Term 1 Week 4 | 19 February 2025
College News

Strengthening Parent-School Partnerships for Student Success

Research consistently shows that when parents and carers actively engage in their child’s education—both at home and at school—student achievement and wellbeing improve (Hattie, 2023; Kim, 2022; Sengonul, 2022). Schools that foster strong parental involvement create a collaborative culture that enriches learning experiences and benefits all students.

With this in mind, we are excited to introduce POPCONNECT — our community partnership program for connecting college parents and caregiver volunteers with families in their chosen year level in a meaningful and purposeful way. A key initiative in our strategic plan to strengthen parent and community engagement. Please know that moving forward (next week) we will be sharing our outfacing calendar of events through to the end of 2025 and at the end of 2025 publishing our 2026 calendar.

We invite you to become a POPCONNECT Parent Liaison and help build meaningful connections across all year levels (Kindergarten to Year 12). Donna Cook, our Community Development and Enrolments Manager, would love to hear from interested parents. If you’re keen to contribute, please reach out to Donna.

First Parent Liaison Meeting

📍   Location: Junior Campus Library (20 Rogers Parade West)
📅 Date & Time: Thu 27 February 2:00pm – 3:00pm
💻 Join In-Person or Online: A Teams link will be provided upon registration

At our first meeting, we will:

✅  Welcome our Parent Liaison network;
✅ Explain its role, and outline its purpose in strengthening parent-school connections;
✅ Outline our 2025 Teaching and Learning Focus and its connection to POPPATHWAYS, POPENRICH, POPACTIVE, and POPCONNECT;
✅ Discuss opportunities for engagement—whether through P&F Association involvement or as a Parent Liaison based on your availability.

Second Parent Liaison Meeting

📍   Location: Junior Campus Library (20 Rogers Parade West)
📅 Date & Time: Thur 27 March 2:00pm – 3:00pm
💻 Join In-Person or Online: A Teams link will be provided upon registration.


As we come together in partnership, let us be guided by Scripture: ‘Let all that you do be done in love.’ (1 Corinthians 16:14)

We look forward to working with you to create a nurturing, thriving learning environment for all students. I have enjoyed meeting people and look forward to engaging further with everyone.

Yours in Christ,

Dr Susan Carter
Head of College

You’re Invited to the P&F Annual General Meeting

Join us for the 2025 P&F Annual General Meeting (AGM) and be part of shaping our school community! This is a great opportunity to hear about our achievements, share ideas, and get involved in making a difference for our students.

Date: 12 March 2025
Time: 7pm
Location: Prince of Peace Lutheran College, Middle & Senior Campus (Auditorium)

Come along to:

  • Hear updates on school projects and P&F initiatives
  • Have your say in future plans
  • Nominate for a role or vote for the new committee
  • Meet other parents and staff

Your voice matters, and we’d love to see as many parents as possible! Whether you’re a regular or new to the P&F, your input and support make a real difference.

For more details or to RSVP, please contact pandfsecretary@princeofpeace.qld.edu.au.

P&F Meeting Dates for 2025

All meeting dates are Wednesdays, commencing 7.00pm.

Term 1

March 12 (Middle & Senior Campus)

April 23 on fourth week of the month due to holidays (Junior Campus)

Term 2

May 14 (Middle & Senior Campus)

June 11 (Junior Campus)

Term 3

FYI:  State of Origin Dates: (G1 28 May | G2 18 Jun | G3 09 Jul)

July 16 on third week of the month due to holidays (Middle & Senior Campus)

August 20 on third week of the month due to Ekka public holiday (Junior Campus)

September 17 (Middle & Senior Campus)

Term 4

October 08 (Junior Campus)

November 12 (Middle & Senior Campus)

Installation of our new Head of College

Whilst our new Head of College, Dr Susan Carter, has only been with us for just over a month, it has been lovely to see how she has been welcomed into our community with open arms. Recently, staff, families, and church members came together to celebrate her installation, marking an important milestone in our College’s journey.

