our Year 6 students continued their leadership journey, we were privileged to welcome Brisbane City Councillor Tracey Davis to the Junior Campus on Wednesday. She presented Brisbane City Council pins to our School, Ministry, Outreach, and House Captains before staying to hear Year 6 students deliver their pitches for the 2025 projects and initiatives.

These student-led projects were developed from student and staff surveys to ensure they reflected the needs and interests of our community. Sitting at the feet of experienced community leaders like Councillor Davis, and member of our P&F Mrs Amie Butler provided invaluable insights for our students, helping them understand the real-world impact of leadership and service. The wisdom and encouragement shared highlighted the importance of these relationships in shaping future leaders who embody integrity, empathy, and a dedication to service.

Shrove Tuesday – A Sweet Start to Lent

Shrove Tuesday at PoP was a delicious celebration, with jam-smudged faces and the sweet scent of pancakes filling the air. This long-standing tradition marks the beginning of the Christian season of Lent—a time of reflection, prayer, and renewal, reminding us of the gift of grace given through Jesus. As we step into this sacred season, we are invited to embrace this grace, grow in faith, and extend kindness to others.

A special thank you to our wonderful P&F community and Chappy Reilly for their help in providing these delicious treats. Your generosity and support made this tradition even more meaningful for our students.

Be Blessed

Anne-Marie Schmidt
Head of Campus – Junior


ThinkUKnow Australia is an evidence-based education program led by the Australian Federal Police (AFP), delivered nationally in partnership with police and industry partners to prevent online child sexual exploitation.

We incorporate up-to-date research, real case studies and examples from reports made to the AFP-led Australian Centre to Counter Child Exploitation.

The program is pro-technology and addresses topics including self-generated child abuse material, online grooming, and sexual extortion, and importantly encourages help-seeking behaviour.

The program is a partnership with the AFP, Commonwealth Bank of Australia, Datacom and Microsoft Australia, and in collaboration with all State and Territory police and Neighbourhood Watch Australasia.

More information for parents and carers »

We will be holding a Parent Information Evening on Tuesday 11 March at 5:00pm at the Prince of Peace Church (Junior Campus). Our Junior Campus students will be participating in class-based sessions on Tuesday 11 March.

The Resiliency Project

Backflips Against Bullying: A Powerful Message in Action

Our Prep to Year 6 students were amazed by the high-energy Backflips Against Bullying performance, which combined jaw-dropping acrobatics with an important message about kindness and respect. Through exciting stunts and engaging storytelling, students learned practical ways to stand up against bullying and support their peers. The highlight of the show? Our very own Mrs. Stedman trying her hand at some tricks! The performance was not just entertaining—it empowered our students to be brave, inclusive, and positive role models in our school community.

Prince of Peace Lutheran Church Trivia Night

The PoP Church Trivia Night was a glorious evening filled with laughter, friendly competition, and impressive displays of knowledge! Teams battled it out, but in the end, “I Believe That…” took home the crown with their quick thinking and trivia prowess. Beyond the fun and fellowship, the night had a greater purpose—raising funds to establish a youth and adult mission trip to North Queensland. A huge thank you to everyone who joined in, making it an unforgettable night of community spirit!


Coreta Lennon
Deputy Head of Campus – Junior

As the Term Progresses…

We continue to see students thriving in their learning environments, embracing new challenges, and engaging in rich educational experiences. Our educators are dedicated to fostering a culture of success by providing clear guidance, setting high expectations, and nurturing a love for learning.

With a strong foundation in place, students are making the most of opportunities both inside and outside the classroom. We look forward to seeing their continued growth and celebrating their achievements throughout the term!

Understanding Student Assessment: Supporting Your Child’s Learning

Assessments are an important part of your child’s learning journey, helping teachers understand their progress and tailor support to their needs. While tests like NAPLAN and classroom assessments provide valuable insights, they are just one part of a bigger picture.

Next week is NAPLAN for our year three, five, seven and nine students. As NAPLAN approaches, we understand that some students may feel nervous about the assessments. We want to reassure you that NAPLAN is simply a tool to help us understand your child’s learning progress—it does not define their abilities or potential.

To support your child:

✅ Encourage a positive mindset—NAPLAN is just one part of their learning journey.

✅ Ensure they get plenty of rest and eat a healthy breakfast.

✅ Remind them to simply try their best — there are no pass or fail marks.

✅ Keep conversations calm and reassuring, focusing on effort rather than results.

Our priority is student wellbeing, and we will support them every step of the way. If you have any concerns, please reach out.

POPACTIVE with e-Sports @ PoP

On Tuesday, four of our Year Six students represented Prince of Peace at the FUSE Cup which is an international esports competition. They had big shoes to fill, with last year’s e-sports team taking out third place Nationally for Minecraft.

