Welcome to the start of 2021 at Prince of Peace Lutheran College. While we don’t know what this year may bring or throw at us, we look forward eagerly and in anticipation of getting back to many of the day to day things that we would have taken for granted this time last year. In particular, we look forward to getting our amazing volunteers back into classrooms and the College in general, along with more site access (although with social distancing restrictions for the foreseeable future) for our parents and families. A very warm welcome to all of our many new families and students who have started with us in the past week also. I pray that we all, as a community, can be a blessing and support to one another.
As we begin the year, we also welcome our new staff who have eagerly been preparing and getting ready over the past couple of weeks. We are very excited to have all the below staff starting with us:
Rosemary Cameron | Curriculum Leader – Science |
Matthew Church | Year 6 |
Gabrielle Collman | HPE / Maths |
David Fielder | Bus Driver |
Michael Klar | Bus Driver |
Colleen Leslie | Curriculum Leader – Maths |
Gino Maccaronio | Bus Driver |
Ryan Mitchell | Curriculum Leader – Humanities |
Georgia Murray | Year 3 |
Eric O’Sullivan | Bus Driver |
Lisa Rachow | Drama |
Chris Rackemann | Maths / Science / HPE |
Rebecca Rees | The Arts (Prep – Year 6) |
Claire Schultz | English / Humanities |
Casey Veentjer | HPE / Year 9/10 Pastoral Care Coordinator |
Settling in to School
For new students who have commenced at the College and, in fact for continuing students who may be undertaking new subjects or have different teachers, the new year always has the possibility of creating a degree of anxiety and uncertainty. If you feel your child is experiencing difficulty with settling in this year, I encourage you to contact your child’s Class or Pastoral Care teacher early – even just to touch base. The sooner we can respond to any concerns, the less anxious a child will be. Over the next few weeks, we will be holding information evenings for all students and I really encourage you to come along to these sessions if you can.
Our new Learning Management System, SEQTA, is in the early stages of implementation. Last week, an email was sent out to parents and caregivers asking them to set up an account. Currently just under 50% of our parents and caregivers have activated their account which is fantastic. That said, it is always when you start using old data for new activities that the hidden bugs appear. One of those happens to be the way emails are being pulled through from our administration system, and some families are being shown with a duplicate email rather than two separate ones. All approved caregivers are able to have separate accounts, so if you have only received a single email between two parents or caregivers, please let us know the email address you would like attributed to a parent or caregiver and we will endeavour to set that up quickly for you.
Once you have created your account, please use the website engage.princeofpeace.qld.edu.au to log back in, or one of the apps that remove this step. We understand, also, that there are some android phones that have an error appearing with connection and SEQTA are aware of this – they have only recently created the android app.
Our goal for February is to just get as close to 100% of our families with an active account and then gradually we will be transitioning some communication into this system throughout the year. For now, we will continue to use our current systems as required.
Simon Hughes
Head of College
Keeping You in the Loop
Along with the introduction of SEQTA, the College will continue to communicate with you via the usual avenues over the coming semester. A majority of your communication will be from your child’s teacher/s via SEQTA, phone, letter, email or in person; these methods will also be used for important, urgent or time-sensitive information.
Listed below are some of the many additional ways we keep you updated regarding what is happening around the College:
PoP Website
Find latest information on book lists, uniforms, student portal links, club information, OHSC details, bus services and more. The ‘Services’ section is a good place to start your browsing.
‘MyPoP’ Parent Portal
The ‘MyPoP’ section of our College website is the place to visit for parent-related resources such as time tables, term dates, staff contact lists, photo galleries of College events etc. It can be accessed from the link ‘MyPoP’ button at the very top of our website Home page. Some pages are password protected, the password will be emailed to families shortly.
