The Only Constant Thing This Year is Change
2020 has brought with it many changes and everyone worldwide has been affected. If there is one thing it continues to teach us, it is how to be resilient, patient and to not take the simple things in life for granted.
The LORD is my rock, my fortress and my deliverer; my God is my rock, in whom I take refuge, my shield and the horn of my salvation, my stronghold. — Psalm 18:2
It is with sadness that we announce that two of our Leadership Team will be leaving us in September.
Mrs Linda Perrett
Linda commenced with the College as a teacher on the Senior Campus in January 2019. With her strong pastoral background, since Term Three last year Linda has been able to assist us in the acting role of Deputy Head of Senior Campus.
Linda has decided to pursue an opportunity in Curriculum at Brisbane Catholic Education, which is a fantastic opportunity and, whilst we are sad to see Linda leave, we are excited for her and what this new professional journey has to offer her career.
Soon we will be advertising for a new Deputy Head of Senior Campus, to commence in January 2021.
Mr Tim Grandy
Tim has held and guided our finance reins as our Business Manager for the past 8.5 years. Tim and his family will be relocating back interstate to be closer to family members, a move that has been on the cards for some time now since they have been living interstate for 15 years. During his time here, Tim has seen steady improvement and growth in our College position.
Interviews are underway for a new Business Manager, to commence in Term Four.
I personally cannot thank Linda and Tim enough for their passion, devotion and commitment and for what they have done for the College during their time with us. We wish them all the very best.
Blessings to you all as we get closer to the end of the term.
Simon Hughes
Head of College
Intention to Leave Notifications
To assist with our 2021 classroom planning, if any of our families intend to leave the College we ask if you can please notify us in writing before Tuesday 6 October 2020. In doing so, it will allow the College to contact families currently on our waiting lists in Term 4, whilst also ensuring that you meet your contractual obligations. Please contact your Head of Campus or Donna Cook, Marketing and Enrolments Manager, if you have any questions.
Notifications can be sent to or
How to Be Confident in Uncertain Times
(Excerpt taken and modified from Rick Warren)
“Be patient, resting your hearts on the ultimate certainty. Brothers and sisters, as an example of patience in the face of suffering, take the prophets who spoke in the name of the Lord. As you know, we count as blessed those who have persevered. You have heard of Job’s perseverance and have seen what the Lord finally brought about. The Lord is full of compassion and mercy.” — James 5:7a, 10 – 11
We’re living in strange and uncertain times. We don’t know what’s happening in the world. We get conflicting information from every source. We don’t know how long this coronavirus is going to continue spreading. We’re not sure how to make wise decisions without all the information we need.
When so many things are uncertain, we can remain certain of this one truth: God is in control. That’s right, the God who made the stars and moon, the tiniest mustard seed and your wonderful children IS in control. God walks alongside us each day. He restores us when we rest, He guides our path, He calms our fears, He loves, He forgives and He cares.
This is wonderful to hear and reassuring to hold on to, particularly when we are feeling not too bad, but for those who are feeling hopeless, sometimes these words need an extra jolt to bring them to life. You see sometimes when you feel helpless and alone, you need someone to help bring you out of your storm. God calls each of us to ‘love one another.’ To me this means to keep an eye on each other, to help each other up, to hold onto each other, and to turn one another to Him.
I pray that as 2020 continues, with all of its twists and turns, that we find it in our hearts to step out in love and shine God’s light into the dark places. Be blessed and know that you are a blessing to others.
Mrs V xx
It’s Time for a Shout-Out!
There are so many wonderful opportunities that are made available for our students here at Prince of Peace. Today I want to give a shout out to a few people in our community who drive some amazing opportunities for our students here at PoP.
