Term 4 Week 6 |  11 November 2020
College News

Year 12 Exams

For Queensland, it is the first time in 45 – 50 years (I’ve heard different numbers, but either way it has been a long time!) that Year 12 students have taken part in externally assessed examinations.  While ‘different’ to last year and, perhaps, involving a little more nail-biting for staff and students, it is designed to keep Year 12 as a level playing field across the state – as ATAR rankings are, at their most simple, a yearly competition.  A hard or unexpected exam in a particular subject is nearly often the case for every student in every exam room – something that is always important for students to remember when they hand in their paper.

By the time PoPCORN is next released, we will nearly be at the completion of the Year 12 exams for 2020.  We have been proud of the way our students have approached this final conclusion to their schooling.  As each has completed their final exam, they have been given the opportunity to ring a bell to symbolise the end of the last piece of their schooling journey (so far – we know education and learning never end).  Whatever the next step for each of our students, we congratulate them on the success and milestone of reaching the finale of Year 12 and being able to ring the bell.


 The College has been reviewing the several platforms that it uses for things like teaching, content delivery, data, administration, and communication over the past few years.  Recently, we have begun the exciting process of consolidating many of these different systems across into a new, single system called SEQTA.  Designed primarily around the learning and teaching workspace, its intention is to simplify many of the processes that teachers carry out routinely in their work.  Starting gently, we have begun taking the roll and keeping pastoral care notes inside the system.  Looking forward to the next two years, some significant steps will be made.  Hopefully, in very early 2021, we will turn on a parent portal that will, firstly, allow us to move most of our day to day communication with home, to within SEQTA.  This will mean using an internal messaging system that is more secure than emails, for communication between teachers and parents.  All reports, Prep to Year 12, will be released though this system.  Eventually, marks and feedback for assessments will be released in a timely manner to both students and parents, while programmes and lessons can be delivered to students as required.  I stress that all this will take some time – it is a lot to learn for staff and in some areas will also be a significant shift to current processes.  But, over the next few years we expect there should be enhanced communication and transparency around the progress of our students and their learning journeys.

Before we turn on the parent portal early next year, it is of vital importance that we have your current email address, as this is how the accounts will be provisioned.  If you believe you may have changed email address since last updating us, please let us know by submitting the form below.


Simon Hughes
Head of College

Does the College Have Your Current Email Address?

To assist us to reliably communicate with you into the future, if you believe you may have changed your email address since last updating us, please submit the form below.

Hampers of Hope

2020 has been a year like no other! As we emerge from the isolation, the restrictions and the worry, we are reminded of how blessed we truly are to live in this amazing part of the world. In so many ways our lives are filled with joy and most importantly, HOPE! As we begin the journey into advent soon, and prepare to celebrate the HOPE that came through the birth of Jesus Christ, we wanted to share the message of love, peace and especially hope with those less fortunate than us, those who have fallen on hard times, and those who are still struggling to emerge from 2020.

As the Prince of Peace communities (Kindy, OSHC, College and Church) we will be preparing a series of hampers to hand out to families in our community who are in need this Christmas. We hope to fill the ‘Hampers of Hope’ with a variety of treats that could help make a family’s Christmas a little bit special. We are asking families in our community, Kindy, OSHC, College and Church to donate an item or items toward these hampers over the next four weeks. Included below is a list of suggested items for each year level to champion.

If you have a desire to donate other special items to this cause, you are certainly most welcome to do so. Some other possible items could be: basic ‘back to school’ items such as a packet of colouring pencils or felt pens, a small toy (eg matchbox car, teddy), or even a washer and soap.

Prince of Peace communities are stronger together. Our resilience has shone through during this difficult year, and importantly, our love and care for each other helped get us over the line. Now it’s our turn to share that same hope with others in need.

All donations are due by Friday 27 November and can be dropped into the collection baskets in your child’s classroom or at either campus Reception. We commend this service project to your hearts and thank you for your support and prayers. In His service and the service of others!

Donation Drive

Kindy/OSHC: Small toy such as a matchbox car or small teddy
Prep/Year 12: Packet of Napkins or other Christmas decorations
Year 1/Year 11: Christmas bons bons
Year 2/Year 10: Christmas shortbread
Year 3: Christmas lollies
Year 4: Pasta/Pasta sauce
Year 5: Packet of potato chips
Year 6: Small Christmas pudding
Year 7:  Long life custard
Year 8: Mince pies
Year 9: Mince pies
PoP Church: $20 Coles/ Myer vouchers

Campus Uniform Shop 2021 Opening Hours

Details regarding the January 2021 opening hours and back-to-school uniform fittings have been listed in the Uniform Shop section below in this newsletter.

