TWO Tuckshop Updates
Our Year 7 – 12 students would have experienced the busy excitement that was the arrival of the tuckshop onto site last Monday. It was always going to be a tight squeeze to roll it down the access road to the forecourt, and eventually it was simply craned OVER the trees and then positioned in place fairly quickly after that. Unfortunately there was a small amount of damage inside from its trip up the freeway from Sydney, so it has taken a few more days to be ready to go than first anticipated. But, all should be nearing readiness in the next week. We have signed up Metro Canteens to run the canteen, and they are ready to go as soon as access is available. We have also organised for a College-run coffee machine to be included, with a second window at the end available. To begin with, we are planning on three days a week for the tuckshop to be open for the Middle and Senior Campus. This leaves two days to do something else… hmmm.
The second, and equally exciting, piece of news is that we are moving ahead with the upgrade of the ‘Kitchen’ on the Junior Campus to make it a functional tuckshop also! Yes, the other two days for Metro Canteens – at least in the beginning, is planned to be allocated to running a tuckshop on the Junior Campus as soon as we have the upgrade of that space done. I’m sure there will be some careful consideration given to what days are what campus as we head into 2025, with NISSA days in particular needing planning. We also have some ‘unknown’ work to do with the Kitchen space just to ensure it is waterproof where it needs to be, but our goal is to be operational as close as we can be to the start of 2025.
It has been very clear for a long time that our community would love to have a tuckshop in place. We are really excited that we have been able to move ahead with making this happen in the past 12 months and, once again, must acknowledge that the Middle and Senior Tuckshop, both the building and the installation of it, has been made possible by a donation to the College by a grandparent of two of our students.
Absentees via SEQTA
As we start into the final term of the year, just another reminder for all families that all absentee notifications are now being sent to the College directly through the SEQTA Engage app. This process is very simple and is significantly cutting down on the amount of processing time required every day, as the data is placed directly into the system. It’s only an occasional issue, but please be aware, once you press submit, a small text box appears notifying you that the submission has gone in, and the form will then reset. The system isn’t interactive as such, so it is possible to put the same absence in twice – or more. If you have any questions, or difficulties with the Engage App, please just contact Administration and we will look to support you getting your phone to behave.
Every blessing for the week ahead.
Simon Hughes
Head of College
Term 4 Tennis Lessons at PoP!
Join our Pure Tennis Coach for some before-school tennis lessons, held every Tuesday at 7:30am during term time.
New students are invited to try a special FREE trial session on 15 October – perfect for those wanting to give it a go first!
Important: Booking is essential! Visit to secure your spot.
We can’t wait to see you on the court! 🎾
CRICKET BLAST 6-Week PoP Program
CRICKET BLAST 6-Week program is coming to PoP starting in Week 3, Wednesday afternoon! Perfect for all skill levels, this program is designed to help kids build confidence, learn new skills, and make friends while enjoying the great game of cricket. Download signup details »
Term 4 Buzz and Excitement!
Term 4 is off to an exciting start, filled with activities and opportunities for our students. While the Junior Campus camps have wrapped up for the year, there’s still plenty to look forward to: swimming lessons, the Colour Run, Day for Daniel, Prep Nativity and of course, our much-anticipated PoP Celebrates event.
Over the holidays, our Facilities team was hard at work completing a range of projects across the College. One standout addition is the installation of new playboards and bongos on the Junior Campus, thanks to the generous funding from our P&F Special Lunch initiative. It’s been wonderful to see the children’s excitement as they explore and engage with these new play spaces!
Congratulations to Our NAIDOC Week Competition Winners!
We are thrilled to announce that three of our talented students — Aria, Hannah, and Anahita — had their artwork selected for a special NAIDOC Week competition in collaboration with Arana Hills Plaza. Local students were invited to create illustrations for the new book “Five Hearts, One Flame.” It’s a tremendous honor for their artwork to be featured, and a special congratulations goes to Anahita, whose illustration was chosen for the front cover! What an incredible achievement for all three students.
Grades – What Do They Really Mean?
The last couple of weeks, our staff have been reviewing the principles of marking and grading student achievement. You will remember that at the end of Term 2, I advised that to be consistent across the College we would be changing the Junior Campus lettering of grades from E – Exceeding, A – Advancing, S – At Standard, D – Developing, B – Beginning, to a more traditional A B C D E.
It’s important to remember that these grades are aligned to specific standards, with a “C” indicating that a student is At Standard — meeting the expectations for their year level. While the letter used may feel different from the earlier grading systems, the core meaning has remained the same.
A “C” grade reflects that a student is progressing well. It is a positive indicator that your child is on track and achieving what is expected for their year group. As a community, it’s essential to focus on growth and consistent effort, celebrating students who are meeting the standards and those striving to reach higher.
This grading approach is quite different from when I was in school, where a “C” was often seen as average. It’s understandable that adjusting to this shift can be challenging, but it’s crucial to view “C” as a strong indicator that a student is achieving exactly what they should be for their year level.
