Term 3 Week 8 |  30 August 2022
College News

It’s a Busy Time of Term

It has been a busy few weeks around the College with plenty of various events happening at different times.  Book Week last week was a wonderful time, with some amazing costumes and characters walking around the College.  For the first time, our Kindy children came across to take part in the Book and Blanket event with the rest of the Junior School, something I know they thoroughly enjoyed.

A very big thank you to our P&F and volunteers who have worked very hard, not only across the last week to run the Father’s Day stall at various times on both campuses, but also in the lead up to this week and the ordering and organisation of the stalls so they can run as smoothly as possible for our students.  Later this week, too, our volunteer Tuck Shop will run again for our Junior School students, whisking their tastebuds off to Italy this time.

Over the past few weeks many of our musically-enhanced students have had opportunity to perform at several evening events coordinated by our Music staff, and next week also sees the annual Year 8 Musical taking place.  Our music and arts teachers are supported by some, likewise, very talented instrumental tutors that teach a variety of musical instruments from young year levels up.  It is a wonderful thing to be able to see the growth of these skills in our students, along with the chance to be able to entertain and perform, that is offered to them through these evenings.  The skills and discipline acquired from learning a musical instrument are extremely valuable and very often show a correlation to good attainment levels in higher year levels.

I did mention, just a fortnight ago, that we would see some activity on the new Multi-Purpose Hall on the Middle and Senior Campus starting this week.  Unfortunately, through happenings outside the control of the College, this has been delayed for several weeks.  Nothing has changed from the College’s perspective and we still hope to get works underway in the very near future.

Every blessing for the week ahead.

Simon Hughes
Head of College

This Coming Friday is a Normal School Day

For some schools, Friday 2 September 2022 is a pupil free day, however it is not a pupil free day for Prince of Peace.

On Friday 2 September 2022, the College will be open, and it will be business as usual for both the Junior and Senior Campus.

Intention to Leave Notifications

To assist with our 2023 planning, if your child will not be attending the College in 2023, please notify us in writing before Tuesday 4 October 2022. In doing so, it will ensure that you meet your contractual obligations. Please contact your Head of Campus or Donna Cook, Community Development and Enrolments Manager, if you have any questions.

Notifications can be sent to dcook@princeofpeace.qld.edu.au or school@princeofpeace.qld.edu.au

R U OK? Day

Thursday 8 September is R U OK? Day—a day dedicated to inspiring and empowering everyone to meaningfully connect with people around them, by asking the simple question “Are you OK?”. Now could be a great time to ask your child “are you OK?” and to support them in the event that they are struggling. Here at PoP on Thursday 8 September, we will also be reminding everyone that everyday is the day to ask “are you okay?”, you can help us to promote this cause and encourage your children to wear an item of yellow—eg in the form of a hair ribbon, wrist band, necktie, scrunchie, etc—to show their support.

Across both the Junior and Middle & Senior Campus, each pastoral care or class teacher will be running a different activity in their class groups to help raise awareness and give practical advice for students to support their friends.

As we all know, having a meaningful conversation with teenagers can be tricky. That’s why ReachOut Australia has created resources to help parents help their young people. Find out how you can effectively communicate with your child and some practical things to try to engage your teenager in a meaningful conversation by clicking the links below.

Fact Sheets for Parents and Carers

Junior Campus News

Learning Futures – Learning Now!

Over the past 6 months, I, along with Mrs Coreta Lennon and Mrs. Rebekah Bruyn have regularly joined other Lutheran Educators from across Australia with Louka Parry from The Learning Future to examine the needs of education in a constantly changing world. We can easily acknowledge that the world is changing at the fastest rate in human history, transforming the ways we live, work, and learn.

As a group we’ve been challenged by the discussions, research, data, and stories of educators striving to create learning environments and structures that develop students now and into the future—a future that needs to include an emphasis on learning, social and personal capabilities. It has been a privilege to learn in this space and be inspired by outstanding educators.

But what does this mean for our learning at PoP?

  • How do we need to change and consider what is happening for the benefit of the students in our care?
  • Do we consider what best practice was 20, 15 or even 10 years ago, is still best practice now?
  • What do we keep? What do we tweak? What do we transform?
  • What will our learning spaces look like in the future?