We extend our thanks to local Member of Parliament Hon Tim Mander, and Councillor for McDowall Ward Cr Tracy Davis, for joining us for this special occasion, along with our College Council members, and staff from Lutheran Education Australia and Lutheran Education QLD. The large number of attendees shows the strength and unity of our community as we step into this exciting new chapter with Dr Carter leading the way.

NISSA 2025 officially launched

Recently members of our College Executive Team, along with our Junior School, Middle School and Senior School Captains, attended the official opening of this year’s NISSA competition.

As a founding member of NISSA (Northern Independent Schools Sporting Association), we welcome the regular sporting opportunity this program provides for our students.

Competing against other independent schools on the northside of Brisbane, our students play a variety of sports throughout the year, such as Futsal, Volleyball, Beach Volleyball, Netball, Basketball, Touch Football, Soccer (Football) and Rugby 7s.

Whilst Year 4-6 students participate in a Gala Day Program, for Years 7-10 students, this occurs weekly during the school day on Wednesday afternoons (Years 7-8) and on Thursday afternoons (Year 9-10).

Pre-Prep Connections – getting ready for Prep 2026

We are excited to introduce our Pre-Prep Connections Program—a nurturing and connections program designed to help you and your child build meaningful connections long before their first day of Prep. Through regular play-based activities, your family will enjoy fun, discovery-filled events that allow your child to meet new friends, explore their new environment, and connect with our College community. With 15 events throughout the year, there are plenty of opportunities to make connections long before Day 1 of Prep! Families interested in joining the College for Prep 2026 are invited to take part in one or more connection building activities being held in 2025. Activities include:

Super Saturday Interview Day

  • Saturday 15 March from 8:00am – 2:30pm.

Under 8s Day

  • Tuesday 20 May – This day is for our Kindy to Year 2 students and our Prep 2026 families.

Pre-Prep Connections Mornings

In the Library from 9am – 10am:

  • Monday 28 July
  • Tuesday 12 August
  • Wednesday 27 August
  • Thursday 11 September
  • Thursday 9 October
  • Monday 20 October
  • Wednesday 19 November

Discover Prep Afternoon

  • Wednesday 29 October from 3:30pm – 5:30pm

Prep Orientation Mornings

In Prep from 9am – midday

  • Friday 31 October
  • Thursday 6 November
  • Friday 7 November
  • Thursday 13 November
  • Friday 14 November

Pre-Prep Connections isn’t only about your child. It is also about you! Prep Connection Play Dates offer a great opportunity for you to meet other families and form lasting friendships.

2026 & 2027 Kindy Applications Filling Fast

Junior Campus News

Beginning of Year Conversations

Tuesday 18 February saw many parents join us in The Shed to share information about their child with class teachers. PoP staff have a deep appreciation for this process as it helps them to know and connect with your child as well as understand your aspirations and goals for the year ahead.

These powerful partnerships strengthen that sense of community here at PoP, if you were unable to attend the evening and would like to speak with your child’s teacher, please contact them via SEQTA to arrange an appointment.

Congratulations Year 6 Student Leaders

This Friday, 21 February at 8:40AM we will see a new group of Year 6 student leaders installed into their positions on the Junior Campus. While some students will be installed into special positions, we will also be installing all Year 6 students into their role as Junior Campus Leaders.

Our Year 6 Leaders provide a range of activities and lead initiatives for our students throughout the year. In the past this has included an art club, lunchtime games, dance club, DJ club, and much more. A key strength of our program is that each year, our Year 6 students take part in selecting and forming these groups, allowing them to tailor activities to their unique strengths and abilities as well as considering the interests and needs of the community.

As they begin their Year 6 Leadership year, discover their gifts and talents, we ask our community to pray for them. Give them strength, wisdom, courage and compassion as they embark on this journey.

It warms my heart when I watch these young people grow and embrace responsibility and leadership. I can’t wait to hear about the Breaktime activities and other initiatives they have planned to begin in Term 2 and their own leadership reflections as they grow through this process.