Staffing Changes
This time of year, schools are often busy finalising staffing arrangements for the upcoming year. Recently, Mr. Corey Griffin shared the exciting news that he has accepted a new position at Living Faith Primary School starting in 2025. While we are thrilled for Mr. Griffin as he takes on this new opportunity, we are also saddened to see him go. We wish him every success in his new role and look forward to seeing him again when our schools meet for NISSA sports competitions.
In other staffing news, Mrs. Myers will soon be taking maternity leave as she and her family prepare to for the arrival of baby Myers. We wish the Myers family every blessing during this special time.
Mr. Oliver Bartlett, who covered Mrs Cochrane during her Term 3 leave, will be stepping into 6EM and Area 6 to cover Mrs. Myers’ classes in the coming weeks. We know he will continue to support the students with the same dedication and care.
I look forward to seeing you all in and around the campus as we finish the year with a buzz.
Be Blessed
Anne-Marie Schmidt
Head of Campus – Junior
Buckle Up and Hold on Tight
As Term 4 unfolds with its many activities, from end-of-year events to finalising work for the year it can be overwhelming for both parents and students. The Resilience Project’s gratitude, empathy, and mindfulness principles offer valuable tools to navigate this busy period.
Practising gratitude helps shift focus from stress to the positives each day, while empathy encourages understanding and connection, reducing the pressure of perfection. Even in short moments, mindfulness can ground families in the present, promoting calm amidst the chaos. So, as we enter this busy but enjoyable time of year, let’s embrace these principles to foster a resilient mindset, supporting our children and ourselves through this fast-paced time.
Break Time Equipment Borrowing
Mrs. Schneider and our Year 6 School Leaders have been busy assisting students with borrowing equipment during break times.
The borrowing system is located near the Sports Shed and operates from Tuesday to Friday over both breaks.
When borrowing, there are a few things for our students to remember:
- Students are to line up behind the desk in a single line and wait for a Year 6 student to assist them.
- Once they have finished with their borrowed item, they must return it to the trolley to have it signed off.
A big thank you to Mrs Schneider and our House Captains.
Colour Fun Run!
To continue the celebrations in our 40th year, we are holding a School Fun Run Crazy Colour Day. We will be raising much-needed funds in the lead-up to our event for the Starlight Foundation and procuring JC Resources with a target of $ 20,000 so, we’re asking all families to pitch in!
Our Junior School Leaders are committed to raising funds for children in hospitals and after researching, are eager to support the Starlight Foundation, which provides vital assistance to sick and injured children.
Additionally, we aim to secure funds to enhance our Junior Campus resources, including upgrades to technology, sporting equipment, play and educational materials. Together, we can make a meaningful impact on the lives of these children and enrich our students’ learning experiences.
We are super excited to announce that we will be holding our event at 1:00 pm on Friday 25th October 2024 at our Junior Campus Oval. Parents and Carers are welcome to attend. If you can assist on the day, please contact Mrs Lennon. A coffee van will be available from 12:30pm on the Junior Campus.
Get your white shirts and running shoes ready!!! Students can wear their white shirts and school sports shorts to school on this day.
Day for Daniel
As Day for Daniel coincides with the Colour Fun Run, students are encouraged to wear a red accessory with their white shirt to mark the occasion.
In the morning, classes will participate in activities aimed at educating our young people about personal safety.
The Daniel Morcombe Foundation Keeping Kids Safe Resources have been created in memory of Daniel Morcombe to help keep other children and young people safe.
Every year new resources will be developed and released.
For further information, please visit the Daniel Morcombe website »
Year 4 Working Through Unit on ‘Measuring’
Coreta Lennon
Deputy Head of Campus – Junior
After-School Code Camp for Term 4
Course: Coding
Day: Tuesday
Dates: 8 October to 26 November 2024 (8 sessions)
Times: 3:00pm – 4:15pm (75 mins)
Booking Link:
Welcome Back to Term 4!
Term 4 is an exciting time in the lives of our young people as it is chance to reflect on the growth and learning of the year that has been so far. It is an opportunity to step up to be strong and confident in being the young people that God has designed them to be. As parents your support in helping your child finish their year with hope and accomplishment is greatly valued by us as educators, and we look forward to working with you in achieving your child’s aspirations.
Below are the key events for Term 4 to look forward to;
Week 2
11 October – Year 12 final day of classes.
Week 3
14 -17 October – Year 8 Camp (Coolum)
Year 12 Study Week
Week 4
Year 12 External Exams begin
23 October – World’s Teachers Day Luncheon
Week 5
28 October – Year 7 2025 Transition Day
Week 6
6 November – P-12 Volunteer thank you morning tea at JC
Week 7
12 November – 7-12 Swimming Carnival
14 November – Year 12 Final Worship and Valedictory Dinner (Year 12s last day)
Week 8
19 November – Year 11 and Prep Jersey Presentation (Morning) & POP Celebrates (Evening)
Week 9
29 November – Year 10 and 11 last day
Week 10
2 December – Year 9 Walk
3 December – Year 9 Ubuntu Return Ceremony
4 December – Year 7-9 last day
Name our new Tuckshop
We thank students and community members for submitting name suggestions for our new Tuckshop, and the top three names are open for voting until Friday 18 October (Week 3 Term 4).