Tuesday’s competition was the State rounds for Mario Kart.

We are excited to announce that our team containing Jacob Collis, Benjamin Dempster, Nox Veentjer and Tomas Brown made it through to the quarter finals for the day. They also narrowly missed making the semi finals by 1 and 2 points.

Well done team PoP!

Naomi Walsh
Teacher – Learning Coach

Middle & Senior Campus News

Opening of our Very Own PoP Gym!

We were thrilled to open our new Middle and Senior Campus Fitness Gym and officially launch our partnership with TAFE in Schools Sport Academy for 2025 and beyond. We now have 20 students either studying Exercise Science at University or undertaking a Certificate 2, 3 or 4 in Sport Coaching and Fitness.  This is just one example of how we are accelerating career opportunities and future pathways through our MyPop Pathway bespoke program. A great way for our students to reach their aspirations by making connections to the real world.

I would like to thank Julie Grosas, Casey Veentjer, Gabrielle Collman, Robert Smith, Wendy Bowen for working in partnership with me as we co-created the vision and for the parents and students in supporting us with this vision becoming a reality!

If you would like to find out more about opportunities for your child in a sport pathway in Year 10,11 and 12 please contact Julie Grosas, Careers/VET Coordinator.

My PoP Pathway Student Stories — Bianca

How did you discover your passions at Prince of Peace?

I was interested in completing a Certificate III or IV whilst still at school, however, during one of my Career Counselling sessions, it was suggested that I could also explore the Head Start University Studies Program as a stepping stone into physiotherapy.

What are your aspirations for when you graduate from PoP?

I would like to be Physiotherapist which is why I chose the path of Exercise and Sports Science. So far this has been a great opportunity for me. I am currently considering studying Physiotherapy at The University of the Sunshine Coast (UniSC) as their ATAR requirement may be lower than some Brisbane universities. 2025 is the first year UniSC is offering Physiotherapy so I will need to see how it transpires.

What inspired you in your My PoP Pathway?

Being able to complete a subject in the Headstart University Program has inspired me to follow my dream. By completing the course I will gain eight additional QCE points plus I have already made friendships with other students who will be heading to the same Uni course in the future. I feel by completing this course one subject at a time it has helped to ease the pressures we face when entering a university for the first time. The best part is that I have been able to stay at Prince of Peace and will be able to graduate in the Class of 2025 with my peers.

Shrove Tuesday (Pancake Day)

Continuous Feedback (Progressive Reporting) and Parent/Teacher/Student Conversations Term 1

In building powerful partnerships, we have focussed on progressive reporting and continuous feedback to students and parents on learning. What this means is twice a term for each subject, students and parents will receive feedback via SEQTA on assessment for learning in real time. As parents, you will gain a notification through SEQTA that feedback has been updated, and you can check the feedback teachers have given.

This is our mode of reporting for this term and there will be two pieces of feedback by the end of Week 10. An end of Semester 1 report will be issued in Week 10 Term 2 that will report on overall grade for the semester, work habits for success and a pastoral care teacher comment.

We also have Parent, Teacher and Student Conversations which will be on Thursday 27 March from 3:30pm-7:30pm and Wednesday 2 April 3:30pm-7:30pm. The focus on these conversation times is for students and parents to be present with teachers. Bookings for these sessions will come out via SEQTA on Direct Message and we use an online booking system called SOBS.

At any time you wish to communicate with teachers about your child’s learning, please do not hesitate to contact individual subject teachers.

May this blessing from be with you these coming days: Timothy 4:22 “The Lord be with your spirit. Grace be with you.”

Every blessing,

Sarah Hoff-Zweck
Head of Campus – Middle and Senior

Geography Excursion and… a Student Rap!

On 19 February, Year 12 Geography took a trip to Fortitude Valley, to collect data on how people use the Valley Mall space. We will use this data to complete our IA2 reports which focuses on liveability/sustainability challenges faced in The Valley. We were joined by Mark and Donna from Brisbane Urban Environmental Education Centre, who conducted the excursion and assisted us in understating the data we were collecting and how to interpret the data. We conducted this data collection with John Paul College’s senior Geography class. After a day collecting information on the land use, temperature, infrastructure and demography of the Brunswick Street Mall, we travelled home to collate and clean the data. We all had so much fun—and now have so much data for our field reports.

Here is our rap from the day—we crafted this piece using complex poetic devices and clever linkages to capture our experience. We hope you enjoy this work of art as much as we do!

Nuki, Grace and Fairley
Year 12 students

The Valley With Vossy

Fortitude Valley, where do we start?