All families are invited to join us as we gather in The Shed when we install and bless these wonderful children.

Junior Campus Year 6 Leadership Team for 2025

CAPTAINS: Matilda Amos and Aaron Jaishi

MINSITRY AND OUTREACH CAPTAINS: Millicent Garrihy and Ava Wolton

BRADMAN CAPTAINS: Camille Coote, Alexia Jones, Annabelle Strange, Flynn Zweck

FRASER CAPTAINS: Charlie Bliesner, Thomas Brown, Manu Chandra, August White

JACKSON CAPTAINS: Jackson Burridge, Jack Fardon, Olivia Hudson, Teddy Weeks

LAVER CAPTAINS: Aaron Caplice, Zara Caplice, Phoebe O’Flynn, Isabella Sirman

New College Resources

Last year’s Junior Campus Colour Fun Run was a fantastic event filled with laughter and excitement, and it also helped us raise funds for valuable new resources across the College. Some of these purchases have already arrived, with students eagerly exploring them in the library. The new basketball hoop has also been put to good use, as Dr Carter joined our Junior Campus students for a fun shoot-around last week. With a few more items still on the way, we are incredibly grateful for the generosity of our community in making these additions possible.

Interviews for Prep 2026 to Commence Shortly

2026 seems a long way off, when we have only just started the 2025 school year, but more than ever it is important to secure your place at PoP, particularly for Kindy. Kindy applications can be made online. Our Kindy will be offering 2026 places in July 2025, so we encourage families to apply for 2026 or 2027 if you have not already done so.

Interviews for Prep 2026 are being held on Saturday 15 March 2025. Parents can schedule an interview time by following the prompts on our  SOBS online booking program.
Starting in our Prep classrooms, the day includes:

  • A 30 minute interview with your child, yourselves and Senior Leadership Team member,
  • Campus tours,
  • Play-based games and activities, and
  • Morning Tea.

If you have any friends who are interested in learning about the College, they can also fill in an application or attend our next Junior Campus Open Morning on Thursday 27 Februray at 8:45am.

If you have any questions, please contact our Community Development and Enrolments Manager Donna Cook on 3872 5710 or via email.

Be Blessed

Anne-Marie Schmidt
Head of Campus – Junior

Safer Internet Week: Building a Safer Digital World Together

Last week, we marked Safer Internet Week, a valuable opportunity to reflect on how we can create a safer and more positive online environment for our children. Throughout the week, students engaged in activities that reinforced responsible digital habits, including understanding online privacy, recognising misinformation, and practising respectful online communication.

As technology continues shaping our daily lives, we encourage families to keep these conversations at home. Simple actions—such as setting screen time boundaries, discussing safe social media use, and modelling good digital behaviour—can have a lasting impact.

More resources on fostering digital wellbeing can be found at the Esafety website here »

Let’s continue working together to ensure our children navigate the online world with confidence and care!

NED’s Resiliency Ride: Inspiring a Growth Mindset

Last week, our students were captivated by NED’s Resiliency Ride, a fun and engaging performance that combined storytelling, humour, and amazing yoyo tricks — all with an important message about resilience and perseverance.

The show encouraged students to embrace a growth mindset by remembering NED’s powerful message:

  • Never give up
  • Encourage others
  • Do your best

Through exciting bike stunts and relatable stories, students learned that success often comes from trying again, supporting one another, and always putting in their best effort — both in and out of the classroom.

We invite families to continue these conversations at home by asking your child what they learned from NED and how they can apply these lessons in their daily lives. Let’s keep building a community where every challenge is a chance to grow!

Students can continue practising their yoyo skills in the NED Zone during Second Break.

Backflips Against Bullying: A Powerful Message in Action

This week, our students will experience Backflips Against Bullying, an action-packed performance that uses high-energy acrobatics to deliver an important message about kindness, respect, and standing up to bullying.

Through impressive flips and stunts, the presenters will teach students how to recognise bullying, speak up, and positively support their peers. This engaging and interactive session aims to empower students to be upstanders—those who take action to help others—rather than bystanders.