We have already started the journey:

  • The work our teachers are doing in Project Based Learning and Inquiry; linking subjects with key concepts that intersect with real world experiences is underway.
  • The way our students use technology as a tool in their learning has been in place for some time now.
  • The work of our Year 6 teaching team in Area 6 (formally the Library) who work in a collaborative and flexible way to benefit the needs of students.
  • The emphasis on communication skills, empathy, creativity, initiative, resilience, adaptability and collaboration as essential skills is being strengthened.

There is much to do as we walk together to prepare for the future.

Timetable Review

This term the staff have been looking closely at the structure of our timetable on the Junior Campus.  Is it meeting the needs of our students in their learning and playing?  Are there some tweaks we could make to improve learning? What evidence can we gather from other schools about the impact of possible changes?   We’ve come up with some ideas but nothing is set in concrete yet.  Here are a few of our initial thoughts.

  • A longer morning session for learning. Teachers have long known that productive periods of learning occurs in the morning when students are fresh. Students would be encouraged to bring a small “Munch and Crunch” healthy snack for the morning session and of course the class teacher would build in a movement break to keep the learning momentum.
  • Play and eating breaks of different lengths. First Break of the day is longer after the long learning session. The second play and eating break being shorter.  Less time in the hotter part of the day.
  • Eating at the end of playtime. Many schools have started this with the positive effect on a calmer entry back to class for lessons that follow the break.  Older students often settle and eat as they are not rushing off to play.

While this review is not finalised yet, we are considering some changes on the Junior Campus.  Please note the start and finish times of the school day will remain the same and the changes, once finalised will start in 2023.  Please let us know if you have any amazing ideas as we value your input too.

Farewell Mr Barben

It was with sadness that I accepted Mr Barben’s resignation this past fortnight. Mr Barben will leave PoP at the end of the year to work in Melbourne.

Mr Barben has had a positive impact on PE and Sport on the Junior Campus. Many a time I have bounced through their classes in The Shed, joined one of the skill rotations and heard encouragement for all things sport as students have thrived in the PE environment.  The number of students participating and trying out for District sports teams has increased this year and we’ve continued to participate in NISSA Gala Days and Carnivals.  Providing information and organising these events is a huge job and never easy, so thank you MJ.

I am sure you will join me in thanking Mr Barben for their work this year and pray every blessing for the adventure ahead.

Class Placements—2023

Most families across the College are aware of the cautious stance taken when inviting class placement requests from families. I have children of my own and understand how much they would love to be placed with their best friend, or a preferred teacher that a sibling may have had. I also realise how important it is for them to grow as individuals and not be reliant on others for their academic and social successes.

I encourage all families, as we enter the final term of the 2022 school year, to allow their children to grow spiritually, emotionally, academically, socially and independently as they transition to their new 2023 class. I strongly encourage parents to place faith in the judgments and insights that our teaching staff have into individual students and their school persona.

I have the highest regard for the insights that our teachers offer into the placement of students for the following year. I also have the highest regard for the quality and competency of each of our teaching staff in their professional capacity as educators. Each classroom teacher also seeks feedback from their students on their friends from this year. This assists with the construction of class lists for the following year.

As in previous years, any request for a specific classroom teacher will not be considered. As you can appreciate, staff movement amongst year levels is inevitable, and therefore specific teacher requests often become redundant. However, if you believe there is an important consideration (that sits outside of friendship and teacher requests) that needs to be taken into account when placing your child for 2023, please submit this request in writing to the attention of Mrs Anne-Marie Schmidt. My commitment to you is that such requests will be considered, however, please understand that no guarantees can be made.

Ultimately, I will be guided by our teaching staff and their knowledge of your child, as well as any pertinent information you may be able to provide in relation to your child’s specific learning needs. Please ensure that these requests are submitted in writing by Friday 14 October, 2022. Thank you for your assistance in ensuring the complex process of class placements for the 2023 school year is attended to in the most equitable and professional manner possible. Please be aware that once class placements have been allocated, there will be no further movement of class arrangements except in exceptional or uncontrollable circumstances.

Did You Love Book Week?

Thank you to everyone for participating in Book Week.  We looked amazing, we laughed, we had fun and we celebrated stories.  Thank you to the Year 6 students who read to us during Book and Blanket, to the School Captains who quizzed us during the parade, for parents who came and cheered and helped with the costumes and the Kindy for being super cute.

