Welcome to the ‘start’ of 2022 at Prince of Peace Lutheran College – a little delayed, I know, but it is our first POPCORN for the year! It looks like we will be continuing with the running theme of ‘different’ for at least a good portion of this year, and our first few weeks have certainly been that. Thank you to the staff for, once again, being flexible and doing such a wonderful job of preparing to start the year a little differently. During our first, virtual week, online, I heard many wonderful stories and feedback from teachers about how successful and engaged their classes were in the first few days. I trust that our students felt a beginning sense of connectedness and belonging when they were finally able to return to site last week and get back inside a classroom.
As always, we extend a very warm welcome to all of our many new families and students who have started with us in the past week also. I pray that we all, as a community, can be a blessing and support to one another.
Welcome, also, to our new staff, whom we are very excited to have had join us this year:
Bronte Allan | Year 3 |
Jocelyn Anderson | Business/Accounting |
Matthew (MJ) Barben | Junior PE |
Tanya Buskens | Finance Office |
Erin Evans | Year 6 |
Heather Glynn | Learning Enrichment Officer |
Kishani Ward | English/Humanities |
Angela Hamilton | Year 6 |
Sarah Hoff-Zweck | Head of Campus (Middle and Senior) |
Angela Irving | Prep |
Coreta Lennon | Deputy Head of Campus (Junior) |
Madeline Macdonald | Year 2 |
Danielle Moore | English |
Mark Rienecker | Business |
James Stead | Technology |
Martin Trubody | Maths/Science |
Stina Borgen-Nielsen | Learning Enrichment Officer |
Jakie Lewis | Learning Enrichment Officer |
Lily Dargusch-Haig | Science Laboratory Technician |
Rebecca Belton | Administrative Assistant |
Allison Draper | Learning Enrichment Officer |
Settling into School
For new students who have commenced at the College and, in fact for continuing students who may be undertaking new subjects or have different teachers, the new year always has the possibility of creating a degree of anxiety and uncertainty. If you feel your child is experiencing difficulty with settling in this year, I encourage you to contact your child’s class or Pastoral Care teacher early – even just to touch base. Many of you will have already touched base with your child’s teacher and I encourage you to do so in the near future if you haven’t as yet. The sooner we can respond to any concerns, the less anxious a child will be.
We know that this year is unlike the previous few years. COVID is now a part of our wider community and will remain so. Even before we returned to onsite learning last week, many of our families and community members had caught and recovered from the virus. That will continue for the foreseeable future and will, therefore, have some impact on the overall operation of all schools. When your child is away due to either being a positive case, or a close contact, where possible your child’s teachers will support their learning at home and we encourage them to stay in regular contact. However, when a child (or an adult!) is unwell, it is important that they are resting, and recovering – not trying to work!
Finally, I leave you with Jesus’ words from John 16:33, where He reminds us that peace is found through Him. “I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.”
Every blessing for the year ahead.
Simon Hughes
Head of College
Keeping You in the Loop
Throughout the year the College will communicate with you using a range methods including SEQTA, phone, letter, email or in person; these avenues will be used for important, urgent or time-sensitive information.
In addition there are many other avenues we use to keep our families up to date with what is happening around the College:
SEQTA is the Learning Management System that we utilise as the primary form of communication between the College and parents/caregivers.
Teachers and Admin staff use this platform to send direct messages and notices, notify of assessments, results, student timetables and reports. Parents/caregivers can liaise with teachers; all correspondence is archived within the system.
Facebook & Instagram
Our Facebook and Instagram pages are constantly updated with posts, photos, notices and videos covering the buzz of activity happening around the College. Please ‘Follow’ our pages, and be sure to like, comment and share posts with the rest of our fabulous PoP community.
Did you know— Our very active Second Hand Uniform Buy & Sell Facebook group is a great place to buy/sell second hand uniforms or post your ‘uniform items I need’ list. We also maintain a Facebook group dedicated to our PoP Alumni.