A big Shout-Out to:
The Art Masters team:
- Mrs Garrad
- Mrs Fry
- Mrs Parente
- Mrs Elbers
Chess Club:
- Mr Russell
- Ms Burke
Gardening Club:
- Vickie Stead
- Susan Hird
- Susan Freeman
- Abigail Morse
Netball Development:
- Mrs Hird
Touch Development:
- Mr Lawrance
Mother/ Father’s Day Stall Convenor:
- Mrs Lilly
Tuckshop Convenor:
- Mrs Jacobs
BEBRAS Challenge:
- Mrs Bruyn
We all know that these people couldn’t do it without the support of a host of other volunteers. We sincerely thank the many volunteers who come along to support these people or who serve in other ways in our community. Our College is an extra-special place because of the time, effort and love you give to our students and we are forever grateful.
Book Week
On Friday 18 September the staff and students of Prince of Peace will be dressing up as their favourite Book Characters as we host our 2020 Book Week Parade.
Unfortunately, due to restrictions surrounding COVID-19, and the management of large groups of adults, the decision has been made to make this a student and staff only event. This means that for 2020 we will not be able to have parents attend our Book Week Parade. We appreciate this is disappointing for many as this day is always a wonderful celebration of joy and literature. We want to assure you that we will continue with our parade here at school and will ensure the students still enjoy a festive and uplifting event.
Our hope is to live stream our parade for you to enjoy from your home or workplace. Of course, great care needs to be taken to ensure that child safety and privacy expectations are maintained when exploring the use of this type of media. We ask for your patience as we finalise our plans and decision making around this aspect of the day. We will endeavour to capture as many photos as we can of this special day and will make these available as a photo gallery in the MyPoP section of our website.
Katrina Valencia
Head of Junior Campus
Year 9 Mt Binga Camp
We farewelled our Year 9 students on Monday morning as they departed for Mt Binga Camp. It is a relief that this important rite of passage can happen this year. The students set off full of excitement, looking forward to the challenges ahead. When our students reflect on their time at Prince of Peace, Binga is always a highlight, so we send off the students with our hopes and prayers for a rewarding experience.
If you want to keep up with their progress, check out the Mt Binga Facebook Page.
Mock Exams
It is all getting real for the Class of 2020, who will start mock exams tomorrow. The mock exams will provide some insight into their readiness to sit the external exams, which commence in Week 4 of Term 4. The insights gained from the mock exams will shape the revision for their last month of lessons.
Book Week
In 2020, the Student Representative Council has decided to join the Junior Campus in celebrating Book Week. The theme for Book Week is ‘Curious Creatures, Wild Minds’. Students are encouraged to dress up on the last day of term. We look forward to sharing this event with our community.
Mrs Perrett
We thank Mrs Perrett for her contribution to the Senior Campus. She will be missed. Mrs Perrett has made a significant contribution supporting students and shaping the Pastoral Care program. We thank her for her dedication, and for her expertise. We wish her God’s richest blessings in this new opportunity.
Michelle Nisbet
Head of Senior Campus
Junior Campus Sport
Jump Rope for Heart Update
After nearly eight weeks, PoP’s fundraising total stands at $28,756.11. Stay tuned for a Channel 7 News report, with a story covering our hardworking skippers.
We have less than two weeks until Jump Off Day, on Friday 11 September.
If you would still like your child to be sponsored, the link is
Darren Lawrance
Junior Campus PE and Sport
PoP Touch Football
We will be nominating six (possibly seven) teams in the Term 4 Wednesday evening Arana Junior Touch competition:
- 16 years & under boys
- 12 years & under girls
- 12 years & under boys
- 10 years & under boys
- Two x 8 years & under mixed teams
- We are still trying to field a 14 years & u boys team
Senior Campus Sport
Our Year 7 / Year 8 Girls’ Netball team were runners up in the Cadet Third Division last week at the Christian Sporting Schools Netball Competition. All girls showed great sportsmanship and heart in their performances. A great day was had by all!
Congratulations to Bianca, Freya, Jemah, Jemima, Annika, Ella, Chloe B, Chloe N, Lilly, Giaan, Ellen and Eesha.