Remembrance Day

Junior Campus News

So Much to Celebrate!

Each year the College seeks to recognise students who have demonstrated consistent levels of effort in their endeavours and those who have lived and learned with a servant heart.

As with many events in 2020, we have had to make some adjustments to how we safely go about holding these special services. Please read the following information carefully as it explains the dates, times and processes required for us all to remain COVID safe as we celebrate with our students.

In order to facilitate the presence of two guests per awardee, we will be holding separate events for each year level. Please see the table below for start times and dates. It is important to note that these awards presentations will be closed events. This means that only guests of our award recipients will be invited to attend the presentation. These families will receive an email from Jenell Molkentin with a link to our SOBS online booking system. Each family with this link will be able to book two seats for the appropriate award presentation (eg. Prep, Year 1 etc.). We expect the awards presentations to be no longer than 20-30 minutes in length. All visitors must register their attendance on site via the QR code at the door, for the purposes of contact tracing.

Following the conclusion of each presentation, all guests are asked to leave the venue as quickly as possible to allow for staff to clean the Chapel before the next presentation occurs. This will include those families who may be returning for the next presentation. Photographs will be taken on the day and will be made available to parents via the MyPoP section of the College website.

Award Dates:

Monday 23 November 2020Friday 27 November 2020
8:45am – Year 58:45am – Year 1
9:45am – Year 49:45am – Prep
11:00am – Year 3
12:00pm – Year 2


We thank you for your understanding as we prepare to recognise some special achievements at this time.

State of Origin Free Dress Day—Wednesday 18 November

Traditionally the Junior Campus have had a Free Dress Day to coincide with the first game, however, in true Queenslander style, we have decided to coincide our 2020 Free Dress Day with the final game which is being held right here in Brisbane on Wednesday 18 November. So I invite you to prepare to show your colours (Maroon) as we celebrate what has become quite the event within our community.

Now in true Prince of Peace style, please know that we do welcome the ‘other colour too, and all love and care will be shown to them as they come to terms with their 2020 losses. Extra tissues have been ordered.

So as we prepare to celebrate ‘simply the best’ day of the Queensland calendar, I encourage you, one and all, to get into the State of Origin spirit. Decorate your cars, slap on your jerseys and join us for a little bit of fun.

Students are encouraged to bring a gold coin donation on the day with all proceeds going towards the Starlight Foundation in 2020.

Take care and don’t forget to cheer with me…. QUEENSLANDER!!!

Sad News

Last week, Gavin Rowe, one of our amazing Year 5 dads, lost his long battle with cancer.

Many in our community will remember Gavin as a gentle and loving man. He was generous with his time and with his talents, he was ever smiling and he adored his family. Our wonderful staff have provided support to the Year 5 students, and each other during the past week. Gavin will be laid to rest this week.

At this time, we ask that you include the Rowe family in your prayers. We pray for God’s peace and love to be with Gavin’s wife Heather, Isabella (Year 7) and Joshua (Year 5). Blessings to you all and please do not hesitate to contact me if you or your child would like some further support.

Katrina Valencia
Head of Junior Campus

Senior Campus News

It is challenging to help children achieve a healthy balance with their online activities. It is important to consider screen time in the context of health and wellbeing. Is online activity impacting sleep or exercise or face to face connections? As parents and carers you know your child best and have the best opportunity to support and guide them to have safer online experiences.

Here are some tips for assisting your young person manage their time online and keep them safe:

  • Stay engaged and encourage balance. Monitor the games, apps and devices your child uses.
  • Chat with your child regularly and help them stay aware of how much time they are spending on different online and offline activities.
  • Creating a family plan for leisure and entertainment time that balances time spent sitting in front of screens—including time online and watching TV—and a variety of offline activities.
  • The plan could include rules about which websites can be visited and which online games can be played.
  • Set boundaries for online use. Device-free zones and times can help you manage screen time.

Your family plan could include rules like these:

  • No devices in the bedroom
  • All screens off at least one hour before planned bedtime.
  • All family members switch off at dinner time.
  • Devices are charged overnight in a place your child cannot access.
  • Talk to your child about cyberbullying before it happens. Develop strategies to address any potential issues and reassure them you will be there to support them.

