Community Forum
We had a great evening last week where around 60 of our community met together to be led through a session run by Derek Bartels from LEQ and Kim Powell from LEVNT to help shape a focus around the kinds of skills and attributes we see being important for a graduate from Prince of Peace to have. Made up of a blend of staff, parents, current students, graduated students, council members and PoP congregation members, the evening helped us identify some of the common attributes that our community sees as important for students graduating from Prince of Peace – attributes like Empathy, Creativity, Adaptability, Initiative and Resilience. As we build and shape our next Strategic Intent documents, these and some of the other thoughts and ideas to come out of the evening will be evident. There were many positive things to come out of the evening, but by far the common theme I kept hearing was just how impressive our students were with their engagement, thoughts and ideas. A couple of pieces of feedback were: “I am so proud of how articulate and invested our students are”. “The students are far more insightful than I ever knew”.
Prince of Peace Kindergarten and OSHC
There are many different facets to the educational system that makes up Lutheran Education in Queensland. Our College, Prince of Peace, is an independent school and as such has its own governance council. As part of a system, it is supported by LEQ. Early childhood and care facilities such as the Prince of Peace Kindy and the OSHC are regulated differently under law, so need a different support structure – their system based overseeing body is called QLECS. However, there are then two models for how these early childhood services operate. Some, like the Kindy and OSHC, are managed directly by QLECS, while others are managed directly by the school they belong to. (It is very common for people to be surprised to discover we are not actually one and the same!).
After around a year of conversations and between QLECS, LEQ, our College Council and ourselves, we have decided to shift the management of the Kindergarten and the OSHC facility to be part of the College structure. While timeframes are approximate due to the complexity of effectively ‘moving’ a business, we anticipate this being completed by the beginning of 2022. We believe this will allow for greater connection of community, greater synergy between the programmes run in these places and better support for our many families and students who move between these different spaces.
Simon Hughes
Head of College
‘Spectacular, Spectacular!’
Rehearsals for ‘Spectacular, Spectacular!’ continue to ‘PoP’ on the Senior Campus every Wednesday and Friday. The songs are powerful, the action is absorbing and the production is spellbinding.
Performance dates are 18 and 19 June, 7pm in The Pavilion on the Senior Campus.
This is a show with a difference: cabaret style, intimate and with the action performed around you.
Ticket purchasing will open next week, and will include food package options which will be prepared and brought to your table by our hospitality students and will be bite sized nibbles such as small sandwiches, sausage rolls, quiche and cakes.
Service Learning At Prince of Peace – Walk my Way!
Prince of Peace Lutheran College and Church community is holding a “Walk my Way!” event at the end of the Term – Friday 25 June on the Senior Campus.
This is an opportunity to come together as a whole community and learn about the work of Australian Lutheran World Service and how they help refugees around the world.
Junior Campus students will travel by College bus to the Senior Campus to learn about the what life is like for refugees, walk and complete challenges, share a sausage sizzle lunch and finish our time together with a whole of college worship service. Members of the Prince of Peace Lutheran Church have been invited to join us on the day.
Further details of this “Walk my Way!” event will be sent out in the next week but mark this date as a unique opportunity for our community to reflect on where we’ve come from, how blessed we’ve been, and to help those who need us now.
Anne-Marie Schmidt
Deputy Head of Junior Campus P-6
King of Kings
“But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you; and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.” After he said this, he was taken up before their very eyes, and a cloud hid him from their sight.
This Thursday the Christian church celebrates the ascension of our Lord Jesus.
Luke writes in the book of Acts: “After Jesus’ suffering, he presented himself to them and gave many convincing proofs that he was alive. He appeared to them over a period of forty days and spoke about the kingdom of God,” and then gave His followers a great commission.
“You will receive power, the Holy Spirit and you will be my witnesses to the ends of the earth.” Jesus the King of Kings is then taken up into heaven to sit at the right hand of God the Father, this is His coronation as He is lifted up and crowned the king of all.
But what does this mean for you and me in everyday life?
Well, have you ever been overjoyed with something that you just can’t stop talking about it? You might have entered a new job that really gives you purpose and satisfies you, or you might have received an inheritance. You just can’t stop talking about it.
This is the same when Jesus meets you wherever you are in life because His love transforms even the toughest of us, giving us a totally new life. You see, this Jesus stuff is not just a warm fuzzy ‘love each other and everything will be alright.’ No this love of Jesus sets you free from sin, eternal death and the power of the devil. When we sin, when we try to do something and miss the mark, we are often left with a feeling of guilt or shame. This is the impact of sin in our life daily and it has an effect on many others around us. It is this love of Jesus that forgives our sin and removes our guilt and shame and this is what we are witnesses to.
You see to follow Jesus and to share His love is not about earning God’s favour, the witness is about how God’s love in Jesus transforms your life. By the gift of the Holy Spirit faith is created and you keep growing in Jesus.
So who is your king? Whom do you bow down to and honour? Let Jesus be your king, come to Him and He will forgive you and set you free. He will give you rest from your struggles for He is the King of all Kings and you will witness this truth to the ends of the earth.