The streets of Brisbane, collected like art,

From Brooki to College; John Paul,

Plentiful sticky hands on the wall,

With Mark and Donna, comes a bundle of fun,

Down the streets of Fortitude Valley, we run,

We collected some data, of people and place,

Though against John Paul, it was a race,

In the train station we had a good munch,

We must say, Fortitude Valley serves a good lunch,

We bought a mud cake, she fell on the floor,

We bought another one, ’cause there’s always room for more,

We said bye to Donna, and Mark, the fleet,

Thank goodness they took us to Brooki for a treat,

Rolling out in style, the maxi taxi goes beep,

The excursion: a great memory to keep,

We pull into PoP after our trip,

In the Mercedes, this is crazy drip.

Robust engagement and learning opportunities

On Tuesday 25 February Mrs Ashoo Rajput our Maths and Science Curriculum Leader presented a detailed and insightful presentation to parents on the Maths curriculum, the Maths learning delivery model, the Math structure, and pedagogical strategies for Year 7 – 10 Maths learning on the Middle & Senior Campus. The Maths department has strongly embraced an explicit learning model which was introduced in 2024 and continues to build student engagement, improving student understanding and student learning outcomes in Math.

Learning outside the four walls of a classroom is paramount for students in making learning practical and ‘real’. These opportunities provide opportunities for rich deeper meaning making to occur, deeper understanding of content and ideas to occur and provide relevance to student classroom learning. Several opportunities are occurring in the next two weeks for our students across curriculum learning areas. Senior Biology students will be gathering data at Nudgee Beach for their upcoming Internal Assessment while the Senior Psychology students will be visiting the University of Queensland to study some of the diseases that occur in the brain and broader brain health issues.

Psychology is a keen subject for many of our senior students as it is a subject which can be used in many career pathways from medical, human resources, police force and education to name a few. We also have our Business students taking a trip to IKEA to investigate, experience and analyse IKEA’s business model, marketing, and supply chain.

Peace to you,

Wendy Bowen
Director of Teaching and Learning

Gideons International Visit

This term, Year 7 Christian Studies students have been exploring how God blesses His people with unique gifts and calls them to serve others. As part of this journey, we were privileged to welcome The Gideons International in Australia to Prince of Peace.

Each student received a personal copy of a Gideon’s Bible and learned about the incredible work of volunteers who distribute Bibles in over 139 languages worldwide.

This visit reinforced the idea that God calls people to use their gifts in acts of service, whether through ministry, volunteering, or professional careers. Students have been reflecting on vocation—the belief that God calls individuals to work for Him in many different roles. Whether as teachers, doctors, veterinarians, or lawyers, people serve others by using their talents to bring justice, healing, and education.

A highlight of the week was students creating their own quotes about vocation. Emily, Holly, and Lizzie beautifully captured the heart of this study:
“No one is ever unemployed, since everyone has the job of spreading God’s Word and being kind.”

As students continue their learning, we pray they feel inspired to use their gifts to serve God and make a difference in the world.

Sharon-Lee Grimes
Curriculum Leader – Christian Studies – Middle & Senior Campus

Sports Score

Junior Campus Sport

Please be aware in the best interests of the safety of all involved due to the unpredictability of the current weather situation, NISSA Gala Day #1 for this Friday has been cancelled.

Starting from this week in Physical Education classes, students will participate in physical activities designed to enhance fitness and endurance in preparation for their upcoming Fun Run and Cross-Country events:

  • K-2 Fun Run: Monday 17 March (Week 8)
  • Year 3-12 Cross Country Carnival: Tuesday 1 April (Week 10)

Jessica Schneider
Junior Campus PE Teacher & Sport Coordinator

Middle & Senior Campus Sport

Run Club

Well done to all students who attended our very first Run Club session last Wednesday!

We had a wonderful showing, with 48 students in attendance as well as a number of staff and parents in support.

Don’t forget that it is not too late to join in on the fun! We meet every Wednesday at 7am on the Middle and Senior Campus oval.


Interhouse Cross Country Carnival

The Interhouse Cross Country Carnival will be held on Tuesday 1 April, 2025 at Teralba Park. The tents and start/finish line will be located near the Mitchelton Football Club, off Osborne Road. This will allow us to use the canteen and bathroom facilities at the Club and moves us away from the very busy Pullen Road.

Students from Years 3 –12 are requested to be dropped off at Teralba Park from 8am and sit in their designated house areas. Alternatively, students across Years 3 – 12 may request transportation to Teralba Park via the College bus service from either Campus by notifying their respective administration office by Friday 28 March. Students who are booked into OSHC at the beginning of the day will be transported to the Carnival by bus soon after 8:00am.

The event is scheduled to be completed by approximately 1:30pm when students will then be transported via the College bus service, back to their Junior or Middle/Senior Campus. Families are also required to notify College administration if they request for their child to depart Teralba Park via private transport at the conclusion of the event. Parents/Caregivers are to sign students out at the First Aid Tent/Station from the event. Presentations for age groups will be made after the races at Teralba Park, including the winner of the overall Years 3 – 12 Inter-House Cross Country shield.

