Embracing Our Unique Qualities
Once in a lively forest, there was a beautiful peacock with stunning feathers. His colourful appearance caught everyone’s attention, but he felt sad inside.
One rainy day, as he danced gracefully, he was reminded of his flaw—a voice that didn’t match his pretty feathers. The joy from his bright feathers was clouded by his rough song. It felt like the rain made the storm inside him even stronger.
Feeling down and almost in tears, he heard a sweet sound—the singing of a nightingale. The peacock loved the nightingale’s melody, but it made him feel even more aware of his own shortcomings. He wondered why he had such a problem.
Just as he was about to give in to despair, a kind farmer appeared, noticing the peacock’s sadness. With a friendly smile, the farmer asked, “Why are you upset, my friend?”
Surprised and embarrassed, the peacock hesitated but then shared, “Oh, kind farmer, my looks are nice, but my singing doesn’t match. The nightingale’s sweet song only makes me feel worse. I feel like I’m stuck with a problem I don’t understand.”
The wise farmer listened carefully and said, “Beautiful peacock, everyone has special gifts. Your colourful feathers celebrate your unique beauty. Your song, though different from the nightingale’s, has its own strength. Embrace what makes you different; it’s the key to discovering your greatness.”
Encouraged by the farmer’s wisdom, the peacock began to see things differently. Instead of focusing on what he lacked, he started to appreciate his own unique voice. The farmer’s words became a guide, leading the peacock to accept himself.
As our school year progresses, be encouraged and remember the story of the peacock and the wise farmer. Embrace your unique qualities—each of you is a masterpiece of strengths waiting to be discovered. Celebrate your individuality, face challenges with a positive attitude, and let the music of your existence resonate through this school year. May your journey be as colourful and inspiring as the feathers of that beautiful peacock.
Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight. Proverbs 3:5
Every blessing for the week ahead.
Simon Hughes
Head of College
Call out for Testimonials
As we celebrate our 40th year we are reminded how living in community has created a College full of hope, courage, service and grace; a community where our relationships with both students and their families are integral to all of us.
Over the coming months we will be updating our website and marketing materials, which includes updating our testimonials.
If you would like to share your testimonial with us so we can share it with our prospective families, we would love to hear it.
Simply fill in the form below.
Prince of Peace Academic Scholarships from 2025
We will be offering Academic Scholarships at the College for students in Years 7 – 12 from 2025. The scholarships are open to both current PoP students and students enrolled at other schools. Students currently enrolled at Prince of Peace Lutheran College are eligible to apply.
Our Academic Scholarships are awarded based on outstanding results achieved in scholarship testing, previous academic records and an interview with the Head of College or Head of Campus. Academic Scholarships are set for 2 years and typically awarded at Years 7, 9 and 11.
The Scholarship test for Academic Scholarships commencing in 2025 will be held on Saturday 23 March 2024. The Scholarship Test registration closes on Friday 15 March.
- Further information is available on our website here.
- Register for scholarship testing via EduTest here.
PoP Welcome Picnic
All PoP Kindy to Year 12 families are invited to our first 40th Anniversary event for 2024 – our College Welcome Picnic.
Join us on the Junior Campus Oval for games, a free sausage sizzle for students, an inflatable slide and food trucks. BYO rug/food/chair and embrace the first of many celebrations.
If you are joining us, please RSVP below by Monday 26 February.
Calling all Volunteers…. PoP’s Winter Carnival is coming!
What better way to celebrate the College’s 40th birthday than with a College fete! After a 5 year hiatus (thank-you COVID), the College’s next fete will be held on Saturday 27 July 2024 from 11am – 6:00pm. It also has a new name – ‘PoP’s Winter Carnival’. So please put it in your diary now!
The Winter Carnival will include rides for all ages, a petting zoo, side show alley, games, class stalls, food trucks, entertainment from students and staff, music, and of course, birthday fireworks. For a day like this to succeed, we need our wonderful PoP community to support this venture. In other words, we need you!
How can you help?
