Information Evenings
It was wonderful to be able to have our parents back together to catch up and chat with one another at our information evenings over the past few weeks. Thank you to all who came along, some to multiple evenings and events due to our need to spread them out a little more. As always, a very big thank you to all our staff who prepared for and ran the many multiple sessions.
SEQTA Engage
Simply, keep activating your accounts! We are nearly at 600 active accounts now which is fantastic. Hopefully at the recent information evenings you have had some further insight into how the portal will be used and the kinds of communication that will be able to occur through it.
Once you are in, the first two places you will likely want to check are your notifications and the dashboard.
Notifications appear in the top right corner of your page. New notifications about a direct message will show up here, highlighted and with a badge designating how many. Notifications must be CLEARED (on an app, often just a black/white cross), as they remain even if you open or read a message.
The Dashboard will show you additional information, in particular about some Pastoral Care note types. Currently, if your child receives a commendation (blue slip), you may receive a direct message telling you that has occurred. But, looking into the dashboard will give you the details of what it is for.
If you have had difficulty creating your account, please just email or drop past reception and we will help you out.
2020 ATAR Results
Michelle Nisbet referred to our 2020 results last newsletter, but I know some of our families are still curious so we thought it might be beneficial to display them a little more graphically. We are really proud of the results our 2020 Year 12s achieved and we are excited for them as they now journey on into the next phase of learning and life.
Simon Hughes
Head of College
Repent in Lent
The Lord says, “Even now, come back to me with all your heart. Fast, cry, and be sad.” Tearing your clothes is not enough to show you are sad; let your heart be broken. Come back to the Lord your God, because he is kind and shows mercy.
So we enter the season of Lent which lasts for forty days (even though there are 46 days from Ash Wednesday to Easter Sunday). The Sundays are not counted as part of the Lenten days as Sunday is always celebrated as a day of resurrection. So there are 6 Sundays in lent leaving 40 days of Lent – a time of repentance.
The ash is used as a sign of repentance and some of you may have had ashes put on your hand or head on Ash Wednesday. But God doesn’t only want a sign like ash put on us to say we repent, He wants your heart. He wants to meet you where you are at in life, yes to even see the rubbish in our hearts that we often hide there and He wants to heal you. We often hang onto the things we have gotten wrong, our sin, our mistakes and sometimes this becomes part of our identity. We find ourselves feeling like we have failed or we find ourselves running from it and denying anything is eating away at the deepest part of our being.
The season of Lent is a time of repentance (actually Jesus calls us to live a life of repentance as we live real for Him). Every day we can live in repentance, not only saying sorry but turning back to God. Turning away from sin and from all that continues to break us and to turn back to God to find peace, strength, hope and joy.
Lent is a time to let go of the hurts you carry through forgiving. Go and see that person whom you have wronged and ask them to forgive you as you forgive them for hurting and sinning against you.
But most importantly walk in this season with Jesus as He leads you to the cross where He lay down His life for your life and as you journey with Him you will find freedom and peace and love.
Pastor Mark Gierus
College Pastor
Saved to Serve
We all want to know the purpose behind the things we’re doing, yet often the answer we get is, “Well, that’s just what needs to be done,” “That’s how we’ve always done it,” or “It’s for your own good.” Thankfully, when it comes to service as a follower of Jesus, we have a much better purpose behind what we are called to do.
As followers of Christ, we are called to imitate the example that He set for us. Jesus says in Mark 1:45 that He “did not come to be served, but to serve.” We are to serve others just as Jesus served them. That’s all well and good, but if that’s our only goal, then we’re missing out on the biggest part of the example that Jesus set for us.
Jesus came to both serve others and save them. He did not separate His everyday service to His neighbors from His death on the cross, so neither should we. We serve in order to share. It’s not just about doing something nice for someone else. Christian service is about sharing the love and message of Christ with others, which is a purpose that is so much greater than anything else the world can offer. We serve to share. We serve to share the love of Christ. We serve to share our lives with others by building relationships. We serve to share the message of the Gospel. That’s our purpose today, tomorrow and every day as baptized and forgiven children of God.
Installation of Student Leaders
This Friday, 19 February, is the Installation Service of our Year 6 student leaders. Our Campus Captains, House Captains and Year 6 Student Leaders will be installed into their positions for 2021. I invite all families to pray for our Student Leaders as they step out in service in our Community.
Tips for Tying our Shoe laces
The seemingly simple act of tying our shoelaces can be challenging for so many children and can cause stress within families. Sometimes our little people try so very hard to overcome this hurdle and still come up short. This week I saw a lovely little video, put out by DCD Australia, showing how their ambassador Kai has overcome this hurdle in the past. I thought I would share this with you in case it can help your little people too. Great work Kai and thank you for sharing this with us.