PoP Website
Find latest information on book lists, term dates, uniforms, student portal links, Kindy details, club information, OSHC details, bus services and more.
The ‘Services’ section is a good place to start your browsing.
The fortnightly online newsletter you are reading keeps our families up-to-date with the latest news, sporting results, music events, uniform details, community updates and more. View the current POPCORN via the link in the Website ‘MyPoP’ Parent Portal, or browse previous editions in the POPCORN Archives here »
To ensure you will never miss a newsletter, as each edition is released we notify our families via SEQTA, Facebook, email and our College App.
Online Calendar
The online College calendar is kept up to date listing all important College events and activities. You can even use it to save events directly to your personal calendar with a simple click. Access the Calendar via the button at the very top of our website Home page, from the app, or find it at the bottom of each edition of POPCORN.
Mobile App
Receive reminders and notifications of College events, notify us of student absences, read newsletters, contact the College and more. Download the app to your phone for free via the App Store (Apple devices), or from Google Play (Android devices) by searching for ‘Prince of Peace Lutheran College’. Show me how»
Did you know? You can set your app to give you notifications that are relevant only to your child’s year level/s? It takes just a few seconds, and the beginning of the school year is a great time to set it, especially if you still have it using to last-year’s settings! Show me how»
‘MyPoP’ Parent Portal
The ‘MyPoP’ section of our College website is the place to visit for parent-related resources such as time tables, term dates, photo galleries of College events etc. It can be accessed from the ‘MyPoP’ button at the very top of our website Home page.
Some sections are password protected, if you are unsure of the password please send me an email.
College Signage
Keep an eye on our College signage for details of upcoming events and College notices.
Of course we also love sharing photos of our busy hardworking students.
If you have any questions, comments or suggestions regarding any of methods we use to communicate with you, don’t hesitate to contact me.
Matthew Noon
Communications Officer
Can You Rest?
‘He leads me beside quiet waters, He refreshes my soul.’ Psalm 23:2-3
How do you go at resting? Do you find it easier to rest when you are on holidays or when you feel you’ve earnt a rest than when you are right in the middle of busy life?
Humans are not good at resting unless we feel we deserve it. You know people say “I’ve been working hard—I can take a break”.
There seems to be so much guilt attached to taking a rest. Many people think they are being selfish if they rest, if they stop and just be for while, taking in the sounds, smells and shades of life and its surroundings. But when we think of resting, how do we fit it in when there is also the pressure to perform in life? We have thoughts like “am I performing well enough, not in my eyes but in the eyes of my employer, my family, my friends—in fact in the eyes of all those around?”
When we have had a holiday or our workplace shuts down for a break everyone seems to be refreshed when they come back. There are lots more kind words spoken to each other and everyone seems to have that little bit more time to check in on each other to connect with colleagues or friends. But do you notice that after a few weeks the kind words sometimes fall away and are replaced by urgent words that often come out in a cranky way. There is frustration when others are taking too long. The time that others seemed to have for each other is gone, replaced by the busy attitude that seems to care less about community and more about business.
Jesus says come to me and I will give you rest. Our Lord Jesus wants to lead you beside the still waters of peace and there He wants to restore and refresh you. He cares for you and God made us to rest as part of who we are as humans.
You know you can be refreshed in the busyness of life. God made you not to burn out or to be so busy that you actually forget that you are blessed and you are made to be a blessing to others. Today stop, mark it in your diary if you have to, take some time out from the busyness of your life to sit with Jesus—there He will lead you in His word by His soothing and healing presence to find peace in the storms and challenges.
Peace be with you,
Pastor Mark Gierus
College Pastor
Scholastic Book Club
Scholastic book club catalogues will be coming home with children Prep-Year 9.
Due to the time we lost at the beginning of term there is a very short ordering due date of this coming Friday 18 February (cut off online by 8pm), or a $10 shipping cost will be added to late orders after this time.