- Run a stall
Some stalls are just too popular to allocate to a year level. These stalls are perfect for volunteers with great organisational skills or those who can pull together a small group of friends to share the responsibility. We are seeking volunteers to oversee these stalls:- Bake Stall
- Lolly Stall
- Silent Auction
- Participate in your class stall
Over the coming weeks, class stalls will be allocated to year levels. Parents and older students will be asked to donate 30 mins to their child’s class stall. An online rostering system will go live later this term so parents and students can lock in their volunteering schedule in advance. - Donate goods or services
During Term 2, we will ask families to donate ingredients for our cake, lolly and drinks stalls. - Help prepare!
Both the Bake Stall and the Lolly Stall will need volunteers to help sort donated ingredients closer to the date, and redistribute them if necessary.
Got an idea?
If you are interested in running a stall or activity that isn’t listed, please contact me directly.
Donna Cook
2024 Winter Carnival Coordinator
Ph: 3872 5710 | dcook@princeofpeace.qld.edu.au
NISSA Shirt purchase compulsory for Years 7-10 students only
NISSA Shirts are compulsory for students in Years 7-10 as they compete on a weekly basis. These can be purchased from The School Locker in North Lakes or at our Campus Store located on the Junior Campus (Mon: 7:30am-9:30am; Thurs: 2pm-4pm).
Students in Years 4-6 will be loaned a NISSA shirt by the College for NISSA Gala Days and competitions. Hence, the NISSA shirt is not compulsory for Junior Campus families.
Collection Notice for Parents/Guardians
2024 Student Residential Address and Other Information
The Australian Government Department of Education (the department) would like to notify you that we have requested for your child’s school to provide residential address and other information.
Under the Australian Education Regulations 2023, the school is required to provide the department with the following information about each student at the school:
- names and residential addresses of the student’s parent(s) and/or guardian(s)
- student residential address (excluding student names)
- whether the student is a primary or secondary student (education level)
- whether the student is boarding or a day student (boarding status).
The school collects the above information by generating a unique and unidentifiable student reference number (SRN) for each student record. The school only uses the SRN for this collection. The SRN cannot be used for any other purpose. The number only indicates to the department that each record provided is for one student.
Purpose of the collection
The Student Residential Address and Other Information Collection (the collection) informs Australian Government school education policy and helps ensure funding for non-government schools is based on need.
The information collected is used to inform school funding calculations. It is combined with Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) data to calculate a non-government school community’s anticipated capacity to contribute to schooling costs.
In 2020, the department introduced a new measure of capacity to contribute: the Direct Measure of Income (DMI). The DMI is based on the median income of non-government school students’ parents or guardians using the collection data. For more information see Direct Measure of Income (DMI) Methodology.
Use and disclosure of personal information
Your personal information is protected by law under the Privacy Act 1988 (Cth) (the Privacy Act). Personal information is information or an opinion about an identifiable individual. Personal information includes an individual’s name and contact details.
Any use or disclosure of your personal information must occur in accordance with the Privacy Act, the Australian Education Act 2013 and Australian Education Regulations 2023.
Your personal information provided to the department through the collection may be:
- disclosed to the ABS for the purposes of capacity to contribute calculations and analysis as a part of the Multi-Agency Data Integration Project (MADIP). Find more information about MADIP on the ABS website MADIP page
- disclosed to a contracted auditor where the department may audit a school’s collection submission. The contracted auditor compares the school’s submission with the student enrolment information. The contracted auditor will not use the information for any other purpose
- disclosed to our service providers for the purpose of providing the department with information and communications technology support
- used or disclosed where it is otherwise required or authorised by law.
The department does not intend to disclose your personal information to any overseas recipients.
Find the department’s privacy policy on the Department of Education website which includes information on:
- how individuals can access and modify personal information held by the department
- how complaints about potential breaches or breaches of the Privacy Act can be made
- how the department will deal with these complaints.
The department commissioned an independent Privacy Impact Assessment (PIA). The PIA assesses the flows of information under the Collection, compliance with the Privacy Act and measures in place to safeguard the personal information being collected. The current version is available on the 2018 Student Residential Address Collection: Additional Required information Privacy Impact Assessment web page.
What do you need to do?
You are not required to do anything. Your school is responsible for providing the department with the requested details; however, you can contact the school to update your family’s details.
Contacts for further information
Your school can provide additional information about the collection process.
Alternatively, please visit the SchoolsHUB Address Collection help and support page.