If your child is experiencing cyberbullying:

  • Listen, think, stay calm.
  • Collect evidence, such as screenshots, of the bullying behaviour in case you need to report it later on.
  • Block and manage contact with others—advise your child not to respond to bullying messages and help your child block or unfriend the person sending the messages.

ESafety Commission have a wealth of resources to support you at the following site: https://www.esafety.gov.au/parents/online-safety-book

Ringing the Bell

Our Year 12 students have been ringing the bell as they finish their final exams.  It is great to see the joy on each individual student’s face, it has been quite a journey for each of them. What has also been delightful is the interest of the younger students in this ritual. The staff have also shared in the celebration. We will continue to celebrate with the students as they achieve this milestone.

Awards Ceremonies

Please mark your diary for Tuesday 24 November.  Due to COVID restrictions we need to do things differently this year and perform our year-level presentations in the Pavilion.

Year 7: 8.30am
Year 8: 9.15am
Year 9: 10am
Year 10: 10.45am
Year 11: 11.30am

Parents of students receiving an award will receive an invitation in the coming weeks. Thank you for your understanding as we adapt to these new requirements.

Michelle Nisbet
Head of Senior Campus

Service Learning… a Concept Journey at PoP

Leading up to Term 4, our Year 10 cohort study the subject “Careers” developing their SET plan.  During Term 4 they turn their focus to ‘Service Learning’, where in previous years they have travelled off site to nearby aged care facilities bringing a variety of goodies and interactive activities. In 2020 this was not an option. I have observed that there is not yet a deep student understanding of the 7 Concepts of Service that have been developed by LEQ over a long period of deep thought and consultation involving Meg Noack and Brother Damien.

My intention in this unit was to challenge the students to find a deeper relationship with these concepts and to find ways to demonstrate that relationship and the associated understandings of the concepts within our own space.

Making personal, overt and measurable change in our community aims to help our students to recognise the longer term implications of their investment. In my mind this is not a one term project. It is instilling a new way of thinking about being in relationship with others, an awareness of themselves within a broader world and its incumbent responsibilities. I want them to think overtly about the decisions which they make every day and develop habits which challenge them to live the values demonstrated by the 7 Concepts of Service:

  • coming as guest
  • being fully “present
  • honouring everyone with “innate dignity
  • taking time to listen to each person’s unique “story
  • investing time and energy in building “community
  • going beyond themselves and “crossing their boundaries” in new situations and relationships
  • demonstrating care and “stewardship” for the world around which sustains and enriches our lives.

Linda Brady
Curriculum Leader Music
Extra-Curricular Music Coordinator

Sports Score

Congratulations to Ella Bunn in Year 9 who played in the finals on Tuesday with the Metropolitan North Cricket Team.

Her team came second, with Ella taking eight wickets, one catch and about 25 runs throughout the three days.

Music and the Arts

Junior Campus Music News


This Friday 13 November, the choirs will be recording a video to showcase the songs they’ve learnt this year. Just a reminder for those involved to please check the choir uniform fits before Friday morning. Junior Choir members are to please wear their choir uniform to school and bring a change of clothes.

Congratulations to the Honours choir who sang beautifully at the Remembrance Day Service.

Instrumental Showcase Evening

Congratulations to all the students who performed at our showcase last Tuesday night.  It was so lovely to be able to hear live performances again.  All musicians did a fantastic job and the Junior Band’s performance of “Final Countdown” and “Tequila” certainly had everyone tapping their feet.

Lunch Time Concerts

Concerts for our younger instrumental students have commenced this week during lunch times, where many budding musicians are beginning their musical journey.

I also wish to congratulate Josie Swift, in Year 10 who received Honours in her Grade 7 AMEB Piano exam last week—well done Josie on such an exceptional achievement.

Should you have any questions about the instrumental, choral or classroom music program on the Junior Campus, please do not hesitate to contact me.

Sherree Cudney
Junior Campus Music

Church News & Notices


Sunday 15 November

Many of you would be aware, but some may not be, that Prince of Peace Lutheran Church, Everton Hills, has welcomed its new Pastor, Pastor Nicholas (Nick) Mullen and his family to our community here at Prince of Peace.

For those of you who don’t know Pastor Nick and his family yet, here is a snippet for you.

Pastor Nick was the Senior Pastor at Our Saviours Lutheran Church, Carol Stream, Illinois, in America.  He is married to Kirby—who happens to be Australian—who grew up in Queensland and attended Concordia College, Toowoomba.  They have three beautiful children, Lilly, Tobias and Lachlan.