Mobile App
Receive reminders and notifications of College events, notify us of student absences, read newsletters, contact the College and more. Download it to your phone for free via the App Store (Apple devices), or from Google Play (Android devices) by searching for ‘Prince of Peace Lutheran College’. Show me how»
Did you know? You can set your app to give you notifications that are relevant only to your child’s year level/s? It takes just a few seconds, and now at the beginning of the school year is the time set it, especially if you still have it set to last-year’s settings! Show me how»
The fortnightly online newsletter that you are reading will keep you up-to-date with the latest news, sporting results, music events, uniform details, community news and more. View the current POPCORN via the link in the MyPoP Parent Portal, or browse past editions in the POPCORN Archives»
To ensure you will never miss a newsletter, as each edition is released we send families our ‘POPCORN Highlights’ email, providing a brief overview; we also send out a reminder via our App.
Online Calendar
The online College calendar is kept up to date listing all important College events and activities. You can even use it to save events directly to your personal calendar with a simple click. Access the Calendar via the button at the very top of our website Home page, from the app, or find it at the bottom of each edition of POPCORN.
Our Facebook page is constantly updated with photos, videos and posts about general activities happening around the College. Please ‘Follow’ our page, and be sure to like, comment and share posts with the rest of our fabulous PoP community.
Did you know— Our very active Second Hand Uniform Buy & Sell Facebook group is a great place to buy/sell second hand uniforms or post your ‘uniform items I need’ list. We also maintain a Facebook group dedicated to our PoP alumni.
Matthew Noon
Communications Officer
Do You Have Courage?
Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go.” Joshua 1:9
Life can be pretty tough sometimes. You might be facing some big storms at the moment. Health issues you face yourself or maybe it is the health of your parents or friends. You might be worrying about finances or the future. Some of the storms might be your worry about how your child is settling in or if they have made friends yet? Perhaps there is something that is stressing you in your life that has made you worry or be fearful.
Whether you are facing something new—like your first child starting school—or your eldest one starting Year 12, you may at times worry or be anxious. Whatever your trial or storm, God is with you because He says so.
It is God who says to us be strong and have courage. God is not saying you have to find that strength on your own. It is not the strength that you find in yourself or from another person at all. The strength is God in you by His word. The same as courage. God is not saying you need to step up and have courage, rather He says have courage because I am in you and I am with you always no matter what you face. I am your courage for I care for you.
So each day be bold in God’s name and face everything whether it is a big storm or challenge or something a little smaller with courage in God’s strength. God will never let you down. Trust in Him.
May the Lord bless each and every one of you as you embrace this new year of school and we walk together as community in God.
Pastor Mark Gierus
College Pastor
New Beginnings
Last Friday, I had the privilege of beginning our campus year in Worship. The resumption of Whole Chapel (Year 1 – 6) following the disruptions of 2020 was undoubtedly a very special time. It was an opportunity for us to gather together in praise as we celebrated the opportunities that new beginnings can give us.
The Bible reminds us in Lamentations 3:22-24 (NIV), that God’s steadfast love for us never ceases. It is new every morning. What a promise to receive each day.
What a blessing it is to me that each day I am made new. Each day God’s love reaches depths of intensity for me which I cannot fathom. His faithfulness to me and you is new every single day. And that is wonderful news for me, a sinner.
Every one of us needs a new beginning in some way, a fresh start in some area of our life. This season, heading into the new year, is a perfect time to allow God to fill us with new life. This year I pray that you experience a deep sense of renewal and grace as we seek the heart of God together.
Junior Campus Traffic, Parking and Pick-up
I would like to take a moment to outline the parking, traffic and pick-up plans for the Junior Campus for 2021. We are currently undertaking a review of our processes, in line with government advice, to see what adjustments can be made as we move into the weeks ahead. We expect that at all times our community is interacting with each other in a respectful manner, upholding the core tenets of our Valuing Safe Communities expectations. For now, the following remains in place:
Prep Drop Off and Pick Up
- Prep students will continue to be dropped to the Prep facility in the morning by their parents, anytime from 8am on. This is a quick hand over process at the playground gate, with parents moving back to their cars immediately after drop off.