Embracing Love: Shrove Tuesday, Ash Wednesday, and Valentines Day
The beginning of the Christian season of Lent brings opportunity to focus on the multifaceted dimensions of God’s love in community. Each of these traditions, brings opportunity to look at love through a different lens; joy, gratitude, service, pancake filled tummies with reflection, forgiveness, and thankfulness at Wednesday morning’s Ash Wednesday Service. The opportunity to speak words of love and encouragement on Valentines Day is yet another blessing.
As our community continues to delve into the Christian traditions and explore meaning during this time, I can’t help but be reminded that God’s message is simple – you are loved, you are forgiven, you are special.
A huge thankyou to the P&F for their efforts in organising the pancakes, service, and smiles on Shrove Tuesday, and to Pastor Nick Mullen and Chappy Reilly for leading us so ably during the Ash Wednesday service.
Beginning of Year Conversations
Tuesday 13 February saw many parents join us in The Shed to share information about their child with class teachers. It was great to see so many families come and speak with our teachers. PoP staff have a deep appreciation for this process as it helps them to know and connect with your child as well as understand your aspirations and goals for the year ahead.
These powerful partnerships strengthen that sense of community here at PoP.
If you were unable to attend the evening and would like to speak with your child’s teacher, please contact them via SEQTA to arrange an appointment.
Congratulations Year 6 Student Leaders
This Friday, 16 February at 8:40am will see a new group of Year 6 student leaders installed into their positions on the Junior Campus. While some students will be installed into special positions, we will also be installing all Year 6 students into their role as Junior Campus Leaders.
Our Year 6 Leaders provide a range of activities to our students throughout the year including such things as art club, lunchtime games, dance club, DJ club and many more. I believe it is a strength of our program that each year our Year 6 students are involved in the selection and formation of these groups, allowing them to be tailored to their unique strengths and abilities.
As they begin their Year 6 Leadership year, discover their gifts and talents, we ask our community to pray for them. Give them strength, wisdom courage and compassion as they embark on this journey.
It warms my heart when I watch these young people grow and embrace responsibility and leadership. I can’t wait to hear about the Breaktime activities they have planned to begin in Term 2 and their own reflections as they grow through this process.
All families are invited to join us as we install and bless these wonderful children as we gather in The Shed.
Junior Campus Year 6 Leadership Team for 2024
Sophie Attinger
Emma Spargo
Oskar Tuer
Sebastian Green
Bethany Franklin
Jeremiah Rees
Jennifer Labuschagne
Lillian Moseray
James Stedman
Max Taylor
Laura Larder
Annalise Richardson
Katie Richardson
Nicolas Pedreros Cardona
Archer Nicol
Elijah Etherington
Micah Shaw
William Russell
Isla Anthonisz
Milla Ullman
Astin Peterkin
Sebastian Potter
2025 Kindy Applications Filling Fast
Interviews for Prep 2025 to Commence Shortly
2025 seems a long way off, when we have only just started the 2024 school year, but more than ever it is important to secure your place at PoP particularly for Kindy. Kindy applications can be made online. Our Kindy will be offering 2025 places in July 2024, so we encourage families to apply if you have not already done so.
Interviews for Prep 2025 students will commence next month. If you have not already registered your younger child, please fill in this Online Enrolment Form (which can also be accessed from our website home page).
If you have any friends who are interested in learning about the College, they can also fill in an application or attend our next Junior Campus Open Morning on Thursday 7 March at 8:45am. If you have any questions, please contact our Marketing and Enrolments Manager Donna Cook on 3872 5710 or via email.
Thank you PoP community for all you do.
Anne-Marie Schmidt
Head of Campus – Junior
A Focus on Empathy
As mentioned in the last edition of POPCORN, we are blessed to be working with The Resilience Project (TRP) this year. The Resilience Project is committed to teaching positive mental health strategies to prevent mental ill-health and build young people’s capacity to deal with adversity.
Teachers and students will engage in weekly lessons and activities around the key principles of Gratitude, Empathy, Mindfulness (GEM), and Emotional Literacy to build resilience.
Check out their website for more information: The Resilience Project
And check out TRP@HOME; a place filled with inspiration and activities for the whole family, to help improve your wellbeing and build resilience.
This week, our staff and students are focusing on Empathy and Kindness in their classrooms and at break times. Working on empathy helps us to identify, understand and feel what another person is feeling. When we show empathy, or we do something kind for someone else our brain releases oxytocin. This leads to increasing our self-esteem/confidence, energy levels, positivity and overall happiness.