We encourage families to talk with their children after the event about what they learned and how they can apply these lessons in their daily lives. Let’s work together to create a culture where kindness and respect take centre stage!

Game-building at Code Camp!


Coreta Lennon
Deputy Head of Campus – Junior

Success Posts are Back!

Pre-Covid we published Student Success Posts to highlight those students excelling in sports, culture, or academics. These posts were shared within our PoP Community through POPCORN and with our local community through Social Media. This year we are going to re-introduce this wonderful initiative, but we need your help! If your child is succeeding in their area of interest or has a real passion they would like to share, whether it be sports, culture or academic, then we would love to hear from you. Simply send a few sentences about their achievement or accomplishment and a few great photos of them participating in their activity.

Please note: Success Posts are posted on Social Media and include both a name and a photo of your child. Hence, your child will need to have Media Permission with PoP to be involved in this initiative.

Posts can be sent to either Matthew Noon (our Digital Communications Officer) at mnoon@princeofpeace.qld.edu.au or Donna Cook (our Community Development & Enrolments Manager) at dcook@princeofpeace.qld.edu.au.

Middle & Senior Campus News

Celebrating Academic Achievement and Endeavour

We have had much to celebrate and be thankful for as we have had the opportunity in Week 2 of this term to recognise student academic achievements from Semester 2 in 2024 in Year 7 and 8.

Students, staff, parents and special friends were able to gather to present Academic Awards in Bronze, Silver, and Gold levels. We congratulate students who received these Awards.

Year 7 2024

Kayleigh Crook, Jacob Dare-Williams, Amelia Fletcher, Elizabeth Gooch, Ella Jackson, Lucia Johnson, April Li, Lottie McKinnon, Sophia Paine, Emma Phillips, Dylan Pramana, Antonia Vargas Narvaez

Ethan Cavill, Thomas Cormack, Hamish Dart, Alira De Brabander, Rayen Mouhli, Julius Oberhardt, Siena Piper-Iacovella, James Robson

Samuel Ahern, Alec Buchanan, David Camberos Urrego, Dante Inzitari, Charlie Jeffs, Lucas Phillips, Ashton Philpot, Avril Roberts, Bon Rose, Felix Sivyer, Kayla Swierkowski, Claudia Wagner-Navas, Georgia Wallin

Year 8 2024

Olivia Benett, Maddison Currey, Thomas Forbes-Schutz, Georgia Gardner, Phoebe Jones, Ruby McCall, Emmett Watson

Olivia Christian, Charlotte Cook, Julia Cormack, Finn Garrad, Lachlan Larder, Eleanor Roberts, Amelia Savaille, Dallas-Rose Smith, Asha Steyn, Darcy Tune, Sophia Valencia-Revatta, Sophie Williamson

Ishana Chandra, Erin Doig, Sage Handley, Izabella Lee, Monte Morse, Armaan Narayan, Aaliyah Reynolds, Rani Scott, Sofiya Shevchenko, Harrison Stepowski, Cameron Tull-Smith

Reflections from 2024/2025 College Captains

I would like to congratulate all our young people in pursuing their personal excellence and pathway with us at Prince of Peace in 2024 and hope they can reflect on their proud moments that brings hope into the new year.

Our College Captains for 2024/2025 were present at the awards assembly and shared their reflections on their Middle School journey in the hope to inspire.

For Hannes and I we are on the last leg of our high school education journey as we look forward to graduating in November.  However, for you, the Middle School students, the high school journey can seem daunting but in reality, its far more enjoyable than you may think.  So, to help you on this journey we thought we would take this opportunity to offer some advice.

Firstly, school can be a mix of highs and lows, some days are great, some days are stressful, and some days you just want to go home and sleep. I get it, we’ve all been there.

Middle School is all about building strong habits. Getting organised, asking questions, and challenging yourself, but don’t be afraid to make mistakes. Establishing a routine and habits will set you up for success. Don’t take every setback too seriously, explore what interests you, whether it’s academics, sport, music, or leadership. Stay curious and avoid procrastination. The skills and friendships you develop now, will help shape who you will be, in your senior years.