- Prep pick-up will be from the Prep Carpark.
- Prep students may be picked up at 2:45pm as usual.
- Prep Parents are asked to park and stand next to or near their car, wherever it is safe to do so.
- Parents are not to congregate under the walkway shelter or in the fenced area.
- The Prep A students and staff will wait in the blue fenced area at the entrance to the Prep Classrooms beginning at 2:45pm.
- The Prep M students and staff will wait in the shaded alleyway between the Prep buildings, with the Prep students sitting on the bench seat.
- The Prep staff will indicate to each parent when to come over and collect their child.
- Parents are then asked to move back to their cars to fit their child into their car seat.
We ask all Prep families to be mindful that other families will be queuing up for a park. If parents are also collecting a sibling from Year 1 – 6, we would encourage you to return to your car with your Preppie and loop back around the Church to join the Kiss and Go Zone queue or the hardcourt queue. This will ensure that parks become available for other Prep parents to collect their little ones too. Your assistance with this is appreciated.
At drop off and pick up, the hardcourt will be a ring road.
- The hardcourt is a no parking zone.
- Cars entering the hardcourt will need to follow the signs around the ring road, and the directions of staff on duty.
- Parents are asked to remain in their cars. We have allocated staff members to assist students in accessing their cars safely.
- Please note that should your child or children not be ready when you pull up at the hardcourt pick up zone, then you will be asked to continue around the ring road, up past the church and back down again to allow for the flow of traffic to continue.
Please speak with your child/ren about moving promptly to the Green Room if that is your agreed pick-up location.
Walking to School
Families who choose to are always welcome to park offsite and walk their child to school. Many families avail themselves of this option, parking either on Queens Road or around the streets closest to the Campus. Parents are reminded that when parking on the street they are required to follow all parking restrictions and be courteous to our neighbours at all times.
Our neighbours work closely with us on a regular basis but understandably become frustrated if cars are parked across their driveways or gardens are trampled. Please be mindful of this and speak with your child about our expectations of behaviour, particularly if they are waiting in Single Street. Students are not to be climbing the trees.
Disabled Parking and Church Allocated Parking
As always, disabled car parks are for the use of those in our community with a disabled parking sticker, or in isolated cases, for those who are working with College Leadership around a temporary impairment, such as a broken leg etc.
The Church has two allocated carparks in the top carpark, closest to the entrance. These are to remain free and available at all times for visitors to the Church Office.
Rogers Parade Road Safety
The area just outside the Junior Campus grounds on Rogers Parade West is one of high congestion and, extreme caution and patience is required for all to remain safe. Please note this is a Brisbane City Council road and any reports relating to illegal activity will be directed to the police for follow-up by our neighbours or by the College.
One useful way to avoid the congestion is to stagger your arrival if possible. It is very common to have little to no traffic in the line by 3:15pm. Students are supervised in the pick-up zone until 3:20pm and are then supervised in Reception. Parents will be contacted at 3:25pm if the children have not been collected. If you are detained for any reason, please contact the Campus Reception so that we may reassure your child that you are on your way, just delayed.
As always there will be some exceptions to these processes where parents will require parking such as:
- Accessing the Uniform Shop.
- Special considerations worked in consultation with the Head of Junior Campus.
- Parents who have a prearranged meeting with their child’s teacher.
Kindy Carpark
The Kindy carpark is strictly for the use of our Kindy families. This carpark is NOT for use by parents from Prep – Year 6 who do not have a child in Kindy.
NISSA – Northern Independent Schools Sporting Association
In 2021, Prince of Peace Lutheran College will be engaging in the NISSA sporting calendar. Our students will participate in the Gala Days (Year 4 – 6), the swimming, athletics and cross country carnivals and other unique events as available. Membership in this association now replaces our involvement in the Inter-Lutheran Carnivals, which became difficult due to the large distances required to travel, as far as Noosa.