Whole Family Activity:
Neighbourhood Kindness Challenge
As a family, choose an act of kindness from the list below that you would like to do for a neighbour or family friend.
Each family member can select one to commit to, or you can choose to do one together.
- Cook them something delicious like a cake, hot bread, or cookies.
- Write a note to put in their letterbox thanking them for being a great neighbour or friend.
- Design them a Thank You card.
- Pick or buy some flowers to deliver to them.
- Choose a little plant from your garden to give them.
- Make them a gift from things around your house.
- Offer to do a job for them, like wash their car or water their garden.
- Offer to take their pets for a walk.
- Invite them over for afternoon tea.
- Invite them on a walk.
- Recommend one of your favourite books to borrow and read.
- Ask them if they need anything from the shops next time you buy groceries.
- Say hello next time you see them and ask them how their day is going.
Feel free to do more than one and spread the kindness even further!
Report back to each other in one week and share how your acts of kindness were received, and how doing them made you feel.
Family Habit Builder
Every night at dinner, have each person thank another family member for something they’ve done or said today, or give another family member a compliment.
Finally, all of you, be like-minded, be sympathetic, love one another, be compassionate and humble. — 1 Peter 3:8
Lunchtime Creativity
Coreta Lennon
Deputy Head of Campus – Junior
NAPLAN is a national literacy and numeracy assessment that students in Years 3, 5, 7 and 9 sit each year. It is the only national assessment all Australian students have the opportunity to undertake.
As students progress through their school years, it’s important to check how well they are learning the essential skills of reading, writing, conventions of language and numeracy.
NAPLAN assesses the literacy and numeracy skills that students are learning through the school curriculum and allows parents/carers to see how their child is progressing against national standards and over time.
NAPLAN is just one aspect of a school’s assessment and reporting process. It doesn’t replace ongoing assessments made by teachers about student performance, but it can provide teachers with additional information about students’ educational progress.
NAPLAN also provides schools, education authorities and governments with information about how education programs are working and whether young Australians are achieving important educational outcomes in literacy and numeracy.
The NAPLAN testing for Years 3/5 and Years7/9 students will be taking place between Wednesday 13 March and Monday 25 March 2024. These sessions will be conducted in classrooms and all sessions will be held online except for Year 3 Writing, which will be completed on paper. If you would like to view the layout and see examples of questions, please visit the NAPLAN Public Demonstration Site.
Our practice sessions are scheduled for weeks 4 and 5 to familiarise students with the online platform and the style of questions they will be required to answer.
On the day of the tests, please support your child by ensuring he/she:
- Is well rested the night before and during the test period
- Has a healthy breakfast
- Brings a water bottle to ensure they stay hydrated
- Arrives at school on time and is not feeling rushed the morning of the tests
- Brings a fully charged device
- Has working headphones or earbuds
Whilst these tests give us an indication of your child’s literacy and numeracy development, they do not assess what makes each of our students exceptional and unique 😊
If you have any further questions regarding NAPLAN assessments, please don’t hesitate to ask.
Happy learning!
Rebekah Bruyn
Learning Coach
Celebrating Academic Achievement and Endeavour
We have much to celebrate and be thankful for as we have had the opportunity this week to recognise student academic achievements from Semester 2 in 2023. We were able to gather in Sub-school Awards Assemblies to present Academic Awards in Bronze, Silver, and Gold levels. We congratulate students who received these Awards, and they are listed below in this edition of POPCORN.
We wish to extend our special congratulations and blessings to our Year 12 graduating class of 2023, and it was a delight to have them return for the Senior Awards Assembly and hear about their joys in beginning O Week at University and TAFE Colleges. Included in this edition of POPCORN is our College Dux for 2023, Georgia Glentworth’s speech who was unable to be with us in person as she was travelling overseas. We hope Georgia’s words bring you much encouragement for the journey that a young person travels through the middle and senior years of education at Prince of Peace and hope for the future.
Dear Prince of Peace Community,
I am writing this from a hostel in London. I am sad not to join you in person, but as you’ll understand very soon, the need to take a break after school ends was very important. I want to share with you about three things that I learnt while at PoP. I want to pass these to you as I know how demanding the Year 12 journey can be:
Believe in yourself.