Australian Lutheran World Service Advocate Position
Full-time position – Queensland
ALWS (Australian Lutheran World Service) is offering a full-time position as ALWS Advocate in Queensland. Your ministry will be to inspire people of all ages to take action for people who are marginalised, and in danger of being forgotten by the world.
It Has Been So Good to See You Again!
It was an absolute joy to welcome back students last week. Our vibrant Junior Campus has come to life with the wonderful hum and sounds of learning, gathering with friends, playful squeals and happy handball-banter. Long may it last! With the delayed start to the school year, and the many COVID restrictions and protocols, the arrival of children brings a sense of normal.
In his opening article above Simon welcomed our new staff to the College team, I reiterate his welcome and I know you all will also make them feel at home.
Let’s Check in on Each Other—Say Hello!
It is a privilege to welcome everyone to Prince of Peace and especially our new families. My encouragement to all families is to “reach out and say hello to someone you may not know’. For our Prep and Year 1 families who can do this safely during drop off and pick up times, just a smile or hello can bring that spark of joy to someone’s world. As our other families wait for the COVID restrictions to ease for on-site access, I encourage you to reach out and make contact.
As the weeks and months begin to tick by, let me encourage you to check in on one another, and our staff. This simple act helps to shine Christ’s love into our community and beyond. If we have learned anything from the past couple of years it is that relationships and connection matter deeply.
Traffic on the Junior Campus
The past week has seen congestion and movement during drop off and pick up times work more smoothly. Please don’t panic if you are running a bit late or get caught in a queue, we are still looking after your child and will be reassuring them. Speeding, illegal parking or overtaking are not necessary and only increase the risk for other families during these busy times.
Parent Information Sessions—Online
Last week we began our Parent Information Sessions and the fabulous Year 6 Teaching Team kicked them off via Zoom to their Year Level families. I am in awe of our teaching teams who have worked tirelessly to find the ability to connect in non-face-to-face ways with students, parents and caregivers. Our teachers have super-powers in face to face teaching with children, managing classes, differentiating learning for student needs and building strong relationships and I thank them for embracing the challenge of presenting the Parent Information Sessions via Zoom. It is not always as easy as it looks.
The remainder of the Parent Information Sessions are wrapping up this week. I encourage you to use the links that have been provided via SEQTA from class teachers to access the Year level PowerPoints on the website. Please don’t hesitate to contact your child’s teacher should you have any questions or concerns.
What is that building on the oval?
During the holiday period, a demountable classroom was moved to the oval and is positioned at the end of the Shed. Another Lutheran School no longer needed it and we were fortunate to be able to move it to our site. I’ve had many students ask, “Are we learning Japanese?” as it was the previous school’s Japanese classroom. The answer is no, we are still learning Spanish with the wonderful Mrs Arribas.
In the next few months, the building will receive some renovations in preparation for its use. As the College continues to grow and master planning is implemented, this building will provide us with temporary space in the next few years.
Reducing Anxiety at the Start of a School Year
Acknowledgement: Anxious Kids, 2019, by Michael Grosser and Dr Jodi Richardson
Going back to school after a long break can be an anxious time for a child. New classes, teachers, and students as well as the increased uncertainty of the pandemic all have potential to pile up and create fear of the unknown. Here are some strategies that may help you and your child work through the start of the new school year and lead to a more positive experience.
Validate Their Anxiety
Letting your child know that you appreciate and understand that they may be anxious about the return to school is important validation for your child and helps them feel safe and secure.
Help Them Prepare
Discuss what to expect with your child and help them understand school procedures and safety measures. Ask them what they are looking forward to and check in regularly in the first weeks.
Focus on the Positives
Talk about the friends and teachers that your child will be seeing again after the long break and reassure your child that they will soon feel comfortable in their new routines.
Limit Expressing Your Expectations
You may need to limit conversations about your expectations for the year – especially academic ones. It may only add to your child’s anxiety now and you will have plenty of time to discuss these during the year.
Don’t Add to the Pressure
Remember that working through the change takes up a lot of energy, so your child may become tired, and a bit more grumpy than usual. Make sure they have plenty of free time to relax and play after school while they settle into the year.