Katrina Valencia
Head of Junior Campus
Clarity in Teaching and Learning
As educators, clarity around our teaching processes and our students’ learning needs is an essential part of the day-to-day workings in our classrooms. Lyn Sharratt’s book ‘Clarity—What Matters Most in Learning, Teaching and Leading’ has been the focus for members of staff to consider how we go about achieving best practice and improved student growth.
Lyn Sharratt outlines 14 parameters for system and school improvement, and the two listed below are the underpinning parameters. It is important that we hold students and teachers to high standards and that we give support in those areas where it is needed. Building a culture where teachers have a shared accountability for students ensures that we all play a part in their ongoing learning journey at Prince of Peace.
Parameter 1. Shared beliefs and understandings
a. All students can achieve high standards given the right time and the right support.
b. All teachers can teach to high standards given the right time and the right assistance.
c. High expectations and early and ongoing intervention are essential.
d. All learners, teachers and students can articulate what they do and why they lead, teach and learn the way they do.
Parameter 14. Shared responsibility and accountability
a. We all own all the FACES!—All teachers have a shared responsibility and shared accountability for all students.
We look forward to sharing our learning journey with you as we continue to work in partnership to nurture our students’ God-given potential.
Rebekah Bruyn
Learning Coach
Powerful Partnerships
It was wonderful to welcome so many of our parents on to the campus last week. The opportunity to see families in person was appreciated by all. If you were not able to join us, the information presented by the Year Level Coordinators can be found on the Website, in the MyPoP Parent Portal under College Communications and Parent Resources.
Last edition of POPCORN, we highlighted a number of ways to “Stay in Touch”. If you have not set up your SEQTA ENGAGE account, you are encouraged to do this. The students have all been set up on SEQTA LEARN. Both platforms provide the same level of information. There have been very positive reviews from both the students and parents who have explored it; as more and more parents set up their accounts we will use SEQTA direct messages instead of email to communicate with parents.
Learning Spaces
Over the holidays, some new furniture arrived which has transformed some of our learning spaces. Students have embraced the opportunity for choice. Whether it be a standing desk, or comfortable cushion on the floor, group learning or solo learning. The spaces are flexible, so that they can easily be reconfigured. Rooms have also been set up with a sacred space.
New Flag
On Tuesday, Mr Tim Mander MP, Member for Everton joined us for assembly to present a Queensland flag. It was accepted on behalf of the Senior Campus by Haydn Ahchay and Alexander Hegner who have been dedicated flag monitors since Year 10. We also acknowledge Mr Peter Dutton MP, Member for Dickson who supplied the Senior Campus with a new Australian and Aboriginal Flag. It is great to see three new flags fluttering at the end of the forecourt.
This year, we have moved back to corporate worship. Students attend worship live once a week (Senior School Students each Monday and Middle School Students each Thursday), and watch the streamed worship on the alternate day. This arrangement allows us to manage the number of students in our worship space at a time. We thank Mr Stevens and his team of Adam, Will, Emily, Luca and Fletcher who all support the streaming of worship.
Additionally, once a term each Year level will worship together in the Outdoor Chapel.
Today we marked the start of Lent, with an Ash Wednesday service. It was a blessing for all members of the campus to gather together for a service led by Pastor Mark in the Pavilion. After receiving ashes on the hand, students were invited to leave quietly and continue their reflection as they proceeded through the worship walk.
Michelle Nisbet
Head of Senior Campus
Senior Campus Parking
We have been working hard to manage the car and bus flow of an afternoon. The safety of all members of our community is our number one priority. We ask parents to please keep the following points in mind when navigating the Senior Campus carpark:
- Turn left after entering the campus and proceed to the ring road, then proceed to the top of the ‘stop and go’ area and wait for your children to exit or enter the car. For the safety of students, entry to the upper car park (to the right upon entering the College) will be closed from 7.45am – 8.20am and from 2.30pm – 3.15pm. Please assist us during these times by using only the ring road for student drop off and pickup—which you enter on turning left as you drive into the College grounds. Be mindful that there is a pedestrian crossing soon after the sharp left.
- Please move up the ring road to collect your child—so that we manage traffic and keep students safe. Please only use the ‘stop and go’ section for entry and exit of vehicles, please do not allow your child to walk across the ring road traffic to enter your vehicle.
- Parents should not exit the car in the ‘stop and go’ area. If you need to exit your car then please park in the available bays.