Junior Campus Music News
Classroom Music
It’s been quite a busy week around the music room. Ukulele songs with the Year 6 students, Tetris theme in Year 5 as part of their Space Invaders Unit, The Blue Danube Waltz on xylophones in Year 2 and Beat Buddy rhymes in Prep. Never a dull moment!
The Junior Campus Choirs are singing up a storm Tuesday & Wednesday mornings out in the open. They’re loving the performance aspect of rehearsal and the attention as teachers walk past. Mr Russell has heartily offered to join, but I wonder if he’d pass the audition? 🙂
Australian Girl’s Choir
A representative from the AGC will visit our College on Monday 12 October at 11:30am. Any girls who are interested in singing in a group setting, and would like more information about the choir are welcome to attend. Permission notes and more information will be sent home with interested children before the end of term.
Should you have any questions about the instrumental, choral or classroom music program on the Junior Campus, please do not hesitate to contact me.
Sherree Cudney
Junior Campus Music
Senior Campus Music News
It would be easy to imagine, in a year with so much disruption and change, that “extras” like the PoP Extra-Curricular Music Program may fall by the wayside as we focused our energy on matters such as putting our seniors through the first year of ATAR, or generating Zoom meetings. The fascinating thing which I have observed—over this past semester in particular—is that in fact our Extra-Curricular Program has thrived. Students have enthusiastically engaged in appropriately distanced ensemble rehearsals. They have studied new repertoire, and learned new skills. If anything, the removal of the pressure of regular performances has freed up the learning context, encouraging new students to join. Ensembles have also taken greater risks in repertoire selection and skill development than they might have if they knew that in a short period of time those risks would be exposed to public scrutiny. I know that this is a performance industry, but there is certainly a place for music purely for its own pleasure and this year I think that we have seen students strongly advocating the value of just that.
Again in Term 3 I have made some video recordings of the ensembles which I will endeavour to share with our school community. The recordings from Term 2 have been used internally at assemblies and sometimes at worship, where appropriate, and are always much appreciated. I think that there is something quite special in coming into the rehearsal rather than the students performing directly to the community. We witness some of that freedom which they enjoy within this safe space, and certainly in some instances we see the raw enthusiasm that allows.
I retain my vision, of our courtyard filled with tables, fairy lights and wonderful music from our own clever and hard-working PoP people, but this looks like being a long term vision. I do know that when we do get there, whenever that may be, the quality of their music will be well worth the wait.
Stay tuned…
Linda Brady
Senior Campus Curriculum Leader of Music and Coordinator of Extra-Curricular Music

Uniform Shop
The Uniform Shop is located on the Junior Campus—park opposite reception and follow the signs to the shop under the Year 1 and 2 building. We carry all items of Prince of Peace uniform for both Junior and Senior campus, including lunch bags, soccer socks, food technology aprons, Chess Club and music uniforms. The shop is open 8am to 10am each Tuesday and Thursday during term time. Orders can be placed anytime from The School Locker Website with either home or school delivery (PICK UP option). If you would like items delivered to your child’s class, please enter your child’s name and class in the second address line and Wendy will arrange delivery for you.
In addition, The School Locker has a super-store located at 5-6 Burke Crescent, Northlakes, which is open 8.30am to 5.00pm Monday to Friday and 9.00am to 3.00pm Saturdays. The School Locker aims to be a “one-stop shop” for school supplies—carrying all items of Prince of Peace uniform, school shoes, generic stationery, technology including an Apple Tech Service department, instrumental and sporting equipment. We are happy to match prices with any Australian suppliers so please check out our range.
We encourage fittings for those new to the Prince of Peace uniform, and these can be done at either the campus or the Northlakes stores. Wendy is your campus specialist and is happy to answer any questions you may have.
Second Hand: If you wish to buy or sell second hand uniforms, please visit our very active PoP Second Hand Uniform Buy & Sell Facebook group.