Be blessed,

Anne-Marie Schmidt
Head of Campus – Junior

Middle & Senior Campus News

Senior School Student Leaders

This week we have gathered in community to celebrate the beginning of our new Senior School Student Leaders’ journey for 2022/2023. We were blessed to be able to install our College Captains, Ministry and Outreach and House Captains with parents, fellow peers, staff, Prince of Peace Lutheran Church staff and members and state parliament members. The following is the message that I shared at this worship service:

At the start of the year in one of our first worship services together I shared the concept of living a hope-filled life and what this means and looks like. I talked about the hopes that we have for the future, and I shared the bible text from Jeremiah 29:11 which has been read today: For I know the plans I have for you declares the Lord, ‘plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.’

Living together in a Christ-centred community, we know that this hope is more than human desires such as ‘I hope for a better weather today, I hope for new pair of Nike air shoes or I hope the new vending machine will have iced coffee one day’. The deep hope that Jeremiah talks about is full of love, compassion, forgiveness, acceptance, courage, and dignity. These are the hope-filled qualities that Jesus shows us in the bible of how he served his people.

Our College Captains and Ministry Captains for 2021-2022 shared their hopes for our community at the start of the year in worship. I can remember the vision that Rosi, Talitha, Tyler, and Josie shared with us in building more connections in our community, after not being able to do this as much through the pandemic. They placed a call out to us all to live in community with each other.

Their hope and vision saw us raise money and donations for the St Vinnie’s Flood Appeal, more Inter-House activities in Pastoral Care time, Buddy Programs across the year levels, House Days that focused on learning more about the iconic sports people that our houses are named after and the Prep to Year 12 Themed Dress Up Day—which will become a new tradition. All of these experiences have shaped who we are and who we are becoming as a community.

Our student leaders for 2021-2022 have captured the soul of being in a Lutheran learning community, which comes from the hope from our Lord, who created us to live in relationship with each other. God makes us all unique and gives us purpose and life, and our lives are enriched through the peers we have, the teachers who guide us and the parents that shape us.

We have much to be thankful for through the blessings of our 2021-2022 Year 12 leaders who leave a rich legacy in our community, and today they pass this on to our new student leaders for 2022-2023.

A special rite of passage that our senior students collaborate on in their final year of education is selecting a theme for their year. The theme is about the aspirations that they have for themselves and the community that they lead and serve. The theme that Year 11 students have chosen for 2022-2023 is ‘Connected, Compassionate, Community’.

We are grateful that we have young people who are spiritually sensitive, people conscious, and who are keen to lead and serve in the way of Jesus. We encourage everyone here today to support the aspirations that the student leaders for 2022-2023 and Year 11 students have for the students, staff, and parents of Prince of Peace.

We ask that you pray for them as they seek to understand their hopes for the future and that God watches over them and guides them in discovering their potential.

Senior School Leadership Team for 2022/2023

CAPTAINS: Mikayla Swift & Asher Waverley-Smith

MINSITRY AND OUTREACH CAPTAINS: Laura Horsington & Kiara Blake

BRADMAN CAPTAINS: Indiana Brown & Jonas Forbes-Schutz

FRASER CAPTAINS: Holley Collis & William Hulcombe

JACKSON CAPTAINS: Keira Andretzke & Zach Fraser

LAVER CAPTAINS: Zane Cargill & Xavier Sivyer

Mt Binga Year 9 Camp

We continue to keep in our prayers and thoughts our Year 9 students at Mt Binga Camp. You can follow their journey on the Mt Binga Facebook page, and our College’s Facebook page. We also pray for families who are giving their children this opportunity in faith and courage.

Year 8 Musical

We look forward to the Year 8 Musical on Thursday 8 and Friday 9 September of Week 9 at Prince of Peace Lutheran Church, which students and staff have been preparing this term. We pray for courage, strength and passion in the final production as this is where the magic of the Arts all comes together.

Every blessing for the final weeks of term as we grow through challenge and reflect on the positive risk-taking that occurs through this process.

Sarah Hoff-Zweck
Head of Campus – Middle and Senior

Book Week Dress Up Day

Sports Score

Junior Campus Sport

Nate ‘The Superfish’ Christison Achieves More Success in the Pool

Nate has continued his recent success in the pool with some amazing performances at the Queensland State Championships earlier this month.