Education matters.
Looking after your mental health is crucial.
Belief in yourself is not just a phrase; it’s a beacon that will light your path in the darkest of times. Life will inevitably present challenges, some of which may seem insurmountable. But remember, it’s the belief in your abilities, your dreams, and your worth that will give you the strength to tackle every obstacle.
This belief is not just about confidence; it’s about resilience. It’s about getting up one more time than you’ve been knocked down. Every one of you has a unique gift, a unique voice. Trust in that uniqueness. As you step into the world, carry with you the belief that you can make a difference, because you truly can.
Education mastered, it is the most powerful tool you can use to change the world. In an age where information is at our fingertips, education goes beyond the traditional confines of classrooms and textbooks. It’s about learning from every experience, every interaction. It’s about being curious, asking questions, and never stopping the quest for knowledge. Education empowers you to make informed decisions, to think critically, and to challenge the status quo. It gives you the wings to fly into the future, armed with the tools to navigate the complexities of our ever-changing world.
Lastly, I want to touch on something deeply personal, mental health. As you know, it took me 13 years to complete 12 years of education. Take it from me, in the pursuit of success, it’s easy to fall into the trap of neglecting our own well-being. Mental health is as crucial as physical health. It’s okay to not be okay. It’s okay to ask for help. Looking after your mental health means recognising when you need to take a break, when you need to reach out to a friend, or when you need to seek professional help.
It’s about cultivating a healthy relationship with failure, understanding that it is not a reflection of your worth but a stepping stone to growth. Remember, taking care of your mind is not a luxury; it’s a necessity. As you navigate the complexities Year 12, make mental health a priority. It’s the foundation upon which you can build a fulfilling and balanced life.
Your journey begins now. Make it extraordinary. Georgia Glentworth (Year 12 Graduating class of 2023)
Year 9 Ubuntu Calling Ceremony
It was a delight to be able to share with Year 9 students and parents/caregivers in their Ubuntu Calling Ceremony and Ubuntu teachers Sharon Grimes, Norm Russell, Richard Stevens and Year 9 Coordinator Casey Veentjer in Week 3. Ubuntu is a unique rites of passage program that encourages our young people to recognise they have moved out of the stage of childhood development into the next stage of their life development in becoming a young adult.
So what is significant about the call that our young people made in this ceremony? It is a call to act, reflecting on what is the need or cause for action. It is a call to an adventure. A call to go on a journey of growth and reflection.
We pray that every student in Year 9 this year works towards developing a sense of who each of us are individually and who we are as part of the wider group. The word Ubuntu means “I am because we are”. These two questions become a foundation in their lives; Who are you? Who are we becoming?
We look forward to seeing parents at our Year 7 to 10 Mathematics Information Evening on Tuesday 20 February in Week 5 and welcoming prospective families to our Opening Morning on Friday 23 February.
Every blessing for the week ahead as we continue to live in community with hope, grace, service, and courage.
Sarah Hoff-Zweck
Head of Campus – Middle and Senior
Dux and Proxime Accessit
Year 7
Year 8
Caeden Bell
Talia Blowes
Samantha Buttenshaw
Malori Coronado
Lilia Dare-Williams
Lorelai Gore
Aiden Grindrod
Rory Hancox
Penelope Hudman
Sabrina Hutton
Joann Joby
Tejpratap Nagpal
Poppy O’Neill
Alisa Pandzo
Zarah Parsons
Isla Pribilovic
Jeremy Tay
Audrey Valencia
Noah Ward
Li-Jiun Young
Hudson Zweck
Year 9
Year 10
Chloe Beasley
Fairley Dart
Freya Estensen
George Fletcher
Keely Fraser
Sophie Glentworth
Shaylee Godbolt
Rochelle Godinho
Isaac Harmer
Max Horgan
Nicholas Horsington
Emma Labuschagne
Gracie Lee
Grace McGregor
Cal Meehan-Black
Luis-Laredo Mortimer
Chelsea Pfeffer
Elliot Schmidtchen
Anuksha Sengupta
Samuel Tweedale
Mani Walduck
Zabelle Warriner-Banner
James Williamson
Year 11
Other Awards
Mathematics Learning at Prince of Peace in 2024
My name is Ashoo Rajput, and I am so excited to be part of this beautiful community. I came to Prince of Peace Lutheran College last year as a Senior Maths and Science Teacher. I am thrilled to be the Mathematics Learning Leader this year. I feel like “I didn’t choose it, it chose me!” I love Maths as a subject and enjoy specifically, puzzles, warm up questions, mastery tests, reflections, problem solving questions, crosswords, etc. Sitting down and working through an A -level textbook is just as satisfying. I have always really enjoyed working with young people. I love the challenge of the subject both personally, and in terms of the way I can bring it across to others. I am very grateful for this opportunity as this provides me the foundation to create, adapt, establish, and change the assumptions about Mathematics.
