Term 4 Week 4 |  27 October 2021
College News

P&F Meeting

Our final P&F Meeting for the year is on Wednesday 10 November, in the Junior Campus Library at 7.00pm.  We have a very committed, but small, team of volunteers that work incredibly hard to support the College in providing a wonderful learning environment for your children.  From tuckshop, cookie dough and bookclub to Mother’s and Father’s Day stalls, we are always looking for additional support and ideas.  All are welcome.

World Teachers Day

World Teachers Day was established in 1994 by UNESCO and was designed to help give the world a better understanding of teachers and the role they play in the development of students and society.

Officially, World Teachers Day (in Australia) is this Friday—but that’s our Ekka Show Day holiday this year, so we recognised it today—Wednesday 27 October—here at Prince of Peace.  Our children are blessed to have such a dedicated and hard working teaching team and we thank them for all they do in supporting their development and journey to their ‘next step’.

Year 12 External Exams

Speaking of ‘next steps’, after what I’m sure felt like a very short week for study, our Year 12 cohort all began their final few weeks of external examinations.  Some had an early start on Friday, with the rest commencing with English on Monday.  It was beautiful to see some of our younger students meet them outside the exam room with some words of encouragement and bible verses to support them.  As we always do with our final exams, fruit and snacks were provided, for students who might suddenly feel the urge to eat.  We run a short breathing technique and pray.  Michelle Nisbet ran a short devotion with them all before they entered, mentioning a quote by Winston Churchill – “You must put your head into the lion’s mouth if the performance is to be a success”.  Facing any assessment, or certainly the end of Year 12 and the exam block can, all too easily, feel like a high-pressure situation (and they are certainly important for entrance to tertiary education).  But, we work to strike a balance between supporting them to be calm and centred, but also bold and fearless.   I pray that our Year 12s can fearlessly face their exam lions over the next fortnight, but also that all our students finish well in the coming weeks and I encourage families to also have a focus on support and encouragement in the coming weeks for all students.


Simon Hughes
Head of College

Public Holiday on Friday

A reminder the that College will be closed on Friday 29 October for the Royal Queensland Show Day (EKKA) Public Holiday (rescheduled from August), as the College is located within the Brisbane City Council Region.

World Teachers Day

Today we honoured our Teachers as we celebrated World Teacher’s Day, we are so grateful for their passion and dedication; you make such a profound difference in the lives of our children.

Is Jesus speaking to You?

Jesus said, “You have now seen him; in fact, he is the one speaking with you.”

Have you had a challenging year? A good year? Not sure how it will end sort of year?

Have you ever wanted to find a place that has all the answers to all those questions that are, well just really hard, or answers to the questions you are really scared to ask?

Is there such a place? You might say Google, but unfortunately Google has content that is written by humans. Humans who sometimes have agendas. Humans who are broken or have their own view of truth.

But there is a place where you can go that gives you the truth, but you won’t get answers—you will meet the answer to all your anxieties, your hurts, your worry and pain, your confusion and your frustration, and that answer is Jesus Christ who is the way the truth and the life.

In our reading today Jesus says the above words to a man who is blind. We often get blinded by life, disappointment, frustration and so many other things. But Jesus speaks.

He says to you over and over again, ‘Come to me all of you who are tired of carrying heavy loads and I will give you rest.’

Jesus gives us sight and rest when we meet Him. We meet Him in His word. He speaks to us and gives us peace, and as He speaks in His word you will hear Him speak to you. He gives you a new heart and He forgives your sins. He loves you and He cares.

As you read the bible you might ask who is this Jesus and He will reply, ‘You have now seen him; in fact, he is the one speaking with you.’

Let Jesus tell you about how He died for the sin of the world, your sin and mine, to set you free so you no longer need to be bound and blinded by life, but rather to be a new creation in Jesus and to see with eyes of faith to live a full life. Jesus meets you where you are at, but He never leaves you there. Meet Him today in His word.