Nate achieved top ten places in both the 100m and 200m Freestyle and placed first in the 400m Freestyle. Nate now holds the very prestigious honour of being the 400m Freestyle Queensland State Champion.

Your hard work and dedication to your sport is extremely inspiring. We are so proud of everything you continue to achieve.

Harvey Twins Add to their Medal Haul in Canberra

Kaelan Harvey and Kirra Harvey have returned home after a very successful campaign at the Under 12 National Hockey Championships in Canberra. Kaelan and Kirra added to their medals from the state championships by putting in stellar performances.

Kirra’s Queensland Girls team were undefeated throughout the tournament and took home the gold medal and the title of National Champions.

Kaelan’s Queensland Boys team were also undefeated but fell agonisingly short with a one goal differential in favour of New South Wales, proving to be the decisive factor (yes Western Australia, we blame you!). Still a phenomenal achievement to secure a silver medal at a National Championship.

We are incredibly proud of you both and we can’t wait to see you line up for the Hockeyroos and Kookaburras in the future.

Around the Grounds @ Arana Hills Touch Football

The Arana Hills Season 2 Touch Football competition kicked off last week and it was so great to see many of our students get in and give it a go for the first time. All four teams played brilliantly and represented the school with pride and enthusiasm.

PoP Panthers Under 8 Mixed:

The PoP Panthers got their campaign off to a perfect start with a 5-2 victory over the Magpies. This was a phenomenal achievement since half of the team had never played a full touch football match previously. Kristoff Oberhardt was awarded man of the match after scoring several scintillating tries.

PoP Broncos Under 10 Boys:

The PoP Broncos were defeated by the Redbacks 0-3 in a very close encounter. Scores were locked at 0-0 at halftime, before three late tries in the second half proved to be the deciding factor. The Broncos showed plenty of grit and determination in defence and the game was a lot tighter than the final scoreline suggested. James Stedman was awarded man of the match on the back of some awesome defensive efforts.

PoP Cowboys Under 12 Girls:

The PoP Cowboys (who were named after the best NRL team in Queensland) lived up to their name by hammering the Bears 10-0. The girls played an exceptional match and were relentless in both defence and attack. Boasting a team full of experience and debutants, the Cowboys surged to the top of the ladder on points differential.

POP Storm Under 12 Boys:

The Storm were defeated by ‘2 Fast 2 Catch’ 5-9 in a very tight contest. Both teams had their opportunities but it was the opposition who capitalised on their chances that proved the difference. It was great to see the boys play so competitively against last season’s defending premiers. I’m certain we will see further improvements from the Storm as the season progresses.

Matthew Barben 
Junior Campus HPE and Sport

Middle & Senior Campus Sport

Met North Track and Field Carnival

Congratulations to the following athletes who attended the Met North Track and Field Carnival on 24-26 August at the UQ Sport Athletics Centre: Hannes Forbes-Schutz, Freya Forbes-Schutz, Jonas Forbes-Schutz, Addison Houslip, Kristjna Mikulec, Chloe Noon, Heidi Noon, Alex Schmidtchen, Finn Sorpassa, Dylan Turley, Luke Turner, Sean Turner and Harry Valencia.

It was the first time since 2019 that the carnival had been run and it was clear to see the students were relishing the chance to perform on a bigger stage. Lots of records were broken, with our very own Addison Houslip breaking the 1500m record by a whopping 6 seconds! As well as this result, Addie also won the 800m which will see her progress through to the State Championships for both events. Well done!

Joining Addie at the State Champs will be Heidi and Chloe Noon, with both girls qualifying for the 800m and 1500m. Chloe finished 2nd in the 1500m and 3rd in the 800m, with Heidi finishing 2nd in the 800m and 3rd in the 1500m. A wonderful achievement for both girls, particularly Heidi as it will be her last year competing at the event.

We are still awaiting confirmation from Met North about some other events, with a number of our students nominating for longer distance races as well as the steeplechase. We are hoping we hear about these in the coming days and will update you in the next POPCORN article.

Finally, a special thanks to Sue Noon, Rosemary Cameron, Katrina Voss and Rachel Denning for supporting our students throughout the carnival.

National Cross Country Championships

Congratulations to Hannes Forbes-Schutz and Jonas Forbes-Schutz who attended the National Cross Country Championships last week in South Australia. The boys performed well, in wet and muddy conditions. Well done gents!