We look forward to working with other schools in this association who share both our community values and a desire to extend our students in their sporting endeavours.
Junior Campus Swimming Lessons
Students in Year 2, 4, 5 and 6 begin their swimming lessons in Week 5 this term while students in Prep, Year 1, 3 will carry out their swimming lessons in Term 4.
The dates for this term are as follows:
WEEK 5 – Monday 22 Feb / Tuesday 23 Feb.
WEEK 6 – Tuesday 2 Mar / Wednesday 3 Mar. (* please note this is Tues/ Wed)
WEEK 7 – Monday 8 Mar / Tuesday 9 Mar.
WEEK 8 – Monday 15 Mar / Tuesday 16 Mar.
Students in Years 2, 4, 5 and 6 will need to bring togs, rashie, thongs, towel and a swimming cap.
Stay tuned to your classroom newsletters for further details, such as what to wear to school on these days.
Katrina Valencia
Head of Junior Campus
Junior Campus 2020 Semester 2 Awards
We acknowledged the following students who received awards at the close of the 2020 school year. We also acknowledge the personal growth, resilience and effort of all students during 2020.
Excellence of Effort 2020
Lucille Donaldson
Yashleen Sidhu
Ethan Buchanan
Aurora Ekevall
Tilly Geale
Sofia Humphreys
Indi Kerr
Kristof Oberhardt
Roman Jolly
Asher Walker
Vivienne Loukidis
Joel Ng
Year 1
Matilda Amos
Charlie Bliesner
Aaron Caplice
Camille Coote
Jack Fardon
Joshua Newman
Isabella Sirman
Alex Langdon
Pheobe O’Flynn
Theodore Weeks
Callum Bryan
Tennyson Heller
Jacob Collis
Joshua Sullivan
Levi Irving
Ivy Vincent
Year 2
Ahana Bajaj
Annabelle Zammit
Clara Schulz
Micah Shaw
Oliver Burrows
Oskar Tuer
William Zahalka
Sophie Attinger
Timothy Cornford
Sonya Curtis
Alexis Percival
Piper Spain
Xavier Stout
Hannah Tay
Jack Valencia-Revatta
Year 3
Patrick Falk
Hannah McKinnon
Ivy Langdon
Olivia Martin
Kayla Swierkowski
Harland Gant
Aniketh Putchakayala
Julius Oberhardt
Lily Isles
Lucia Johnson
Antonia Vargas Narvaez
Elliette Nicol
Gabriella Turnbull
Joshua Pei
Dylan Pramana
Alexander Ekevall
Year 4
Neve Offenhauser
Nathaniel Christison
William Gordon
Samuel Ng
Thi Boyle
Zeus Vincent
Benjamin Sharpe
Noah Jorgensen
Bailey Lampe
Monte Morse
Natalie Percival
Areilla Rees
Oscar Thomas
Aarya Sheth
Lachlan Adams-Romyn
Abbey Watts
Darcy Warriner-Banner
Darcy Tune
Scarlett Morgan
Jasmin Dargaville
Year 5
Cody Byrne
Oscar Cheers
Sophia Constantinous
Malori Coronado
Eli Johnson
Sienna Peate
Isabella Everitt
Addison Houslip
Lucia Hughes
Christian McKenzie-Fowle
Josiah Rees
Claire Franklin
Sarah Warburton
Matilda Forbes
Lachlan Govan
Indianna Horgan
Hugo Pohlmann
Jacob Pfeiffer
Year 6
Isabel Jacobs
Oliver Sharpe
Sara McKinnon
Evelyn Valencia
Samuel Roche
Eden Ng
Georgia Bean
Xavier Dissanayake
Chai Harvey
Carla Irving
Oliver Hastie
Hannes Forbes-Schutz
Ivy Hughes
Nicole Montgomery
Aleisha Sivyer
Charlotte Zahalka
Freya Garrad
Sarah Cavill
Benjamin Litchfield
Thea McIver
Hamish Offenhauser
Olivia Phillips
Baylee Scheurmann
Lily Spargo
Servant Heart Award Recipients 2020
Alexander McInnes
Amelia Butler
Maya McKinnon
Fletcher Boldiston
William Hellen
Darcy Drinkwater
Maddison Thorburn
Archer Eyre-Meys
Year 1
Matilda Amos
Jackson Burridge