Pastor Nick enjoys smoking his own meats; playing contemporary board games and watching, surprisingly, Baseball!

Kirby loves netball, watching baseball and looking after their three children.  Kirby volunteers within the congregation and especially supporting the ‘Breakfast with Baby’ ministry.

Your invitation:

Pastor Nick is settling in to his office as we excitedly await his Installation Service on Sunday 15 November 2020 at 9.00am.  Please note that there will not be a Together@5 service on this day.

Obviously, due to COVID, we are restricted with how many people we can have in the church, so the Board has made the decision, with Pastor Nick’s blessing, to have the Installation Service in the undercover shed down on the oval at the Junior Campus of the College.  Bishop Paul Smith, Bishop of the Queensland District will conduct the service.

We would love to see as many there as possible to welcome Pastor Nick and his family to Prince of Peace, and to chat over morning tea following the service.  And there will be plenty of space for us all to social distance!

To this end it would be appreciated if you could indicate your attendance at this service and include the number of people who will be attending with you.  This will help us greatly with catering and seating.

In His Name
The Board of Prince of Peace Lutheran Church

Community News and Notices

Uniform Shop

The Uniform Shop is located on the Junior Campus—park opposite reception and follow the signs to the shop under the Year 1 and 2 building. We carry all items of Prince of Peace uniform for both Junior and Senior Campus, including lunch bags, soccer socks, food technology aprons, Chess Club and music uniforms. The Campus shop is open Tuesdays and Thursdays 8.00am to 10.00am during the remainder of Term 4.  Orders can be placed anytime from The School Locker Website with either home or school delivery (PICK UP option). If you would like items delivered to your child’s class, please enter your child’s name and class in the second address line and Wendy will arrange delivery for you.

In addition, The School Locker has a super-store located at 5-6 Burke Crescent, Northlakes, which is open 8.30am to 5.00pm Monday to Friday and 9.00am to 3.00pm Saturdays. The super store also carries technology items (Apple authorised repairer), stationery, shoes, instrumental and sporting goods, making the trip well worth the visit.  Items can also ordered online for pickup or home delivery for a small fee.

Back-to-School Uniform Fittings: You are welcome to visit either the Campus Uniform Shop or The School Locker Northlakes for back-to-school uniform fittings—no appointment is required.  The last Campus Shop day for 2020 will be Thursday 3 December. We encourage students to be present to try on uniforms during visits, to save having to exchange items that may not fit.   A reminder that The School Locker offers a 60 day size guarantee, to enable exchanges in the event that growth over the term break exceeds expectations.  Please keep shop tags on all items, and check for fit closer to Term 1 2021 (do not wash or name items until then), and we will be happy to exchange your items.

Opening Hours, 2020 School Term

The Campus Uniform Shop is open during the rest of the 2020 school term at the following times:

  • Tuesday and Thursday mornings:  8.00 – 10.00am

Opening Hours, 2021 School Term

From January 2021, the Campus Uniform Shop will be open term time, twice a week at the following times:

  • Tuesday 7:30am – 9:30am
  • Thursday 2:00pm – 4:00pm

Due to Australia day falling on Tuesday, the first shop day of Term 1 2021 will be Wednesday 27 January, 7.30am to 9.30am

Prep–Year 12 Uniforms can be purchased from The School Locker (North Lakes) 7 days a week in January, and 6 days a week during the year. Special orders can be placed for students needing smaller or larger sizes. These orders are charged at the same price.

January 2021 Back-To-School Hours

The Junior Campus Uniform Shop will be open on two dates prior to Term 1 2021 starting:

  • Tuesday 19 January 2021 from 1:30pm – 5:30pm
  • Thursday 21 January 2021 from 8:00am – 12:00pm

Please be aware that due to COVID social distancing practices, service may be slower than usual. We will use a number system to enable families to social distance while waiting outside, limit customer numbers within the shop, and request EFTPOS transactions rather than cash. Chairs will be available outside of the Uniform Shop for those waiting to go inside. Uniforms can also be purchased from The School Locker in North Lakes 7 days a week during January, and 6 days a week during the year. Special orders can be placed for students needing smaller or larger sizes,  These orders are charged at the same price.

Second Hand: If you wish to buy or sell second hand uniforms, please visit our very active PoP Second Hand Uniform Buy & Sell Facebook group.

Useful Links

College Calendar

Note: On some phones, this calendar may be best viewed  in landscape view (ie turning your phone sideways)