StreetSmart Junior Boys Cricket Team

Our Junior Cricket team travelled out in Week 3 to Brendale Sporting Complex to play Ferny Grove State High School in a T20 match. The boys showed great enthusiasm and sportsmanship throughout the day in both preparation and play. Despite our Juniors unfortunately losing on the day, each of the boys expressed that they had a blast. Hopefully the boys that attended on the day are still as enthusiastic and committed in future, to come out swinging next year.

Well done to the following students for their participation in the competition: Thomas Gilfillan, Wyatt Handley, Isaac Jones, Thomas Quine, George Fletcher, Chris Doyle, Lucas Pattison, Eli Johnson, Declan Spain, Sam Tweedale and Taj Austin.

StreetSmart Open Boys Cricket Team

Our Open boys team travelled to Gympie on 29 August to participate in the Area Central Finals of the StreetSmart T20 competition. The team played their first game against Matthew Flinders Anglican College, who are a well-known team on the Sunshine Coast. We lost a few early wickets, before Ryan Pustolla and Ryan Eaglestone started to steady the ship. There was some good lower order batting from Lachlan Robson which helped us see out the 20 overs. Unfortunately, Matthew Flinders came in to bat and achieved our total within the 20 overs to take the win. Some good bowling was seen from Elijah Walsh, Ryan Eaglestone and Lucas Cantarella.

The second game of the day was against Shalom College, Bundaberg. Again we were able to take some early wickets, through Dylan Turley and Elijah Walsh, before their middle order struck up an entertaining partnership. Setting a rather imposing total, Elijah Walsh was the pick of our batters, top scoring on 29. He played some beautiful strokes and put the pressure back onto the fielding team. Unfortunately, it wasn’t enough to take the win, with Shalom bowling us out just before the end of the 20 overs. A special mention to Jeremy Schofield—Jeremy had never played cricket before and was active in the field and nearly managed to take a screamer of a catch. He also had a go at batting and managed to get a hit.

Well done to all members, you represented the College well: Elijah Walsh, Ryan Eaglestone, Ryan Pustolla, Lucas Cantarella, Toby Kenyon, Dylan Turley, Lachlan Robson, Nathan Lilly, Jeremy Schofield, Thomas Lefevre, Raggy Nagpal and Leon Fletcher.

All Schools Challenge: Aus Cycling

Best of luck to Thomas Tucker who will be competing on the Gold Coast this weekend in the Shimano National All Schools Cycling Challenge. Tom is a very talented BMX racer who will be looking to add this title to his already impressive resume. Good luck Tom!

Gabby Collman
Sports Coordinator
HPE, Science and Mathematics Teacher

Music and the Arts

Junior Campus Music News

Junior Campus Ensembles Music Concert

Congratulations to the ensembles of the Junior Campus who performed brilliantly in last Tuesday’s concert.

It’s always lovely to hear the development of the ensembles and soloists throughout the year. Thank you to all the tutors: Mr Darryl Bowers, Mr Lochie Dormer and Ms Joanne Leask for their continued support of the music program. Thanks also to Mr Mitchell Dormer and Mr Carl Bundesen who tutor piano and woodwind / brass respectively.

Instrumental Music

A reminder that if your child is unwell, or away from school for any reason, please contact the tutor on the morning of the lesson. This will give tutors time to rearrange other lessons if possible.

Classroom Music

Year 1s have been having fun learning to play Goodnight Sleep Tight on their iPad-pianos this week. Year 4 have also begun their STEAM project of making an instrument out of any materials. I look forward to seeing their wonderful creations in Week 10 and sharing some photos with you.

Should you have any questions about the instrumental, choral or classroom music program on the Junior Campus, please don’t hesitate to contact me.

Sherree Cudney
Junior Campus Music

Middle & Senior Campus Music News

70s Pop Gala Celebration of Music!

Let’s make music!

Linda Brady
Middle & Senior Campus Curriculum Leader of Music and Coordinator of Extra-Curricular Music

Church News & Notices


Sunday 4 September

9am Worship

Youth@PoP — 3:30 to 5pm.

5pm Together@5 

Please keep an eye on the Prince of Peace Church Facebook page for service updates.

Community News and Notices

Useful Links

College Calendar

Note: On some phones, this calendar may be best viewed  in landscape view (ie turning your phone sideways)