As you move into High School the pressure can feel overwhelming. Yes, academics are important. Yes, you should work hard and set goals. But no, your life should not revolve around grades alone. Balance is more important. Make time for the things that bring you joy whether its friends, family or sports. Prioritise your well-being. Some of my best school memories aren’t from exams or assignments but from the moments in between. Laughing with friends, going on school camps, and trying new experiences.

As you continue your journey, work hard, but don’t forget to live. Enjoy these years, learn from your challenges, and most importantly, keep striving to be the best version of yourself.

Sienna Gardner
2024/2025 College Captain


It’s hard to believe that I am in Year 12. It seems like yesterday I was in Middle School, starting my high school journey. Today I’m going to share with you some valuable lessons I’ve learnt along the way. Firstly, always challenge yourself with your academics and in your everyday life. I agree, it’s easier to settle for what’s comfortable, but growth happens when you extend yourself. Whether it’s asking that extra question in class, working through some of the harder questions in maths, or joining a new club, these extra efforts will grow you as a person, and build your confidence and capability. Sometimes even asking a teacher for help when you’re struggling may be a challenge, but it will pay off later and save you a lot of time when exams or deadlines come. 

Another important tip is not to leave things to the last minute. Trust me, we’ve all been there, putting off assignments, or leaving exam study till the night before, but this brings huge amounts of unnecessary stress. At the beginning of each term, try to plan out your assessments, and make sure you’re organised. The earlier you start, the sooner you’ll finish, and the more time you’ll have to relax.

It’s important to remember that school is just one small part of your life. Of course, you should work to your potential, and always give your best effort, but friends, family and recreation is just as important. Feeling rested and relaxed will give you the motivation to get on with schoolwork. So, remember to always challenge yourself, plan and get it done, and take time for rest and recreation.

Hannes Forbes-Schutz
2024/2025 College Captain

Year 9 Ubuntu Calling Ceremony

It was a delight to be able to share with Year 9 students and parents/caregivers in their Ubuntu Calling Ceremony and Ubuntu teachers Allison Blake and Norm Russell, Christian Studies Learning Leader Sharon Grimes and Middle School Student Wellbeing Coordinator Robert Smith in Week 3. Ubuntu is a unique rites of passage program that encourages our young people to recognise they have moved out of the stage of childhood development into the next stage of their life development in becoming a young adult.

So what is significant about the call that our young people made in this ceremony? It is a call to act, reflecting on what is the need or cause for action. It is a call to an adventure. A call to go on a journey of growth and reflection.

We pray that every student in Year 9 this year works towards developing a sense of who each of us are individually and who we are as part of the wider group. The word Ubuntu means “I am because we are”. These two questions become a foundation in their lives; Who are you? Who are we becoming?

Year 12 Legacy Fundraising Project for 2025

Our Year 12s started their first fundraising event for their Legacy Project for 2025 for the Prince of Peace community with the Valentine’s Day Stall on Friday 14 February. We thank all the Year 12 students, families and staff involved in the bake stall and rose sales and celebrating friendship.

We look forward to seeing parents at our Year 7 to 10 Mathematics Information Evening on Tuesday 25 February in Week 5 and welcoming prospective families to our Opening Morning on Friday 7 March.

Every blessing for the week ahead as we continue to live in community with hope, grace, service, and courage.

Every blessing,

Sarah Hoff-Zweck
Head of Campus – Middle and Senior

The Importance of Mathematics and Strengthening Student Support

Mathematics is a fundamental subject that plays a crucial role in everyday life. From problem-solving and logical reasoning to real-world applications in finance, technology, and science, a strong foundation in maths empowers students to think critically and make informed decisions. At our College, we are committed to ensuring that students develop confidence and proficiency in this essential subject.

To support our students further, we have recently introduced weekly homework assignments that provide continuous feedback on their progress. These assignments will help reinforce classroom learning, identify areas for improvement, and encourage consistent practice.