Pastor Mark Gierus
College Pastor

Junior Campus News

Report Cards – SEQTA

As we get ready to celebrate our students growth and achievements over the past semester, just a couple of reminders about the structure and format of our report cards.

This semester report cards will again be sent out via SEQTA. The report provides a point in time update on your child’s learning and achievements and is reflective of learning and assessment from the previous semester.

We continue to report on a 5 point scale showing student achievement across all learning areas. We have also added in an ‘N’ to indicate an inability to assess. Your child’s overall achievement in each area will be reported on as follows:

For students who have been unable to demonstrate their learning in a particular area, due to absence, illness or other reasons, they will receive an ‘N’ grade (not assessed). This means they have not been able to demonstrate enough of their knowledge and understanding for the teacher to make an authentic judgment at this time. Alternatively, teachers may also use this grade to indicate that this learning area was not taught in Semester 2.

Subjects will either show results for multiple strands (e.g. English, Mathematics and The Arts), or a single result. ‘Other Learning Areas’ will show results for some subject areas that have been run in a more integrated manner. Along with the letter indicating individual student progress, you will also find a graph displaying this data across the cohort. This information gives you an indication as to where your child is sitting in a particular subject, within his/her year level.

Your child’s Effort and Social and Emotional Qualities in each of the identified areas is reported as follows:

Most importantly, parents are encouraged to read their child’s report card very carefully, including the second page, which outlines the scale for student grades, effort and social and emotional capabilities. Students will continue to receive a comment which will speak to their strengths and areas to develop in Literacy and Numeracy, as well as a comment on their social and emotional development. As always, parents are encouraged to speak with their child’s Classroom Teacher should they have any questions.

Katrina Valencia
Head of Junior Campus

Day for Daniel

Due to the EKKA holiday being moved to this Friday, the Junior Campus will be recognising Day for Daniel on this coming Monday 1 November.

As usual students and staff are asked to wear something red and bring a gold coin to donate to the foundation.

We will be taking students through age appropriate child-safety lessons and activities on the day.

Senior Campus News

Senior Campus Worship

The Senior Campus provided the opportunity for students to opt to attend communion this morning led by Pastors Mark and Nick.

Growth Through Challenge – A Devotion Shared With the Year 12 Students

Mr Hulland, our previous Head of College, always used a Winston Churchill quote to motivate the students prior to their exam: “You must put your head into the lion’s mouth if the performance is to be a success.” You have been preparing for two years for these external exams. It is a trial, a test to see how well you have learnt the content and skills and how you manage your nerves. The exam is your lion’s mouth. The important question is ‘what kind of attitude should we have when facing these tough situations?’

James: 1 says: “Consider it pure joy, my brothers, whenever you face trials of many kinds, because you know that the testing of your faith develops perseverance”.

It is a pretty tough ask, to expect you to be joyful as you sit these exams. Enduring through those nerves and moments of doubt is worth it, because only through persevering can you experience success.

In the Shakespeare text ‘As You Like It’ one of the characters says “Sweet are the uses of adversity.” It is our hope and prayer that in your study and revision you have been challenged. It is the growth through challenge that will allow you to complete your exams with confidence. Not false confidence, but confidence in your preparation and that Jesus is with you.

Take a deep breath and strike a pose, knowing that a positive attitude is half the battle. You have got this. Pray to God and give him your worries because he loves you. We can find so much hope and joy in Jesus.

Blessings as you start your exams today.

The students then engaged in some pre-exam rituals like Take 5 Breathing, Prayer, and singing My Lighthouse. We look forward to the students ringing their bell to mark the end of their final exam.

Here is a prayer that we can pray for the Class of 2021:

Lord, we pray for the Class of 2021 who are taking final exams. Reach out and touch the hearts and minds of these young people with a sense that you are with them; with confidence to face the challenge; and with the realisation that their anxiety and stress can be a positive energy in their pursuit of excellence.

Give them insight to understand what they have studied and help them to remember it when the time comes.