The final schedule will be included in the next edition of POPCORN.

If you require any more information, please contact myself via SEQTA or the Middle & Senior Campus via email receptionsc@princeofpeace.qld.edu.au

Gabrielle Collman
Middle & Senior Campus Teacher – Sports Coordinator

Music and the Arts

Middle & Senior Campus News from The Arts

Artists on Show Soiree

Tuesday 11 March 6pm – MSC Auditorium

Nominations will close on Friday 7 March.

Please put this date in your calendar. We have an amazing line up of exceptional work headlining this year’s program. Many of the students presenting are Year 12 students and this will be one of the last opportunities to witness this work within the College Community. It is truly wonderful to have all of the Arts involved this year and it has made the program so much richer. There is something for everyone!

Here at Prince of Peace, our Music Extra-Curricular Ensembles operate within the PoPENRICH pathway. As such they are a valued part of our College and it is an honour to enjoy the profound crossover they provide between our academic programs and current industry practice.

There are some changes afoot in this Extra-Curricular Program in the interest of currency and efficiency. You have watched me make these changes over the years and they are always driven by an intention to ensure that our investments are directed to ensembles with proven progress, participation, and application to College priorities. We have been in discussions with the College executive, the tutors and students involved to determine the most effective and efficient pathways. Over the next few weeks you will see some of these changes reflected in the SEQTA appointments. Please be alert for and attentive to these changes as they occur.

Remember that participation in extra-curricular activities is a privilege, not a right, and requires adherence to behavioural and participation expectations.

Learn more about the PoP Extra-Curricular Ensemble Program »

I appreciate all of you for taking the time to stay up to date on news of The Arts. I look forward to seeing you all soon.

Let’s get started and make some art!

Linda Brady
Curriculum Leader – The Arts on the Middle & Senior Campus

Church News & Notices


Sunday 9 March: 9am Worship

Sunday 16 March: 9am Worship

Please keep an eye on the Prince of Peace Church Facebook page for service updates.

Connect your families at Prince of Peace Church

GROW is taking on a fresh approach to meet the dynamic challenges of faith formation. This will perhaps look different than what you experienced in confirmation. The goal remains the same, to grow in the concepts and language that fosters faith and trust in God in a post church world. More info: https://princeofpeace.org.au/ministries/youth/pages/grow

First Communion

March 9

Holy communion is a special gift that Jesus gave to his church. It is a vital part of our church life. It gives us great comfort and strength. It unites us as one big church family. It celebrates all that Jesus has done for us.

PoP Church’s First Communion class invites parents to share in their child’s journey as they learn more about holy communion, and prepare to receive this special meal for the first time. It has been designed to complete four lessons together in your homes as well as two group sessions at church with other parents and children preparing for first communion.

Dates, details and registration can be found here »

Ash Wednesday

March 5 3:30pm or 7pm

You are invited to join the church for Ash Wednesday service. The service will include the Imposition of Ashes, a meaningful ritual where ashes are applied to the forehead in the shape of a cross. This symbolises our human frailty and imperfections while also reminding us of the forgiveness and hope found in the cross of Jesus.

Come and be part of this sacred tradition as we journey together through Lent. We hope to see you there!

New Sermon Series: Junk Drawer Jesus

Starting March 9

In our sermons on Sundays in March and April, we will encourage you to sort through your spiritual “junk drawer” with a discerning eye. Just like a real junk drawer, you might find some beliefs and ideas that are worth keeping, while others might need to be re-evaluated or discarded.

If you’re exploring faith or seeking a deeper understanding of the Christian gospel, ask yourself: Does this belief or idea connect me to Jesus?

Starting 9 March, join us on Sundays for worship to explore how we can create space for grace, eliminate the clutter, and keep a clear focus on Jesus.


Community News and Notices

2025 Convention of the Synod Art Competition

Calling all artists and aspiring artists!

The Lutheran Lay People’s League in conjunction with the Lutheran Church of Australia Qld District are hosting an art competition at this year’s 2025 Convention of the Synod.

The Lutheran Lay People’s League is sponsoring the LCAQD Synod Art Competition with the aim to inspire and celebrate creativity in the Queensland District.

Entrants must consider the Synod theme ‘Open Doors to Many Communities of Grace. One Church. One Purpose. Many Ministries’. (Revelation 3:7-12) as part of their submission.

There is a selection of age group categories for entrants, so that a diverse range of category winning artworks can be displayed during the 2025 Convention of the Synod.

Find out more about the competition categories and rules of entry »

Useful Links

College Calendar

Note: On some phones, this calendar may be best viewed  in landscape view (ie turning your phone sideways)