It has been wonderful to see students taking the initiative by attending lunchtime tutorials with our dedicated maths teachers. These sessions offer additional support, allowing students to ask questions, clarify doubts, and strengthen their understanding in a collaborative learning environment.

Parents, may we ask for your strong partnership in this initiative? Your involvement in your child’s learning journey is invaluable. Encouraging them to complete their weekly homework and attend extra support sessions will make a significant difference in their mathematical development.

Together, with your support and our dedicated efforts, we can help students build the skills and confidence they need to excel in mathematics and beyond.

Ashoo Rajput
Curriculum Leader – Math/Science – Middle & Senior Campus

Reducing stress during the NAPLAN testing period

As we approach NAPLAN in the Middle School, I wanted to highlight the areas that you would be able to assist your child during the testing process.

The Middle School Campus creates an environment with as little stress as possible. All the tests are conducted in the same room for both Years 7 & 9 and at the same time for consistency for our students.

Students need to bring with them for each test a pen, a water bottle and a set of plug-in headphones or earphones. Digital connection is not allowed.

The Middle School Campus will have completed our NAP Browser instillation and on Friday of this week we will run a practice test for our students to provide them with the time to become familiar again to the processes of the NAPLAN test and the test requirements.

What can parents do to reduce stress during the NAPLAN testing period:

  • Give your child extra support and care. Be there to listen, talk and reassure.
  • Talk about the purpose of the test. NAPLAN is not just about individual results or whether you are “good” or “bad” at Maths or reading.
  • Talk to your child how the test is a journey (not a destination) and that children learn from experience.
  • Acknowledge your children’s strengths in the everyday moments.
  • Look for those signs of stress that may occur.

Please make contact with the College if you require any extra assistance or help during the NAPLAN testing process.

Peace to you,

Wendy Bowen
Director of Teaching and Learning

Fun and Adventure at Year 7 Camp!

Sports Score

Junior Campus Sport

A new year of exciting physical education and sport


PoP Run Club

Every Wednesday, 7am – 7:45am we run the PoP Run Club at the Middle & Senior Campus. If you would like your child/children to attend, please register your interest with Mrs Schneider via SEQTA.

Each student has had the necessary time to build up their fitness to give them the best chance at a positive experience at the event. Aiming be active for at least 30 minutes most days, has been encouraged during discussions in Physical Education lessons. Please ensure students know this movement doesn’t have to be limited to running. Moving in a way that gets them puffing will help their fitness. e.g. riding, swimming, skipping, jumping, walking, chasing etc.

Fun Run and Cross Country Carnival

Our Kindy – Year 2 Fun Run is planned for Week 8, Monday 17 March,  and the Year 3 – Year 12 Inter House Cross Country Carnival is planned for Week 10, Tuesday 1 April. In preparation for these carnivals, please refer to the Year groups and course distances listed below:

Prep: 60m
Year 1: 250m
Year 2: 500m
8yrs & 9yrs (born 2017 & 2016): 1km
10yrs (born 2015): 2km
11yrs & 12 Yrs (Born 2014 & 2013): 3km

Various NORTH DISTRICT Sport trials are now open for experienced and skilfull 10 – 12 year old students. Trial dates and nomination closure dates are available online here. Any late nominations WILL NOT be accepted. If you have any questions or your child would like to trial for a sport, please contact Mrs Schneider for trial information.

The NISSA SWIMMING CARNIVAL was an exciting afternoon last Friday, filled with great sportsmanship and team spirit. Our school, PoP, showed determination, securing 4th place in the percentage cup and 5th overall. Everyone gave their best effort, making it a memorable and rewarding event for all involved.

Furthermore, well done to Maya McKinnon, Wyatt Doolan, Che-David Raison, Roaah Rhee and Benjamin Isles who competed at the recent NORTH DISTRICT SWIM MEET. Best wishes to Ben and Roaah qualifying in their specialty swimming events to go off and compete at regionals early next month.

