As one of 82 Lutheran Schools around Australia, I am very fortunate to be able to meet with and grow with a large number of quite incredible leaders from our family of schools. This Friday is one of those times, and as I’ve been looking at our schedule for the day I have also been reflecting on previous meetings where we have learnt together, challenged one another about the future of education and grown in our understanding of the needs of our learners in the future.
One of the recent workshops focused on ‘resilience’. What is resilience, how do we ‘get’ it and what does resilience look like? …a growing focus for all in modern society; adults and children alike.
.b is a very simple, yet very meaningful strategy that resonated with me…..stop, breathe and just be.
How often in your day do you get (or perhaps take) the chance to stop, breathe and just ‘be’?
Psalm 37:7 – Be still in the presence of the Lord, and wait patiently for him to act.
Isaiah 40:31 – but they who wait for the LORD shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings like eagles; they shall run and not be weary; they shall walk and not faint.
That moment before entering through the front door of an evening, the time when you may enjoy a quiet cuppa before the family wakes, sitting in traffic with nowhere to move, when do you take a .b moment? As Christians our .b moment can be even more: stop, breathe and be with Jesus.
Our family fridge (and maybe the staff fridge too) will shortly have a .b poster planted smack in the middle of the door! A symbol for us to just stop, breathe and be with Jesus. How powerful, sent as a simple text message or email during the day, written on our notice board at work, the list is endless.
Do you need to take a .b moment today?
Simon Hughes
Head of College
Strength in Jesus
He was hated and rejected; his life was filled with sorrow and terrible suffering. No one wanted to look at him. We despised him and said, “He is a nobody!”
He suffered and endured great pain for us, but we thought his suffering was punishment from God. He was wounded and crushed because of our sins; by taking our punishment, he made us completely well. Isaiah 53
Last week our College shared the message of Bullying – NO WAY on the National Day of Action Against Bullying and Violence. This is such a powerful message to all people, those who have been subjected to these horrible things and those who have rejected or hated or put down or hurt others.
In the words of the prophet Isaiah we see that the servant Jesus was hated by many, rejected, excluded, and despised. No one wanted to look at him. We could say Jesus was bullied by those in positions of power who were afraid of losing their power because of the words of truth Jesus spoke.
In this season of Lent we remember the great suffering of our Lord Jesus as He journeyed to the cross to die for your sin and my sin and to win victory over eternal death, sin and the devil once and for all. We often in our hurt and rejection by others feel that we are worthless. We can feel that there is no point in going on. We can even be afraid to go to our workplace, to school or even to the shops because we might meet up with those who reject, abuse, hurt and intimidate us.
But in our time of sorrow, fear and struggle it is Jesus who is with us. He didn’t just say to us, ‘Yeah I get what you are going through.’
No, Jesus lived it out. He knows what it is to be laughed at, to be put down, to be spat on, to be beaten, to be excluded, to be called names and to be hated so He can tell us He gets it. He knows what we are feeling because He was fully human at the same time as being fully God.
When we put our hope in Jesus we will be more than ok. We will made strong in Jesus to face every challenge, struggle and sorrow because He cares for you. Take His hand in your challenging times and hold it tight and talk to Him to hear His word say to you, ‘There is nothing that happens today that together we can’t handle.’
Pastor Mark Gierus
College Pastor
Introducing our New DSM, Mrs Kathryn Price
Hello, my name is Kathryn Price, and I am the Defence School Mentor (DSM) here at Prince of Peace. As the spouse of an ADF member and mother of three primary school aged children I understand the unique challenges that Defence families face.
I am delighted to assist our Defence families integrate into the community. It is my priority to make our Defence families and children feel welcome and identify available support networks. I am here to support our Defence children and to help them develop their self-confidence and resilience.
The Defence School Mentor (DSM) Program provides funding to schools to minimise the impact of the mobile lifestyle on Defence students’ education. The DSM Program assists Defence students and their families with changing schools, integrating into the school community and providing support during parental absences. This funding provided by the Defence Forces allows for the employment of a DSM to work within the school to raise awareness of the Defence lifestyle and to support students of Defence families.
Read more information about the Defence School Mentor (DSM) Program >
The home stretch
I don’t know about you, but it feels like Term 1 has come (and nearly gone) with such a flurry. Just like that we are staring down at the last two weeks of the term. It is important that we keep in mind how our little people are also coping with this term. Some of the consistent messages I am hearing from parents include:
- They (the students) are so tired.
- I (the parents) am so tired.
- There are so many things on.
- I’m not sure how I will get it all done.
And the list goes on.
It is not uncommon to feel overwhelmed at different times in our lives, or in the school year. After all, it has been a long, hot summer with little reprieve. Our activities, after the hiatus of 2020, are back in full swing and our children are all a year older and required to do a little bit more than last year.
So as we head into Week 9 can I encourage you to take some time to consider the following things?
- What are two things your child/ren have achieved that you are proud of from Term 1? (share this with them)
- What are two things you are looking forward to in the holidays?
- What are two things they are looking forward to in the holidays?