Isabella Sirman
Milla Stubbs-Evers
Aleah Collis-Palmer
Annabelle Strange
Leo Thomas
Jacob Collis
Zara Caplice
Year 2
Ahana Bajaj
Clara Schulz
Laura Larder
Oskar Tuer
Adelaide Gierus
James Stedman
Emma Spargo
Year 3
Emma Phillips
Patrick Falk
Aniketh Putchakayala
Julius Oberhardt
William Thomas
Ava Morey
Lottie McKinnon
James Robson
Year 4
Benjamin Camaroni
Noah Jorgensen
Abby McVeigh
Holly Peall
Oscar Thomas
Lachlan Larder
Thea Muduioa
Finn Garrad
Georgia Gardner
Rose Zammit
Amelia Savaille
Rani Scott
William Munro
Cameron Tull-Smith
Year 5
Laura Baker
Oscar Cheers
Harrison Falk
Zara Warriner-Banner
Brylee Chaplin
Tanisha De Alwis
Sienna Chen
Joshua Rowe
Madeleine York
Jacob Pfeiffer
Isabel Howard- Taylor
Zarah Parsons
Matilda Forbes
Madeleine York
Jonathan Heathwood
Declan Spain
Year 6
Carla Irving
Hannes Forbes-Schutz
Nicole Montgomery
Max Schmidt
Emma Dixon
Chai Harvey
Lily Spargo
Freya Garrad
Olivia Phillips
Sienna Campbell
Tim Pingel
Charlize Hicks
Katie Turner
Aye Mi Htoo
Lincoln Hicks
Cooper Lofts
Isabelle Hastie
Other Award Recipients 2020
Servant Heart Medallion
Alexander McInnes
Year 1
Aleah Collis-Palmer
Year 2
Adelaide Gierus
Year 3
Patrick Falk
Year 4
Amelia Savaille
Year 5
Harrison Falk
Year 6
Carla Irving
Lighthouse Leadership
Year 4
Darcy Warriner-Banner
Year 5
Eloise Horsington
Year 6
Lily Spargo
Spirit of Prince of Peace
Harry Frisch
Year 6 Academic Honours
Isabel Jacobs
Sara McKinnon
Samuel Roche
Katie Turner
Aleisha Sivyer
Hamish Offenhauser
Year 6 Academic Excellence
Oliver Sharpe
Georgia Bean
Harry Frisch
Xavier Dissanayake
Hannes Forbes-Schutz
Olivia Phillips
Freya Garrad
Lily Spargo
Welcome to 2021. It has been a delight to see our returning students and our new students. I had the pleasure of spending time with the Year 7 students at camp, watching them as they embraced the opportunity to build connections. I am proud of how they also navigated the first day on campus this week with confidence and good humour.
On Tuesday, during the convergent band of rain, we acknowledged our Semester 2 2020 Academic Award Winners. We thank our guests and students for braving the elements. Awards are part of the celebration of living in a Christ-centred community, recognising the gifts and talents our Lord has blessed us with and celebrating the growth in the lives of students. We congratulate the following students:
2020 Academic Honours Award 7-12
2020 Academic Excellence Award 7-12
Tuesday was also an opportunity for us to acknowledge the Class of 2020 for their academic results. The Class of 2020 is truly like no other—they were the first year of compulsory Prep, the first official year of Year 7 being at High School, and the first cohort that were assessed under the ATAR system. They have been guinea pigs, pioneers and trailblazers. I don’t imagine anyone could quite have anticipated 2020. In many ways, we are incredibly lucky to have only had a short time in quarantine compared to other states and countries. Despite these unparalleled disruptions, the Class of 2020 have inspired each other and gained courage to exceed expectations by facing challenges head on.
