Getting involved in the Parents and Friends Association (P&F) is a great way to make connections with fellow parents, find out more about daily life at the College and make a genuine difference to your child and other children at the College.
The P&F supports the College with resources and facilities and provides a place for parents to get together as a community and share interests.
We encourage families to get involved with the P&F. Whether you can give an hour a week or an hour a year, our P&F would love to hear from you. The P&F meets monthly, and all parents and friends are very welcome. P&F activities and events are advertised in the College newsletter.
Many of the facilities enjoyed by our students have been provided by funds raised by the P&F over the years.
For more information about getting involved with or supporting the P&FA, please contact the President.
Fete Committee
The fete is the highlight of the College community calendar and a fabulous family day out. Its success relies on all our families lending a hand in some way; helping on or coordinating a stall, baking, packing, sorting, planting and so on. Our next Fete is scheduled for 27 July 2024.