- What are two things you are grateful for this term? (Write them down)
- What is one change you will make as you head into Term 2? This could be something personally for you or perhaps for your child. (Tell someone. Being accountable helps us achieve our goals)
For me, it is time to stop and spend some time with God. Throughout this term he has loved me unconditionally. He has prepared my path, equipped me with all I need and picked me up time and time again. He does all of this for me regardless of my failings or my efforts. He simply loves me.
So as I prepare for this Easter, I am going to turn my attention to Him. My encouragement for you is that you too look for His endless love for you. It is all around you – in your children, your work, your home, our College. This Easter, reach out to Him in whom we find all peace, all love and all we need.
Be blessed,
Katrina Valencia
Head of Junior Campus
Clarity in Teaching and Learning – The 5 Essential Questions
The 5 Essential Questions are visible to our students in the classroom and assist in knowing more about our learners, how they learn and what further instruction and support they may need.
Here are the 5 questions teachers can ask students:
- What are you learning? Why?
- How are you doing?
- How do you know?
- How can you improve?
- Where do you go for help?
As parents and careers you have a critical role in your child’s success.
The following 5 questions are designed to assist you as you engage with your child’s learning.
We encourage you to take the opportunity at the end of the day to ask the questions and find out what learning has taken place.
5 Questions Parents can Ask Their Children
- What did you learn today?
- How did you do?
- What did you do if you didn’t understand?
- How can you improve on your learning?
- What are you most proud of?
We look forward to sharing our learning journey with you as we continue to work in partnership to nurture our students’ God-given potential.
Rebekah Bruyn
Learning Coach
Last week students had the opportunity to participate in the National Day of Action against Bullying and Violence. They were reminded of this important message through classroom discussions and activities, as well as assembly and chapel presentations.
Students listened to the popular children’s story Macca the Alpaca by Matt Cosgrove, which encourages a message of kindness in the face of bullying. Students and members from our church community then made the pledge to say NO TO BULLYING, by adding a cotton ball to a mural of Macca the Alpaca. Macca will be hung in a special place on the Junior Campus to remind us of our commitment to a safe and supportive school environment.
Students also enjoyed a special morning tea with a visit from a llama and two alpacas. We would like to thank the Year 6 students for their hard work on this day, leading us in worship and spreading the important message SAY NO TO BULLYING.
Kelly Ahern
Year 6 Teacher
Melissa Churchill
Melissa Churchill will be leaving us at the end of Term 1. She and her husband are moving to Sale, Victoria where she will take up a position as PA to the Principal. Melissa has been a member of the Senior Campus team since 2010. She started as receptionist before moving into the role of Personal Assistant to the Senior Campus Leadership Team. Melissa has been that reassuring voice on the other end of the phone or the sender of emails, and organiser of subject changes and issuer of timetables (just to mention a few of her responsibilities). Both the staff and students are appreciative of the important role that Melissa has performed. We thank Melissa for her commitment during her time at the College and in particular for her tireless efforts and attention to detail in her role as PA to the Senior Campus Leadership Team. I am personally, so grateful for the support that Melissa has offered me and wish her God’s richest blessings for the future. She will be missed.
Thank you for your willingness to get used to another platform. Everyone should have received a welcome email, with the link to SEQTA. We did reach out to some parents last week. If you have not accessed SEQTA yet, please contact Melissa on mchurchill@princeofpeace.qld.edu.au and she can organise for the email to be resent. Report cards will only be able to be accessed via SEQTA, and as of next term, communication will be only via SEQTA.
Your assistance in logging into SEQTA Engage would be appreciated. We are confident that you will be impressed with the information that you now have access to.
3-12 Cross Country
Let’s say our prayers that the weather is kind to us, so that the 3-12 Cross Country can happen on 24 March as planned. 2019 was cancelled due to weather and 2020 due to COVID, so it would be great to be able to celebrate together this year as a Prince of Peace community. We look forward to welcoming parents, and the opportunity for some fellowship and encouragement between the Junior and Senior Campus students. The event will take place at Teralba Park. Students from Years 3 –12 are requested to be dropped off at Teralba Park from 8am and sit in their designated house areas. Alternatively, students across Years 3 – 12 may request transportation to Teralba Park via the College bus service from either campus by notifying their respective Administration Office in advance. Parents are welcome to be in attendance, but it is important that they check in on arrival via the QR code, that physical distancing is maintained for adults and that parents only interact with their own children at the event. We realise that this frustrating, but these are the guidelines we need to adhere to when conducting a COVID-safe event. The event is scheduled to be completed by approximately 12:45pm when students will then be transported via the College bus service back to their respective campus.
Michelle Nisbet
Head of Senior Campus
On Sunday our U15-U17 Futsal team competed in the grand final in the Arana Futsal League. They were not victorious on the day, but should be very proud of their efforts. The opposition came out strong, and the team tried their best to chase them down. Prince of Peace have been playing in this completion since 2015. Most of the team have played together for the last couple of years. We thank them for their dedication to the College’s sporting program. We thank their parents for the support they have offered in facilitating participation in the ten round competition.
Congratulations to Georgia Hopwood (Year 7) who was selected to participate in the 80m hurdles and 100m sprint at the State Athletics Championships last weekend at QSAC. Georgia will also compete at the State Little Athletics Championships being held this weekend. Good luck Georgia!