Look After Yourself
The long break and the uncertainty that comes with the current pandemic and what to expect in the future has taken a toll on parents as well. You need to ensure that you have a break and care for your own well being if you are going to be the calm positive caregivers your child needs. Flexibility is going to be a necessity in the coming months, and you will need to ensure that you maintain your resilience as you care for your child and your family.
My Prayer for You in 2022: May God fill your days with strength for the journey, wisdom for the road and a measure of His love and grace to meet all your needs along the way!
Anne-Marie Schmidt
Head of Junior Campus
A Warm Welcome Back
Welcome back to a new year at the Middle and Senior Campus at Prince of Peace. A special welcome is extended to the many new families of students in Year 7 and across Year 8, 9, 10 and 11. After the delayed start to face to face learning, there certainly is a buzz of excitement around the Campus as students get to know one another and their teachers and settle into their environment. It is our prayer that this excitement continues throughout the year and motivates students in their learning journey.
Our hopes for your child at the Middle and Senior Campus this year
Through the concepts, capabilities, and skills that our young people are explicitly taught across the curriculum; it is our hope that each of our students will be challenged and encouraged to improve their knowledge and understanding of themselves and the world.
Our teachers will give students the opportunity to seek experiences beyond themselves and the classroom, with the hope that our young people can develop possible pathways for their future. We hope to encourage students to be proud and responsible for their learning goals and growth.
Our mission at Prince of Peace is for all our students to feel supported and celebrated to pursue their identifiable God-given talents and goals throughout each year of their educational journey at the Middle and Senior Campus.
Each year of schooling matters and we have hopes in each year for your child
In Year 7 we hope that our young people will come to know themselves more and grow through challenges of transitioning into a new chapter of their schooling.
In Year 8 we hope that our young people will take positive risks to go beyond and try new things and expand their potential.
In Year 9 we hope that through the positive risks that they take, they start to find their passions and emerging pathway into the Senior years.
In Year 10 we hope they will rise to the opportunities of stepping into their future, developing a pathway into Year 11 and 12 and beyond school.
In Year 11 we hope that our young people grow deeper into discovering what gives them purpose and meaning in their life.
In Year 12 we hope that our young people embrace the final year of their education where they have unlocked their potential and make a positive impact in the community they belong to.
Over the coming weeks, through the interactions we have together—at school with our young people and online with parents—we hope that these aims start to unfold.
We are working towards the rite of passage events that we have in our community to still be experienced for our young people, and to be shared with parents via a digital format. We thank you for your patience and understanding with staff as we worked to honour these experiences.
Sharing the Love of Valentine’s Day
Middle and Senior Campus Parent Information Evening
Please save the following dates in your calendar for the Middle and Senior Campus Parent Information Evening:
- Middle School (Years 7-9): Wednesday 2 March 5:30pm-6:30pm
- Senior School (Years 10-12): Thursday 3 March 5:30pm-6:30pm
These evenings will be held online via Zoom video conferences with presentations from the Head of Campus, Year Level Coordinators and Pastoral Care Teachers.
The sub-schools have been split over two nights so parents who have a child in both sub-schools can meet the staff of both of their children.
Further details will be communicated via direct message on SEQTA closer to the date.
Closing thoughts
As all of our young people settle into a new year and seek to find a place in the Middle and Senior Campus and work through the challenging times we are living in, may we remember that God is our counselor in these times and can give us peace. These words from Psalm 55:22 remind us of this” Cast your cares on the Lord and he will sustain you; he will never let you fall.
Every blessing,
Sarah Hoff-Zweck
Head of Middle and Senior Campus
New Faces at the Middle and Senior Campus
We warmly welcome the following new teaching staff to the Senior Campus.

Mark Rienecker
Kishani Ward
Jocelyn Anderson
Danielle Moore
James Stead
Martin Trubody
Careers @ PoP
My name is Mrs Julie Grosas and I am taking this opportunity to introduce myself as the College’s Career Advisor and VET Leader.