Drum roll…..the names are as follows:
Peaceful Bites Café
Poppies Café
The Gathering Grounds
Please use this link to make your vote count by Friday 18 October »
We look forward to our new Tuckshop Opening in due course and will update families when this date will be, including menu and pre-ordering arrangements. We are very blessed to have this facility in our community, please use this link to find out more about Metro Canteens who will be serving our community.
Youth With A Mission (YWAM) School Ministry Team
Chaplain Reilly Brown has started a partnership with Youth With A Mission school Ministry Team (YWAM) and our Ministry and Mission Captains to see our prayer space and ministry grow further this term. Guest speakers from YWAM have come to Worship times in Term 3 and 4 to share their stories and how God speaks daily into their lives giving them hope and purpose.
During Friday lunch times, the Auditorium will be a space for prayer and worship with our Ministry Captains, Students, Chappy Reilly and YWAM. The hope to create a space for young people to learn more about their spiritual walk with God, also to learn and grow with their peers and the adults in their lives.
To find out more please do not hesitate to reach out to Chaplain Reilly Brown.
May the light and new blooms of Spring remind you of these words from Romans 15:13 – May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit.
Sarah Hoff-Zweck
Head of Campus – Middle and Senior
Junior Campus Sport
Another Exciting Term of Sport
Welcome back and we’re thrilled to dive into another exciting term of sports filled with teamwork and competition. Get ready for engaging practices, spirited matches, and plenty of opportunities to shine!
Term 4 Sporting Dates
- Year 4 – 6 NISSA Sports Gala Day : Week 3, Friday 18 October.
- Year 3 – Year 6 Interhouse Swimming Carnival : Week 9, Tuesday 26 November.
Great Work Clara
Special acknowledgement to Clara Schulz in Year 6 on a recent achievement: Winner of the Hills Echo Positive or Pointless Award for Arana Netball.
This year not only did Clara play in Arana Netball 14, but she also took on a leadership role in coaching a 7/8/9 non-competitive team. Her commitment to the club extends beyond coaching; Clara went the extra mile during their fundraiser and requesting additional raffle booklets and going door-to-door around the suburbs to sell more tickets for the club. Clara’s dedication to the club also extended to her interest in umpiring in the coming years. Clara’s dedication and proactive spirit make her a fantastic role model for the younger children at her club and was therefore the perfect recipient for this award.
Jessica Schneider
Junior Campus PE Teacher & Sport Coordinator
Middle & Senior Campus Sport
TF National Championships
A huge congratulations to Nathan Lilly (Yr 12) who recently competed in two National Championships.
In late August, as part of the Australian team, Nathan travelled to New Zealand to compete in the International Taekwon-Do Federation (ITF) National Championships. It was his first time as a member of an international team, and he managed to place 3rd in Teen Black Belt Sparring.
Nathan also competed in the Australian ITF National Championships these past holidays. At this event he achieved Gold in Teen Male Black Belt patterns and Special Techniques and Silver in Advanced Sparring and Power Breaking.
Congratulations Nathan!
NBIS 5-a-side Football (Soccer)
Last Friday, I had the great pleasure of taking 16 Year 12 students out for a day of 5-a-side football at the South Pine Sports Complex.
This was the last opportunity for our seniors to represent the College in an interschool sporting event.
All students performed exceptionally well on the day, with our senior girls taking out the Overall Champion Shield.
Well done to all!
If you require any more information, please contact myself via SEQTA or the Middle & Senior Campus via email
Gabrielle Collman
Middle & Senior Campus Teacher – Sports Coordinator
Middle & Senior Campus Music News
Reflect and Recollect
In Term 4 there will be significant changes for many ensembles with the departure of the senior cohort. Some ensembles will change rehearsal times, some will change membership. Try to stay in touch through SEQTA as we play with different options to see what combinations work best.
We look forward to the PoP Community Carols on Saturday 30 November. Details will be forthcoming but it is in our minds that this is not a music recital and our involvement will be more in service to the community rather than being driven by our music priorities. Some ensembles may combine or accompany or lead the community singing. It will certainly be a beautiful evening celebrating the spirit of the Christmas season and I am excited for this opportunity to finish the year in community.
Stay tuned,
Linda Brady
Middle & Senior Campus Curriculum Leader of Music and Coordinator of Extra-Curricular Music
Sunday 13 October:
9am Worship
Sunday 20 October:
9am Worship
Please keep an eye on the Prince of Peace Church Facebook page for service updates.