Congratulations to Mattias, Jonas and Freya Forbes-Schutz who have all qualified for the QLD team to run at the Australian Junior Athletics Championships in Sydney in April. Mattias has qualified for the 2000m steeplechase and the 800m. Freya and Jonas will both participate in the 2000m steeplechase event. Heidi Noon also qualified for 800m. Well done and good luck!
We love to celebrate the sporting success of our students so please do let us know when a student has achieved something special in the sporting arena so that we can share their story with our school community!
Gabby Collman
Senior Campus Sports Coordinator
Junior Campus Music News
Junior Band
We are still looking for more students who might learn a woodwind or brass instrument to join our Junior band. Rehearsals are Thursday lunch times in the drum room.
Gift received
Thank you to Amanda Jones who is a member of the PoP Church. She donated an original painting of piano keys to the Music Department. It now hangs proudly at the front of the room for all to see and be inspired. (See photo)
Should you have any questions about the instrumental, choral or classroom music program on the Junior Campus, please do not hesitate to contact me.
Sherree Cudney
Junior Campus Music
Senior Campus Music News

Our Soloists on Show recital on Tuesday night featured some of the best of our individual performers. Congratulations to all who performed. The standards are delightfully high and it was certainly a worthwhile evening out.
Reminder that on Sunday 28 March 6pm, we are off to see Come From Away at QPAC. Your tickets should be ready to collect from the school offices. Make sure that you have done this to ensure a smooth run on the day. We will have over 50 people from the broader school community.

Tutor Jordan Hall taking the Concert Band in preparation for Rhythms, Riffs and Refrains
Preparation is well under way for our first ensemble concert in over a year, Rhythms Riffs and Refrains, which will be held on Wednesday 26 May 6 – 8pm. Put this date in your diary as it will be a great night out with over 100 students performing in a variety of styles and genre. All of our new tutors will be there and several new ensembles will be presenting for the first time. Jazz, Rock, Classical, Folk, Pop… whatever your style, there will be a special performance for you! Plus you will be supporting the wonderful students who have dedicated so much time and love to the preparation of this material week after week.
For those students involved, please ensure that you have organised your child’s Music Uniform so that they will you look as good as they sound!
Stay tuned for more…
Linda Brady
Senior Campus Curriculum Leader of Music and Coordinator of Extra-Curricular Music
Sunday 21 March
Worship Service 9am
Together@5pm—Messy Church, focusing on Holy Week, followed by a shared supper.
Sunday 28 March
Worship Service 9am
Together@5pm—Year 3 cohort-led service, followed by a sausage sizzle in the Junior Campus Shed.
Uniform Shop
I would like to advise that The School Locker North Lakes will close for one day only on Wednesday 24 March, 2021, reopening on Thursday 25 March, 2021.
This day has been set aside for our annual inventory stocktake and we thank all of our school partners for their understanding.
It is very important at this time of year when orders are being placed after students have returned back to school to have our inventory correct, and to do this we have made the decision to close for one day only.
The uniform shop is located on the Junior Campus – park opposite reception and follow the signs to the shop under the Year 3 building. We carry all items of Prince of Peace uniform for both Junior and Senior campus, including lunch bags, soccer socks, food technology aprons, Chess Club and Music uniforms. The shop is open 7.30am to 9.30am Tuesdays and 2.00pm to 4.00pm Thursdays during term time. Orders can be placed anytime from The School Locker Website with either home or school delivery (PICK UP option). If you would like items delivered to your child’s class, please enter your child’s name and class in the second address line and items can be delivered to your child’s teacher.
In addition, The School Locker has a super-store located at 5-6 Burke Crescent, North Lakes, which is open 8.30am to 5.00pm Monday to Friday and 9.00am to 3.00pm Saturdays. The School Locker aims to be a “one-stop shop” for school supplies – carrying all items of Prince of Peace uniform, plus school shoes, generic stationery, technology including Apple Tech Service department, instrumental, and sporting equipment. We are happy to match prices with any Australian suppliers so please check out our range.
New Student Umbrellas: We now have Shelta brand compact navy and black umbrellas—only $15. We also have durable clear PVC raincoats with draw-cord hood, and two protected pockets either of which are a great to keep in your child’s school bag. We have size 6 to size 16—they come flat packed in a case and are only $19.95. PoP Golf size umbrellas with logo are great for parents to have on standby in the car for showery pickup times and to keep cool while supporting children at sporting events (such as the upcoming cross country carnival) – $26.
Winter items: Overcast days and wet weather can cool things down a bit. Winter items are: formal pullovers and zip track jackets, long formal pants and track pants, and for junior girls navy tights—come in now before a cold spell and get your child fitted so they are prepared for cooler weather after the Easter break.
Everything labelled: Just a reminder that we have laundry markers in both black and white, and white iron name labels at the campus uniform shop. Useful tip: for girls’ hair accessories, write their initials on the back so if lost they can be returned.
Second Hand: If you wish to buy or sell second hand uniforms, please visit our very active PoP Second Hand Uniform Buy & Sell Facebook group.