Whilst living interstate I retrained as a Career Advisor and was pleased to be able to step into this position at PoP. As well as this, I teach in the food areas and teach career education to the Year 10 cohort. I also look after the VET opportunities for students and monitor the 20 plus students who are currently completing a variety of VET Certificates at TAFE, private institutions and paid apprenticeships and traineeships.
I am available to meet with students and parents to discuss careers matters. Students can find me in the R Block staffroom. Parents can call the College on 3872 5600 or direct message me on SEQTA. If I am teaching, I will return phone calls and messages as soon as practical.
I am looking forward to working with students this year.
Mrs Julie Grosas
Careers and VET Leader
Middle and Senior Campus Homework Club
We are pleased to announce that the Middle and Senior Campus Homework Club will commence from Monday 21 February (Week 5).
The Homework Club operates Monday to Thursday from 3:30pm-5:00pm in the Library and will be overseen by Jill Hodge each Monday and Tuesday and Allison Blake each Wednesday and Thursday throughout Term 1. From Term 2 it will be overseen by Allison Blake each day.
Further details about fees and how to enrol into Homework Club »
Junior Campus Music News
Welcome to another great year in the Music program.
Junior Campus Choirs
Choirs will commence in Week 6 (1 and 2 March). A permission note will be given to students in the next week who are interested in joining. If the note doesn’t come home, please send me a message in SEQTA.
Rehearsal times are as follows:
- Tuesday: JC Upper Primary Choir (Years 4-6), 7:40am in the Music Room
- Wednesday: Pop Junior Voices (Years 2-3), 7:40am in the Music Room
Instrumental Lessons
Instrumental lessons have commenced and there are limited places for strings, woodwind and percussion. We have a number of woodwind and brass instruments just gathering dust and we would love to see them hired out to a welcoming family who would encourage their children to learn one of these instruments. Contact me for further details.
Ensembles will start at the discretion of the tutors. If your child wishes to be part of an ensemble, but learns an instrument outside of school, please contact me for details.
Should you have any questions about the instrumental, choral or classroom music program on the Junior Campus, please don’t hesitate to contact me.
Les Misérables
We congratulate, and wish Jeremiah Rees in Year 4 all the best for his upcoming role as Gavroche in the Lynch and Patterson production of Les Misérables.
Performances will be from Friday 18th February for two weekends, Jeremiah’s performances are as follows: 18/2 at 7:30pm, 19/2 at 7:30pm, 24/2 at 7:30pm, 26/2 at 2pm and 27/2 at 2pm.
Download the show Press Release.
Tickets are available from the Redcliffe Entertainment Centre website.
This is Jeremiah’s first involvement in a large production and we’re very proud of his achievement.
Sherree Cudney
Junior Campus Music
Senior Campus Music News
Welcome to all of our Music families for 2022.
As this goes to print we have already started with private tuition in Woodwind, Brass, Strings, Voice, Piano, Guitar and Percussion. If you have a child who wishes to start lessons in 2022 and have not yet submitted a form, it is not too late. Forms can be collected from the Senior Campus Reception or from Ms Brady in M1.
SEQTA appointments will be in the student’s timetable, clarifying Ensemble rehearsals and Private Tuition times. Ensemble rehearsals for 2022 will be as per the schedule below. If in doubt see Ms Brady.
Please remember how important it is for the team that everyone is at all rehearsals. The music just isn’t the same without you! Being on time and having all of your music and gear is all a part of the learning experience, and develops disciplines and skills which will be useful in all aspects of life.
Now let’s get started and make some music!
Linda Brady
Senior Campus Curriculum Leader of Music and Coordinator of Extra-Curricular Music
20 February
9am Worship
3:30pm Youth@PoP – meet in the church foyer for baking. Enquiries to Pastor Nick.
5pm Together@5
Please keep an eye on the Prince of Peace Church Facebook page for service updates.