Jessica Schneider
Junior Campus PE Teacher & Sport Coordinator

Middle & Senior Campus Sport

NISSA Swimming Carnival

The inaugural NISSA Yr 7-12 Swimming Carnival was held last Friday afternoon/evening at Genesis Christian College. We had a strong team of 22 athletes, competing in a number of individual and relay events. Due to the fast paced nature of the carnival, we had students hopping out of the pool and just about jumping back in again for their next event! They did tremendously well, claiming 4th overall on the day. Special mention to the following athletes that came in the top 3 in their individual races.

Liam Darben – 1st: 50m backstroke and 50m butterfly, 2nd 50m free and 3rd 50m breaststroke

Thomas Doolan – 2nd: 50m backstroke and 50m breaststroke, 3rd 50m freestyle

Hanne Forbes-Schutz – 3rd: 50m backstroke

Lachlan Larder – 2nd: 50m butterfly

Laura Larder – 3rd: 50m breaststroke

Congratulations to you all!


Run Club

It is certainly not too late if you are still thinking about joining in with the new College Run Club!

A few reminders:

1. Start time – We will start promptly at 7am down on the Middle and Senior Campus oval.

2. Structure of session – We will begin each session with a warm up led by one of our staff members. This warm up will be the same for each session we conduct so that we get into a consistent routine. The session itself will focus on one of the tracks that we have mapped out on campus. In future, we will look to take our sessions off site but for the first couple of weeks, we will stick to on site activities. A cool-down will then be conducted and we will finish at 7.45am.

3. Showers and changing into formal uniforms – Middle and Senior Campus students will have access to the showers in the Auditorium and D block bathrooms. If you wish to use these facilities, please make sure you bring a towel and soap. As we have limited showers, you will need to be efficient in this space. Staff will be in the vicinity to ensure this process is as quick as possible.

4. Transition to Junior Campus- After the session, Junior students will be supervised and escorted by a PoP staff member or Senior PoP Student to eat, get changed and get the shuttle bus.

5. Bus Fee $1 – Families of Junior students will need to make contact with front reception or Mrs Jenell Molkentin to organise the use of the shuttle bus system. Students will need to pay $1 each time they are transported from the Senior/Middle School Campus to the Junior School Campus.

6. Parent/caregiver involvement – Parents/caregivers are most welcome to attend, spectate and or be involved in the morning session. If possible, please advise what week/s you are available to possibly stay and assist during the session.

Any questions, please don’t hesitate to get in touch with myself or Mrs Jess Schneider.

Uhlsport and ISSA Cup – Football (Soccer)

We are looking at potentially entering a couple of teams into the Uhlsport and ISSA Cup this year. Please see info below;

2025 will be the twenty-sixth edition of the Uhlsport Cup, the premier Under 19 independent schools soccer cup competition in Queensland and the ISSA Cup (for Under 14 players). The competition is run by the Independent Soccer Schools Association (ISSA), sanctioned by Football Queensland and is sponsored by Uhlsport.

Once nominated, teams will be placed into pools of four or five and a round robin competition played in Term 2. The top team or teams from each pool will progress to a knock-out finals series in Term 3.

If this is something that is of interest to you, can you please send Miss Collman a message or come and see her in M block staffroom. We will need at least 15 players to enter a team.

All Schools OzTag

We have entered a Year 11 mixed team into the All Schools OzTag Tournament for 2025! Please see details below;

Sunshine Coast Stadium will once again host the annual All Schools Tournament, QLD Oztag’s premier school based event. Our 2024 Event had over 300+ teams from 100 schools compete across 26 fields and the 2025 event is set to be even bigger!

Tournament Information

Date: Friday 25 July – Sunday 27 July 2025

Tournament Venue: Sunshine Coast Stadium, 320 Nicklin Way, Kawana, QLD

Students from Year 9-11 who are interested in being a part of this team, should visit Miss Collman in the M block staffroom.