We here at Prince of Peace Lutheran College strongly believe that an effective mathematics teaching is one that has an impact on the student’s mathematical understanding and instilling a positive outlook on the subject. I personally believe that as we go through the year teaching different topics to different levels of difficulty depending upon which key stage we are teaching, subject knowledge is something we must have in great detail and comfortability.
We believe that as a team of Mathematic educators we also vouch for our subject. Devising interesting and relatable reasons for our young people when they ask; ‘Why they need fractions, decimals and percentages conversions in their lives?’ Planning group projects allows the students to feel the relevance of mathematics in their lives. Mathematics can be discussed and debated and even role played, catering for students who think they don’t have a ‘Maths mind.’ As teachers we are trying to challenge the idea of a ‘Maths mind’ and create a platform for all the learners to come and show their mathematical understanding.
I am excited to have an amazing Maths year, and to share our vision for Mathematics in 2024. I would love to meet with you all on our Years 7-10 Mathematics Information Evening on Tuesday 20 February (Week 5 Term 1). The session times are as follows;
- 5:30pm-6:30pm: Year 7 and 8
- 6:30pm-7:30pm: Year 9 and 10
These sessions will be held in the Auditorium on the Middle and Senior Campus.
Ashoo Rajput
Mathematics Learning Leader (Years 7 to 12)
Mobile Phones
For this is the love of God, to keep His commandments. (1 John 5:3)
As Christians we strive to follow the Ten Commandments handed down to Moses from God. Numerous times in the Gospel stories, Jesus refers to the commandments as the way to enter the Kingdom of Heaven and live a good and virtuous life. In society we have rules and regulations that help to keep us safe and ensure the safety and security of others. If you are teaching your teenager to drive, they will come to the realisation that there are many road rules that need to be adhered to at all times while driving. Signs and road marking are everywhere as constant reminders and references for where and how to drive safely in harmony with the traffic in an orderly manner.
Similarly at PoP College we have the 4Rs expectations and rules to guide all of our students on the right path to keep themselves and others safe at school every day. The main aim of schooling is education, and according to recent brain and educational research, learning is optimal when our brains are receptive to taking in and processing information. This seems obvious; however the key is to have calm and supportive learning environments where students feel safe to take risks with their learning. Any distractions are unwelcome as they disrupt the flow of engagement.
This is why we have the responsibility rule of: Mobile phone in your locker from 8.20am to 3.05pm. Mobile phones are now banned in Qld Schools during the day. The Phones away for the day campaign is enhancing learning and supporting student wellbeing. Please support us to help your young person to follow this rule. If mobile phones and/or iPods are found in class or in use at break times, they will be confiscated. The student will then be required to hand in their phone each morning at Student Reception and collect in the afternoon for the next five days. This will help to change the habit of having their phone so that the student can follow the rule.
The Resilience Project (TRP)
A Wellbeing good news story to finish. Georgia Glentworth was awarded the 2023 Prince of Peace College Dux for her outstanding academic achievement in Year 12.
In Georgia’s message to the students which Sarah referenced in her article above, Georgia raised three important points: believe in yourself; education matters; and looking after your mental health is crucial. This is very wise advice!
Our Middle and Senior students have been engaging with learning from our Wellbeing program The Resilience Project (TRP), to have a common, consistent language of wellbeing and emotional literacy. Learning about gratitude, As parents and carers, you also have access to this program through the Parent & Carer Hub Click Here to Access or scan the QR code.
Melissa Graham
Director of Wellbeing – Middle & Senior Campus
Junior Campus Sport
Prep – Year 6 Cross Country Training
Prep – Year 6 Cross Country training has started, Tuesday and Wednesday first break on the Oval. In preparation for PoP Kindy -Year 2 FUN RUN Week 8, Friday 15 March and the Year 3 – Year 12 Inter House Cross Country Carnival Week 10, Tuesday 26 March.