Congratulations to the Class of 2020. Some statistics:
- 1 of our students received a 99.00 (equivalent of an OP1)
- 19% received between 99.95-91.5 (equivalent of an OP 1-5)
- 92% received between 99.95 – 65.50 (equivalent 1-15)
- 96% of our students received an QCE
- 93% of the Class of 2020 have received an offer of their first or second preference.

Lucas Eaglestone, Dux of the College for 2020
We are so pleased that the Class of 2020 have received results that will open doors to further learning and opportunities. As a school community, we are so proud of all they have done and will achieve.
We congratulated Lucas Eaglestone, the Dux of the College for 2020. Lucas achieved an ATAR of 99, receiving an A in English, Mathematics Methods, Specialist Maths, Chemistry and Physics. We wish Lucas God’s richest blessings as he starts a new chapter of his learning journey this coming year.
We acknowledge all members of the Class of 2020. We are so pleased that the Class of 2020 have received results that will open doors to further learning and opportunities. As a school community, we are so proud of all the times our students have tested themselves, shown intellectual courage, and strong leadership.
On Australia Day, College Captain Sam Short was awarded the Dickson Young Sportsperson of the Year Award from the Honourable Peter Dutton. 2020 was very frustrating for Sam with cancelled competitions and wasted effort/training, so it was wonderful for Sam to be recognised in our wider community for his resilience, determination, leadership and skill. He has a busy training and competition schedule for 2021, and we wish him well as he pursues his hopes and dreams, which include participation in an invitational National Distance Event to prepare for the Olympic trials next week.
Next Wednesday, 10 February is our annual House Swimming Carnival at Albany Creek Pool.
We look forward to welcoming our parents to the campus for Meet the Teachers on the 10 February. This will be an opportunity to get some information about what to expect in 2021. The format for the evening is as follows:
Year 7 Information Session – in R4/R5/R6
Year 9 Information Session – in R8/R9
Year 11 Information Session – in M1/M2
Refreshments and Meet the Teachers – Forecourt
Year 8 Information Session – in R4/R5/R6
Year 10 Information Session – in R8/R9
Year 12 Information Session – in M1/M2
Due to COVID restrictions we will need to limit families to one parent per child. We appreciate your understanding.
We look forward to working in partnership with our families during 2021. Let’s enjoy the journey.
Michelle Nisbet
Head of Senior Campus
Senior Campus Homework Club
From 3.30 to 5.00 on Monday to Thursday, we offer a Homework Club. In 2021 we are pleased to announce that we have a qualified teacher facilitating the Homework Club. Mrs Bev Meikle will be supporting student learning on a Monday, Wednesday and Thursday and Mrs Jill Hodge on a Tuesday. This is a great chance for students to be supported in their learning.
If this is something that you might be interested in, please peruse the information sheet and fill in the enrolment form. You can either email the form to homeworkclub@princeofpeace.qld.edu.au or hand into student reception.
Junior Campus Sporting Opportunities
After the disappointments of last year, hopefully 2021 will see more of the planned interschool sporting events go ahead. Exciting new events are coming this year with PoP joining the Northern Independent Schools’ Sports Association (NISSA). At the moment there are three other schools—Genesis Christian College, Grace Lutheran Primary (Clontarf) and The Lakes College (Northlakes), with hopefully more schools joining in the future. This will take the place of the Inter-Lutheran Association which unfortunately has discontinued.