- The afternoon peak time for the carpark is 3.05pm–3.15pm. By 3.15pm, most of the traffic is cleared; it may be a good idea to delay your pick up time by ten minutes to avoid congestion.
- Students are supervised in the upper car park until 3.30pm, after which they are sent to the library to be supervised until 4.00pm. We advise parents not to collect/drop off their students on Henderson Road/Timms Road, as supervision is not provided in that area.
- Of a morning, students should be dropped off on the ring road.
Many thanks for your assistance in creating an efficient and safe student pick up and drop off.
Junior Campus Sport
Northern District and Nissa Swimming Carnivals
Last week, PoP swimmers contested two carnivals.
First were district trials on Thursday at the Lawnton Aquatic Centre (17 competitors) and then on Friday was the Northern Independent Schools Sporting Association (NISSA) Twilight Meet at the Genesis Christian College pool (24 competitors).
Full NISSA results will be detailed in the next edition of POPCORN.
Addison Houslip – Second in Qld Aquathlon!
On Saturday, Addison (Yr 6) represented the Metropolitan North Region at the QLD School Sport Aquathlon Championships in Hervey Bay. This extremely tough event consists of a 1km road run, followed by a 200m ocean swim and finally a repeat of the 1km run. With over 100 very fit competitors against her, Addison led from the gun—setting a furious pace to lead by about 20m by the end of the first run. She negotiated the choppy rectangular swim course around two cans to exit the water in clear second behind the Gold Coast champion. In the second run leg she was challenged by a Sunshine Coast competitor, but held her off to take a well-deserved silver. Awesome effort Addison!
District Swimming Trials
Last Thursday, 17 PoP swimmers competed in the very tough North-by-Northwest Swimming Trials at the Lawnton Aquatic Centre against swimmers from over 20 other schools. Each event had up to 30 competitors, spread over several heats.
Our results were very pleasing. The highlights were:
- Nate Christison: 10yrs Boys: 1st 100m FS 1:24.29; 1st 200m FS 3:02.37; 2nd 50m FS 37.43; 2nd 100m BR 2:01.74; 2nd 200m IM 3:54.99; 4th 100m BR 1:44.32;
- Addison Houslip: 12yrs Girls: 1st 200m FS 2:42.11; 2nd 100m FS 1:15.51;
- Samantha Harman: 10yrs Girls: 4th 50m BK 51.94; 5th 50m BF 56.32;
- Thomas Forbes-Schutz: 10yrs Boys: 4th 50m BF 48.32;
- Kaelan Harvey: 11yrs Boys: 4th 50m BR 54.30;
- Matthew Labuschagne: 11yrs Boys 5th 100m FS 1:45.38
Nate, Addison, Samantha, Thomas and Kaelan were selected for the district team to compete at the Metropolitan North Regional Trials next Wednesday 24 February.
The College’s other competitors were Abbey Watts, Nina Langtry, Isaac Nielsen, Oliver Spargo, Sophie Harman, Sophie Griffin, Zarah Parsons, Lachlan Larder, Monte Morse, Mateo Viegas and Theo Chaplain. All did their very best in the extremely tough competition.
Well done to all of our swimmers.
Darren Lawrance
Junior Campus PE and Sport
Senior Campus Sport
Junior Campus Music News
Class Music Lessons
A reminder that students in Years 4-6 will need a recorder. I have quite a number of spares that are cleaned every day should your child forget, however it’s best to have their own.
Junior Campus Choirs
Rehearsal times are as follows:
Tuesday: JC Primary Choir (Years 4-6), at 7:40am in the Music Room
Wednesday: PoP Junior Voices (Years 2-3), 7:40am in the Music Room
Auditions for Honours Choir will occur in Week 5 & 6 during lunch breaks. Students in Years 5 & 6 are encouraged to audition. Rehearsals will commence in Week 7 on Thursday mornings before school.
Instrumental Lessons
Instrumental lessons have commenced with very limited spaces still available. Please ensure you let the tutor know if your child is away and unable to attend the lesson. Prompt payment of Term Fees are appreciated.
New Strings Tutor
We welcome Joanne Leask to our instrumental team. Joanne is very enthusiastic and is looking forward to building up the string program. She has a few spots available if you’re thinking of string lessons for your child.
Junior Band
We are looking for any students who might learn a woodwind or brass instrument to join our Junior band. Rehearsals are Thursday lunch times in the drum room.
Should you have any questions about the instrumental, choral or classroom music program on the Junior Campus, please do not hesitate to contact me.
Sherree Cudney
Junior Campus Music
Senior Campus Music News

It is all happening in the music department:
- Academic music classes
- Instrumental Ensemble rehearsals
- Students in private lessons
- Students preparing auditions for Spectacular Spectacular!!