Pastor Mark Gierus
College Pastor
Mother’s Day Magic
The sun was shining, the birds were chirping and all around the country children and families were celebrating their Mothers. Here at Prince of Peace it was no exception as I watched our young people head across the crossing carrying little bags and gifts of love for the special lady or ladies in their lives. There was so much pride in their smiles as they showed me their flowers, cards and gifts, and told me of their plans to completely spoil mum.
I hope that your Mother’s Day was truly special. Our beautiful students are the product of the warm and loving efforts of their mums and dads, grannies and poppies, Ma’s and Pa’s and we want you all to know that we see you and all of the love that you carry in your hearts for your children. Happy Mother’s Day to you all!
It is with sincere gratitude that I thank Mrs Peta Lilly and her team of volunteers for making this Mother’s Day one of the best ever. These special events do not happen without the dedication of a few over months and months. Thank you Peta for your service to our College. The students, staff and I salute you!
Katrina Valencia
Head of Junior Campus
At my church service on Sunday, this poem was shared with us. I thought it was a wonderful tribute to mothers, so I share it with you.
When God Created Mothers
by Erma Bombeck
When the Good Lord was creating mothers, He was into his sixth day of “overtime” when an angel appeared and said, “You’re doing a lot of fiddling around on this one.”
And the Lord said, “Have you read the specs on this order?
- She has to be completely washable, but not plastic;
- Have 180 movable parts… all replaceable;
- Run on black coffee and leftovers;
- Have a lap that disappears when she stands up;
- A kiss that can cure anything from a broken leg to a disappointed love affair;
- And six pairs of hands.”
The angel shook her head slowly and said, “six pairs of hands… no way.”
“It’s not the hands that are causing me problems,” said the Lord. “It’s the three pairs of eyes that mothers have to have.”
“That’s on the standard model?” asked the angel.
The Lord nodded. “One pair that sees through closed doors when she asks, ’What are you kids doing in there?’ when she already knows. Another here in the back of her head that sees what she shouldn’t but what she has to know, and of course the ones here in front that can look at a child when he goofs up and say, ’I understand and I love you’ without so much as uttering a word.”
“Lord,” said the angel, touching His sleeve gently, “Go to bed. Tomorrow…”
“I can’t,” said the Lord, “I’m so close to creating something so close to myself. Already I have one who heals herself when she is sick… can feed a family of six on one pound of hamburger… and can get a nine-year-old to stand under a shower.”
The angel circled the model of a mother very slowly. “It’s too soft,” she sighed.
“But she’s tough!” said the Lord excitedly. “You cannot imagine what this mother can do or endure.”
“Can it think?”
“Not only can it think, but it can reason and compromise,” said the Creator.
Finally, the angel bent over and ran her finger across the cheek. “There’s a leak,” she pronounced. “I told You that You were trying to push too much into this model.”
“It’s not a leak,” said the Lord. “It’s a tear.”
“What’s it for?”
“It’s for joy, sadness, disappointment, pain, loneliness, and pride.”
“You are a genius,” said the angel.
The Lord looked somber. “I didn’t put it there,” He said.
We thank all of the women in our community with a mother’s heart. We are so grateful for all they do. We thank them for their ongoing support for their children and our College community. We are blessed.
Emu Gully
A couple of insights from our Year 11 students about Emu Gully:
Emu Gully was the shortest camp I have been on at PoP but was surprisingly a camp that truly brought myself and my peers closer than ever. The teamwork and sense of leadership displayed at camp amongst the cohort was outstanding. The activities brought so many people out of their comfort zone… I saw not only confidence in myself but also in those around me after completing the activities and encouraging those around them. Emu Gully was a wonderful experience! Jasmine Hancox
Emu Gully was an unforgettable experience. As a cohort, we learnt so much about who we were and formed intimate friendships with each other. Everybody accepted their leadership responsibility which helped us become more reliant towards each other, knowing that we go through all the ups and downs together. We are only as strong as the weakest person. Together we can conquer the world. Talitha Montgomery
Emu Gully was a great learning experience and a wonderful excuse to get to know our classmates—it was truly awesome to see Year 11 come together (finally!) as a successful team. Rosina Floriani
I believe that Emu Gully provided the opportunity to help us work together as a team and learn that we each need to contribute, the camp allowed us to bond. It was very helpful in understanding leadership and what it takes to be a leader, which is helping your fellow students/teachers be their best. It was an amazing experience but it is now important that what we learnt at Emu Gully should be reflected in our actions and decisions not just at school, but in our everyday lives and relationships. Jayke Merrell
Last week I experienced my final school camp. We went to Emu Gully. It was challenging, but at the same time inspirational and an overwhelming amount of fun, even though it was based on boot camp style training. I can’t even say I disliked getting the mud in my face, climbing frightening heights and crawling through tunnels just wider than my shoulders! It was an awe inspiring and humbling experience which taught me a lot about my peers and leadership. Tyler Noakes
Spectacular Spectacular
Judging by what I heard and saw on Friday afternoon, Spectacular Spectacular is coming together.
This show is a great example of our College working as one. We look forward to seeing all the student and staff efforts come to fruition.