PoP is still part of the Northern District—17 schools from this geographic area of Brisbane. High-level students can trial for district representative teams in their chosen sport/s and then progress to Metropolitan North Regional and possibly even Queensland teams. Below is a list of PoP, NISSA and district events for this semester:
- Thu 11 Feb – Northern District Swimming all day – Lawnton Aquatic Centre *letters were handed out to competitors last Friday
- Fri 12 Feb – NISSA Twilight Swimming Meet 2:30-5:00pm – Genesis Christian College *letters were handed out to competitors last Friday
- Northern District (ND) Team Sport Trials – throughout the semester. Contact Mr Darren Lawrance dlawrance@princeofpeace.qld.edu.au for trial dates and info/permission letters; also upcoming ND trials on https://metnorthschoolsport.eq.edu.au/district-sport/our-districts/north
- Starting with 10-12yrs Boys Basketball on Thu 18 Feb and 10-12yrs Girls Basketball on Fri 19 Feb – see Mr Lawrance for letters
- Met North Regional and State Trials (except for some sports, all students must first progress through ND trials). See combined MN/QSS calendar on https://metnorthschoolsport.eq.edu.au/SupportAndResources/FormsAndDocuments/Documents/MN-combined-calendar-2021-v3.pdf
- Fri 26 Feb – NISSA Gala Day #1 *all Yr 4-6 PoP students; all day (venue TBC); touch football, basketball, T-ball
- Wed 24 Mar – PoP Yr 3-12 Cross Country – Teralba Park
- Fri 26 Mar – NISSA Gala Day #2 *as above
- Fri 23 Apr – Northern District 10-19yrs Cross Country
- Fri 7 May – NISSA Cross Country
- Fri 14 May – NISSA Gala Day #3 *as above
- Fri May 28 – PoP Yr 3-6 Athletics – Leslie Patrick Park
- Wed 16 June – NISSA Athletics
Darren Lawrance
Junior Campus PE and Sport
Junior Campus Music News
Welcome to another great year in the Music Program.
Junior Campus Choirs
Choirs will commence in Week 3, rehearsal times are as follows:
Tuesday: JC Primary Choir (Years 4-6), at 7:40am in the Music Room
Wednesday: Pop Junior Voices (Years 2-3), 7:40am in the Music Room
Instrumental Lessons
Instrumental Lessons have commenced and tutors are almost booked out. Ensembles will start at the discretion of the tutors. If your child wishes to be part of an ensemble, but learns an instrument outside of school, please contact me for details.
Class Music Lessons
A reminder that students in Years 4-6 will need a recorder. I have quite a number of spares that are cleaned every day should your child forget, however it’s best to have their own.
Music Books
We have tried to recycle music books this year for students in Years 3, 4 & 6. New books will be supplied to Years 2 & 5 students and any new students to the school. If you are unable to locate your child’s music book from 2020, please let me know.
Should you have any questions about the instrumental, choral or classroom music program on the Junior Campus, please do not hesitate to contact me.
Sherree Cudney
Junior Campus Music
Senior Campus Music News
Welcome to all of our Music families for 2021.
We have started with private tuition in woodwind, brass, strings, voice, piano, guitar and percussion; if you want to start lessons in 2021 and have not yet submitted a form, it is not too late. You can collect a form from Senior Campus Reception or from Ms Brady in M1.
In 2021 we welcome several new staff as tutors. Mr Jordan Hall is joining us teaching brass and woodwind and he will take the Concert Band on Tuesday afternoons. Ms Joanne Leask will be teaching piano and strings and will be taking the String Ensemble on Monday mornings. I will also be running a new small vocal ensemble.
There is a new emphasis on extension work in skills and performance which will be evident not only in the academic Music Extension subject coming online for us, but also in the focus of some of our ensemble work.
The Tony® and Olivier Award winning musical Come From Away tells the remarkable true story of thousands of stranded passengers and the small town in Newfoundland, Canada that welcomed them all. Cultures clashed and nerves ran high, but uneasiness turned into trust, music soared into the night, and gratitude grew into enduring friendships.
We have a parcel of A reserve tickets available to the hit musical Come From Away on Sunday 28 March at 6pm (Adults $110 and Students $55). Rather than taking the students as a school excursion this approach enables the experience to be shared within our PoP families, building community. After a year of being so remote this is an absolute blessing.