Help them to keep in perspective the many gifts and talents you have already given them that they may use them for the greater honour and glory of God.


Michelle Nisbet
Head of Senior Campus

Sports Score

Junior Campus Sport


Last Friday, our 224 Yr 4, 5 and 6 students participated in the final NISSA Gala Day of the year. This is the first year that PoP has been a part of this organisation, and all six gala days have been great experiences for our students. They have had the opportunity to choose a sport—either t-ball, touch or basketball during Semester 1; and soccer, netball or rugby 7s during Semester 2; and play with students from Grace Lutheran Primary, The Lakes College and Genesis Christian College. The emphasis has been on participation and improving skills and fitness, rather than competition. Thanks to all of our staff and external coaches and supervisors, and to the other NISSA schools and sporting organisations for making these events possible.


After Round 7 last week, four of our teams are sitting in the top four on the table, with our remaining team in fifth. This is indicative of the improvement our teams have been showing this season due to experience and practice. The 8yrs mixed PoP Storm team had a pleasing win, while the 10yrs boys PoPasaurus recorded a massive victory. Well done to all of our teams, and thanks as always to our coaches.

Darren Lawrance
Junior Campus HPE and Sport

Music and the Arts

Junior Campus Music News

Something to Think About: What Can I Do in Year 3 Music?

I can improvise, create, move and play.

This week, why don’t you ask your child to show you how they can create a rhythm pattern using the elements below:

Upper Primary Arts Night – Junior Campus

Congratulations to all performers at the Upper Primary Arts Night on Tuesday night last week.

Supported by a large audience, the evening was a huge success. A special thank you to Mrs Rees, Mrs Gardner, Mrs Savaille and their team of helpers who made The Shed look AMAZING.

Check out the fantastic photos taken by Mr Rees, on the College Facebook Page.

Junior Campus Choir Christmas Musical

Rehearsals are in full swing for “The Perfect Gift”. Performances will be held in The Shed on Tuesday 16 and Wednesday 17 November.

Sherree Cudney
Junior Campus Music

Senior Campus Music News

Term 4 Christmas Cheer Project

Term 4 is seeing some changes in our ensemble work. We are noticing the loss of our Year 12s from our weekly rehearsals. Suddenly the huge impact of their experience and wisdom is profoundly evident by being missing. Again we thank these students for their long term dedication to the Music Program:

Haydn Ahchay
Caitlin Andretzke
Olivia Gadenne
Georgia Pfeffer
Lucas Smith
Jackson Tom
James Trembath

As we move into Term 4 all of the ensembles have chosen a Christmas Carol or song for sharing as that Christmas season draws near. I know that we are in no hurry to see Christmas fever hit the shopping centres, but as musicians we need to take time to prepare our gifts, so the music department is already alive with the cheerful sounds of Christmas.

I have observed over many years that this music is becoming less familiar. These songs, which have been handed down, through generations of community singing are now sometimes not known by the students at all. For me, a powerful part of the joy and hope of the Christmas message has been imbedded in the experience of singing the words of this pivotal story with my family and church community every year for as long as I can remember. My mother’s favourite Christmas Carol was Silent Night.

What is your mother’s favourite Christmas music? In the lead up to Christmas this year, take time to ask. Take time to listen to their favourite carol, with them, if possible, or thinking of them if not. Listen to the words. What is the message and why do you think it spoke to them? Take the time to be present. It can be one of your gifts this year—being present and listening to their story and sharing in the Christmas story.

Six weeks to the end of our school year, no one is counting…

Linda Brady
Senior Campus Curriculum Leader of Music and Coordinator of Extra-Curricular Music

Church News & Notices


31 October

9am Worship

5pm Together@5

Please keep an eye on the Prince of Peace Church Facebook page for service updates.

Community News and Notices

Useful Links

College Calendar

Note: On some phones, this calendar may be best viewed  in landscape view (ie turning your phone sideways)