Michelle Nisbet
Head of Senior Campus
Senior Campus Sport
BOSBL Round 2 and 3
Round 2 of the BOSBL competition was played against Genesis Christian College. PoP got off to a quick start in this game and we were never really challenged, increasing our lead at the end of each quarter. A good rotation off the bench saw all players contributing across the board. Harry Jones led the scoring with an easy 20 points, while Gabe Kassiou found his range with a quick-fire 10 points. Kaleb Rail also added another 10 points leading PoP to a dominant 65-16 win. Special mention to Matt Bunn who sunk a beautiful 3-pointer on his way to 7 points.
Round 3 saw us up against a very aggressive and competitive team from Craigslea State High. We got off to a really slow start, with both teams only scoring 3 points by the end of the first quarter. However, our boys found their rhythm and with a number of supporters in the crowd, started to play some good basketball to break away from the opposition. Harry Jones scored 18 points, Ben Fingland added 7 and Keanan Kapp and Kaleb Rail both scored 5 each to propel the team to a 40-15 win.
Gabby Collman
Senior Campus Sports Coordinator
Junior Campus Music News
Choir, Ensemble Evening — Tuesday 8 June
Senior Choir, Honours Choir, Band, Percussion Ensemble and Soloists will present an end of Semester concert in the Chapel commencing at 6:00pm.
Should you have any questions about the instrumental, choral or classroom music program on the Junior Campus, please don’t hesitate to contact me.
Sherree Cudney
Junior Campus Music
Senior Campus Music News
Preparation is well under way for our first ensemble concert in over a year. Put Wednesday 26 May into your diary as it will be a great night with over 100 students performing in a variety of styles and genre. All of our new tutors will be there and several new ensembles will be presenting for the first time. Jazz, Rock, Classical, Folk, Pop… whatever your style, there will be a special performance for you! Plus you will be supporting the wonderful students who have dedicated so much time and love to the preparation of this material week after week.
Pre-order food packages are available from our capable hospitality students. Please pre-order using the following link:
Those performing, please ensure that you have organised your Music Uniforms so that you look as good as you sound!
Stay tuned for more…
Linda Brady
Senior Campus Curriculum Leader of Music and Coordinator of Extra-Curricular Music
Worship 16 May
9am Worship
5PM Together@5 – Messy Church, the theme is Pentecost, come and join us for some fun, fellowship and food.
Please keep an eye on the Prince of Peace Church Facebook page for service updates.
Term 2 Tennis
Spots still available for Term 2 lessons
June / July School holiday multi sport/ Tennis camp
Bookings now Open
Week 1: Tues 29, Wed 30 June, Thurs 1 July
Week 2: Tues 6, Wed 7, Thurs 8 July
Who is it for?
New or Existing Players in our Hotshots Programs aged 5 – 12 yr
How much is it?
$39 per day / 3 days $99
$59 per day / 3 day $159
$7 early pick up and drop off
What do I bring?
Hat, water bottle, sunscreen and lunch
What is provided?
Morning and afternoon tea and racquet if needed.
How do I book?
call us on 07 3851 0444
Uniform Shop
The uniform shop is located on the Junior Campus – park opposite reception and follow the signs to the shop under the Year 3 building. We carry all items of Prince of Peace uniform for both Junior and Senior campus, including lunch bags, soccer socks, food technology aprons, Chess Club and Music uniforms. The shop is open 7.30am to 9.30am Tuesdays and 2.00pm to 4.00pm Thursdays during term time. Orders can be placed anytime from The School Locker Website with either home or school delivery (PICK UP option). If you would like items delivered to your child’s class, please enter your child’s name and class in the second address line and items can be delivered to your child’s teacher.
In addition, The School Locker has a super-store located at 5-6 Burke Crescent, North Lakes, which is open 8.30am to 5.00pm Monday to Friday and 9.00am to 3.00pm Saturdays. The School Locker aims to be a “one-stop shop” for school supplies – carrying all items of Prince of Peace uniform, plus school shoes, generic stationery, technology including Apple Tech Service department, instrumental, and sporting equipment. We are happy to match prices with any Australian suppliers so please check out our range.
Music Students: Black choir pants are now available in sizes 10 – 16 as well as the music/choir shirt in sizes 6 – 2XL.
Junior Winter Uniform Options: Boys formal – optional trouser, unisex knit pullover; girls formal – navy opaque tights, unisex knit pullover.
Unisex Sport: Zip track jacket and track pants.
Senior Winter Uniform Options: Boys formal – optional long pants, unisex knit pullover and unisex blazer Year 10-12; girls formal – optional long pants, navy opaque tights with the skirt, unisex knit pullover, and unisex blazer Year 10-12.
Unisex Sport: Zip track jacket and track pants.
Senior Campus: We have belts available for $15 each.
Student Umbrellas: We now have Shelta brand compact umbrellas for students available in navy or black for $15 as well as clear raincoats for $19.95. PoP logo golf size umbrellas are available for parents for $26.
Second Hand: If you wish to buy or sell second hand uniforms, please visit our very active PoP Second Hand Uniform Buy & Sell Facebook group.