There is a constant buzz!
This week you should get a copy of the 2021 POP Senior Campus Music Ensemble Handbook. Make sure that you take time to read the expectations and requirements and familiarise yourself with the tutors and the Performance Calendar. Concerts will be a welcome blessing after last year and we look forward to seeing you all in our Music performance uniform. Make sure that you have one that fits. It has been a while…
And so…kicking off 2021, our Soloists on Show Concert, Tuesday 16 March at 6pm, will feature the best of our individual performers. Drawn from across the Senior Campus, this concert will be a feast of talent and an inspiration for all of us. Performers will be nominated by a music teacher or tutor so if you want to be a part of this make sure that you have been nominated. The standards are delightfully high and it will certainly be worth the evening out. Our first Academic Music Extension student James Trembath will be a feature of this year’s Concert.
Sunday 28 March 6pm, we are off to see Come From Away at QPAC. This fantastic musical is a special treat for the whole school community. Set in Newfoundland and based on the book “The Day the World Came to Town” it tells the true story of a small rural community which is inundated by North Atlantic air travelers grounded by the 9/11 disaster. This is a powerful musical for the academic music and drama classes which we have chosen to share with our broader community. We have only until 22 February to claim tickets in our A-reserve booking so don’t delay.
Adults $110 Students $55. Contact
I am absolutely loving listening to the ensemble rehearsals and working with our students in the classroom. So much great work is happening. The engagement has been commendable. Remember how important each individual is to this art form. Be on time, be well prepared and ready to PLAY.
Stay tuned…
Linda Brady
Senior Campus Curriculum Leader of Music and Coordinator of Extra-Curricular Music
Sunday 21 February
Worship Service 9am
Together@5pm—Messy Church
Parents and caregivers are advised of the following correspondence which has been received from the Department of Education, Skills & Employment which forms part of our required reporting to the Australian Government. Download the PDF here >
Uniform Shop
The uniform shop is located on the Junior Campus – park opposite reception and follow the signs to the shop under the Year 3 building. We carry all items of Prince of Peace uniform for both Junior and Senior campus, including lunch bags, soccer socks, food technology aprons, Chess Club and Music uniforms. The shop is open 7.30am to 9.30am Tuesdays and 2.00pm to 4.00pm Thursdays during term time. Orders can be placed anytime from The School Locker Website with either home or school delivery (PICK UP option). If you would like items delivered to your child’s class, please enter your child’s name and class in the second address line and items can be delivered to your child’s teacher.
In addition, The School Locker has a super-store located at 5-6 Burke Crescent, North Lakes, which is open 8.30am to 5.00pm Monday to Friday and 9.00am to 3.00pm Saturdays. The School Locker aims to be a “one-stop shop” for school supplies – carrying all items of Prince of Peace uniform, plus school shoes, generic stationery, technology including Apple Tech Service department, instrumental, and sporting equipment. We are happy to match prices with any Australian suppliers so please check out our range.
We encourage fittings for those new to the Prince of Peace uniform, and these can be undertaken at the campus store and at North Lakes. Wendy is your campus specialist and is happy to answer any questions you may have.
Refunds/Returns: We are happy to assist with refunds/returns – please keep tags on (do not wash or name) so that your items are in saleable condition. Exchanges can be sent via campus reception attention Uniform Shop – bagged with note enclosed with child’s name and class, and the size required.
Online Ordering: Orders can be placed anytime from The School Locker Website – delivery options are a) to your home for small fee (approx. $7.50) OR b) no charge to classroom. If you want classroom pickup – choose PICKUP at “Prince of Peace” and provide your child’s name and class in the second address line. This applies for both Junior and Senior campus.
Junior Swimming Lessons (Year 2,4,5,6): We have lycra swim caps in house colours available at the Uniform Shop. PoP logo silicone swim caps are available for competitive swimmers also at $11.
Raincoats: Summer Showers are here—and we’ve got you covered! Durable clear PVC raincoats with draw-cord hood, and two protected pockets are a great standby to have in your child’s school bag. We have size 6 to size 16 – they come flat packed in a case and are only $19.95.
Umbrellas: For standby in the car for showery pickup time and for parents to keep cool while supporting children at sporting events, we have sturdy large Golf sized umbrellas in PoP colours with logo – $26.
Senior Photo Day Mon 1 March : Year 10, 11 & 12 blazers – whether you purchase new or second hand, please come and be fitted to ensure you have a size that will last.
Second Hand: If you wish to buy or sell second hand uniforms, please visit our very active PoP Second Hand Uniform Buy & Sell Facebook group.