If you require any more information, please contact myself via SEQTA or the Middle & Senior Campus via email receptionsc@princeofpeace.qld.edu.au

Gabrielle Collman
Middle & Senior Campus Teacher – Sports Coordinator

Music and the Arts

Middle & Senior Campus Music News

Artists on Show Soiree

Tuesday 11 March 6pm – Middle & Senior Campus Auditorium

There has been substantial interest in our first concert opportunity of the year. This one is special because it is not for ensembles. It is specifically designed to appreciate and feature the large number of students we have on the Middle & Senior Campus who learn music, drama, art or music privately or practice on their own, and have developed considerable skill and expertise. Our own Music Extension students will all be presenting in this context so we will enjoy a performance from Isaac Harmer and compositions from Jacob Howard-Taylor and Eliza Thomas-Hall.

This year we are also hoping to feature a dramatic monologue for the first time which is exciting. If you have a monologue or a poem party-piece you have been waiting for an opportunity to share, this is your moment.  We are also hoping to feature a Visual Art display on the evening in the foyer of the auditorium and have some of our Visual Art students in the room to speak to their work. Nominations will close on Friday 7 March.

Please put this date in your calendar. It is always a fabulous opportunity to appreciate our solo artists, with so much talent on display.

Music Rehearsals are going well for all Ensembles and you should find appointments in SEQTA both for these and for private tuition.  The new ensemble Sing and Dance with Hilary had nearly 15 students at its first rehearsal—and what a sound they made. This will be an exciting ensemble to watch as time goes by. We’re starting to get new regulars at our Friday Drumming Circle as well. Remember that these ensembles are also open to everyone—so don’t be shy about joining in.

Come and be a part of it!

Its not too late to sign up for Private Tuition in Voice, Drums, Guitar, Piano, Woodwind, Brass and Strings. If a student wishes to start lessons in 2025 please refer to the applicable form below:

Extra Curricular Music Downloads:

Let’s get started and make some art!

Linda Brady
Curriculum Leader – The Arts on the Middle & Senior Campus

Church News & Notices


Sunday 23 February: 9am Worship

Sunday 02 March: 9am Worship

Please keep an eye on the Prince of Peace Church Facebook page for service updates.

Places to connect your families at Prince of Peace Church

GROW is taking on a fresh approach to meet the dynamic challenges of faith formation. This will perhaps look different than what you experienced in confirmation. The goal remains the same, to grow in the concepts and language that fosters faith and trust in God in a post church world. More info: https://princeofpeace.org.au/ministries/youth/pages/grow

First Communion class invites parents to share in their child’s journey as they learn more about holy communion, and prepare to receive this special meal for the first time. It has been designed to complete four lessons together in your homes as well as two group sessions with other parents and children preparing for first communion. Children 10+ years old are invited to enrol in First Communion.
More info: https://princeofpeace.org.au/ministries/youth/pages/first-communion

PoP Trivia Night: test your trivia knowledge. Play some puzzle games. Compete for the prize of PoP Champion. Assemble your team, up to 10 people, to test your trivia knowledge with our new quiz master. Dress up theme is Alphabet, your table captain will receive your secret letter. Teams are to choose dress-ups which correspond to the letter. On the night, teams will receive points for correct guess of table letter. Beef, chicken & bean tacos for dinner, pre-game nibblies and dessert will be included. Soft drink, beer & wine will be available for purchase. Please register here >

Community News and Notices

2025 Convention of the Synod Art Competition

Calling all artists and aspiring artists!

The Lutheran Lay People’s League in conjunction with the Lutheran Church of Australia Qld District are hosting an art competition at this year’s 2025 Convention of the Synod.

The Lutheran Lay People’s League is sponsoring the LCAQD Synod Art Competition with the aim to inspire and celebrate creativity in the Queensland District.

Entrants must consider the Synod theme ‘Open Doors to Many Communities of Grace. One Church. One Purpose. Many Ministries’. (Revelation 3:7-12) as part of their submission.

There is a selection of age group categories for entrants, so that a diverse range of category winning artworks can be displayed during the 2025 Convention of the Synod.

Find out more about the competition categories and rules of entry »

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College Calendar

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