Sporting Dates for Term 1
Various North District Sport trials are now open for experienced and skillful students up to 12 years of age. Once trial information is received, Mrs Schnieder will send it out to Year 4 – 6 families. Please consult the North District Sport Calendar, which can also be accessed through the MN District page. Please keep in mind nomination dates are set and any late nominations will not be accepted. If you have any questions about any upcoming sport trials please make contact.
Congratulations to three of our PoP swimmers, Jennifer Labuschagne, Maya McKinnon and Thomas Doolan (Year 7) who competed at the North District Swim Meet last Friday. Jennifer and Thomas both qualifying in various events at the Regional Level.
It was my pleasure to take our School Captains to the NISSA Commencement service yesterday. A beautiful chapel service where the NISSA schools were able to congregate and open the upcoming season of sport. Here we pledged our intentions and acknowledged the importance of opportunity and teamwork.
We wish our NISSA Swim Team all the very best for their competition this Friday afternoon. Make a splash!
Jessica Schneider
Junior Campus PE Teacher & Sport Coordinator
Middle & Senior Campus Sport
NISSA Sport Commencement
Our NISSA season kicks off this week with the Yr 7 and 8s playing their first game this Wednesday and 9s and 10s on Thursday. We understand that there have been some issues obtaining a NISSA shirt. Please do not worry if your child does not have their shirt in time for the start of the competition. Students are still able to wear their HPE uniform until they can secure their shirt.
We also have our first ever Secondary NISSA Swimming Carnival this Friday at Genesis Christian College. Good luck to all our competitors this week!
District and Regional Sport Nominations
District and regional trials are in full swing at the moment, with all opportunities posted on SEQTA in the notices section.
There is a new process in place this year which is outlined below. If you have any questions, please get in touch via SEQTA message.
- Students nominate by providing key information (playing experience, position they wish to trial for etc) to Miss Collman
- Miss Collman nominates each student prior to the closing date
- The District sports officer emails parents/students with the trial information and forms
- The parents/students complete the forms and send them electronically to the district convenor (as per instructions sent via email to parents/students in step 3).
- Students then attend the trials
If you require any more information, please contact myself via SEQTA or the Senior Campus via email receptionsc@princeofpeace.qld.edu.au
Gabrielle Collman
Middle & Senior Campus Teacher – Sports Coordinator
Middle & Senior Campus Music News
Music News
Date Saver: Soloists on Show Soiree | Thursday 14 March 6pm.
Start practicing your solo pieces and send Ms Brady a DM if you want to play. It is always a fabulous concert with so much talent on display. It is also the only opportunity in the program for soloists to demonstrate their skills and musicianship free of the constraints of the larger ensemble. Perfect for pianists, duos and trios. Make a plan and put your names in. The program always fills quickly and nominations will close on Friday 1 March.
Rehearsals are well under way for Ensembles and you should find appointments in SEQTA both for these and for private tuition. Ensemble rehearsals for 2024 are operating as per the schedule below with the exception of the Concert Band which will begin in Week 7. Don’t forget that the Friday Drumming Circle is open to everyone. Last week we had to go and get more drums to cater for all of the interest. I love that. Come and be a part of it. If in any doubt, contact Ms Brady.
Please remember how important it is for the team that everyone is at all rehearsals. The music is not the same without you!
Its not too late to sign up for Private Tuition in Voice, Drums, Guitar, Piano, Woodwind, Brass and Strings. If you want to start lessons in 2024 you will find the relevant forms on the Parent Portal of the School Website under Senior Campus Information. You could also collect a form from the Senior Campus main office or from Ms Brady in M1 or download via this link.
Let’s get started and make some music!
Linda Brady
Middle & Senior Campus Curriculum Leader of Music and Coordinator of Extra-Curricular Music
Sunday 18 February:
9am Worship
Sunday 25 February:
9am Worship
5pm Together@5 – Grow
Please keep an eye on the Prince of Peace Church Facebook page for service updates.
Ash Wednesday Services
The Prince of Peace Church is holding Ash Wednesday services for College families tonight (February 14) at 3.30pm and 7.00pm. All welcome.