Aside from being an outstanding musical, Come From Away is a beautiful representation of the LEQ Service Learning concepts that we teach, model and learn about here at Prince of Peace—being present, listening to story, building and sharing in community, honouring people for their innate dignity, being humble and coming as a guest to others. It is an authentic story which serves as a touching model of our shared values.
First in best dressed. Email lbrady@princeofpeace.qld.edu.au to reserve seats and organise payment options. This offer will remain open until either the tickets are all gone or the end of February, whichever comes first.
Ensemble Rehearsals for 2021 will be as per the schedule below. Emails should be going home now, clarifying ensemble membership. If in doubt see Ms Brady.
Please remember how important it is for the team that everyone is at all rehearsals. The music just isn’t the same without all our students being there! Being on time and having all of their music and gear is all a part of the learning experience and develops disciplines and skills which will be useful in all aspect of life.
AM | PM | |
MON | 7:15 – 8.15am String Ensemble Ms Leask | 3.15 – 5pm Music Extension Ms Brady |
TUES | 7:15 – 8.15am Contemporary Band Student led | 3:15 – 4:15pm Concert Band Mr Hall |
WED | 7:15 – 8:15am Vocalese Ms Brady | 3:15 – 4.15pm SoonArmy Student led |
THUR | 7:15 – 8:15am Jazz Poptet Mr Dormer | 3:15 – 4:15pm Senior Campus Choir Ms Howlett |
FRI | 7:15 – 815am Percussion Ensemble Mr Bowers | 3:15 – 4:15pm Rock Band Student led |
Now let’s get started and make some music!
Linda Brady
Senior Campus Curriculum Leader of Music and Coordinator of Extra-Curricular Music
Uniform Shop
The uniform shop is located on the Junior Campus – park opposite reception and follow the signs to the shop under the year one and two building. We carry all items of Prince of Peace uniform for both Junior and Senior campus, including lunch bags, soccer socks, food technology aprons, Chess Club and Music uniforms. The shop is open 7.30am to 9.30am Tuesdays and 2.00pm to 4.00pm Thursdays during term time. Orders can be placed anytime from The School Locker Website with either home or school delivery (PICK UP option). If you would like items delivered to your child’s class, please enter your child’s name and class in the second address line and items can be delivered to your child’s teacher.
In addition, The School Locker has a super-store located at 5-6 Burke Crescent, North Lakes, which is open 8.30am to 5.00pm Monday to Friday and 9.00am to 3.00pm Saturdays. The School Locker aims to be a “one-stop shop” for school supplies – carrying all items of Prince of Peace uniform, plus school shoes, generic stationery, technology including Apple Tech Service department, instrumental, and sporting equipment. We are happy to match prices with any Australian suppliers so please check out our range.
We encourage fittings for those new to the Prince of Peace uniform, and these can be done at the campus store and at North Lakes. Wendy is your campus specialist and is happy to answer any questions you may have.
Refunds/Returns: We are happy to assist with refunds/returns – please keep tags on (do not wash or name) so that your items are in saleable condition. Exchanges can be sent via campus reception attention Uniform Shop – bagged with note enclosed with child’s name and class, and the size required.
Online Ordering: Orders can be placed anytime from The School Locker Website – delivery options are a) to your home for small fee (approx. $7.50) OR b) no charge to classroom. If you want classroom pickup – choose PICKUP at “Prince of Peace” and provide your child’s name and class in the second address line. This applies for both Junior and Senior campus.
Label it – Don’t Lose it: Plain white iron labels can be purchased from Campus Uniform Shop – $6.95 for pack 40 labels. Please ensure that your child’s hats, track jackets, and socks (Prep to Year 2) are named. We also stock both white and black laundry markers – clear labelling makes it possible to return items to the correct owner.
Second Hand: If you wish to buy or sell second hand uniforms, please visit our very active PoP Second Hand Uniform Buy & Sell Facebook group.